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Shibata Chair Question

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Once upon a time ago, both Volks Intl and VolksUSA sold this red Shibata Chair No.4


I have since found pictures of a green one, white one, and a pink one


I haven't been able to find much information on these other ones and wanted to check if Volks made them too.


I've also seen this chair, along with a green version (that I own). Are they from Volks too?

Edited by Guest

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I do not know the last one, but the other ones are all indeed older Volks couches from my understanding.

JSYK I can't see the pink one to confirm that one though.


They are on their "basic" line of furniture which they have pretty much stopped making from my knowledge. I personally am a sucker for their more....luxurious ones. I have dreams about that Gothic Couch. XD


As a fun fact, pretty much after these ones Volks started putting plates on them. So the more expensive furniture actually has a Volks plate like a SD head would.

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I do not know the last one, but the other ones are all indeed older Volks couches from my understanding.

JSYK I can't see the pink one to confirm that one though.


They are on their "basic" line of furniture which they have pretty much stopped making from my knowledge. I personally am a sucker for their more....luxurious ones. I have dreams about that Gothic Couch. XD


As a fun fact, pretty much after these ones Volks started putting plates on them. So the more expensive furniture actually has a Volks plate like a SD head would.

Thank you so much!


It's too bad they stopped making the basic line; I really want the green one. I like their more luxurious chairs too, but the prices are a little much for me still. And yet spending double, plus more on a doll is a-okay with me.


That's neat that the fancier ones have plates on them too.


I think I fixed the link for the pink one. If not, it's on this blog: http://ameblo.jp/kyu-neon/entry-11000920225.html



I have just noticed that the chair I called "pink" is listed on the Volks JP site (no colour specified) However, on VolksUSA, the image for the red chair is not the same as Volks JP's shibata chair.


I'm guessing they're two different versions of red? VolksUSA's red chair has a pattern similar to the green and white one. Volks JP's red chair has a slightly different pattern.


Volks USA's:



Volks JP's:


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