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How to move the hands of a DD

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I apologize in advance for the odd question but I'm still trying to know my doll slowly^^



I've been having a hard time positioning the hands because they can only move up and down. I'm used to resin dolls where you can just turn the hand at 360 degrees, can the same be done with DDs? or at least move the ball slightly to the left/right because when I try to do that I feel like I'm going to break the "wrist" or the ball so I don't keep pushing it...maybe it is my fear of breaking the doll that doesn't let me find the position I want.


Off-topic doll but look at the the hand, it is slightly turned to the left and that's what I can not achieve with my DD: http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q11/kirika20/Teenie/IMG_2948a_zps28620f9c.png


Should I force the wrist or it can't be done? am I stuck with moving the hand only up and down, or are there other tricks I should know? (like moving the forearm which I tried to do already but no success).


Any help is appreciated!



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DD wrists can move on two axes: The up/down, and then in a sort of circle by pivoting the wrist joint where it sits in the forearm. You cannot, however, cock the wrist against the forearm. :/ (There's apparently a third-party joint that does that, but the guy who makes them I think is only on YJA and sadly doesn't list them often.)

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@Poofiemus: I will try to do that on my DD when I get home. I tried many things but nothing let me position the wrist in any way other than up/down. Thanks for the help!



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That's very helpful, I will see if I can order them because I tried to do it again and it's the same. Not being able to have a wide range of movement on those joints is driving me nuts.



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Start at around 4:20 for the wrist joints


Great!!! . this will make things easier. Thanks a lot!



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