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Storing DD in the open/canned air/cleaning

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So I have 3 DD but unfortunately nowhere completely shielded to place them. I wipe areas I can clean when I can, but the wigs attract dust something fierce. Theres no way to really completely clean it all out. Is canned air safe to use on DD? I hear conflicting storys. Also does anyone have any general tips for storing DD out in the open in a home with pets?

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I can't help with whether or not canned air is bad for DD's but I can say for sure that it leaves a film behind on surfaces and that this film changes with the brand of air. I work in a call centre and they recently picked up a different brand (a generic from Staples, a Canadian business chain) of canned air. We are a small company (~35 employees) so the person who purchased these just happened to be near the store and stopped in.

All of the canned air leaves a residue and if you eat while working you can sometimes taste this chemical. With the new air, it is so vile, it makes everyone sick. I know we should all wash our hands before eating but since we have no choice but to eat while working (we don't get traditional breaks or lunches) you still get this residue on your hands.

Whether or not this new residue is more toxic or just tastes worst or maybe there is more of it that comes out while spraying the can is all up in the air (sorry couldn't resist ), but I know for sure the composition changes and that it is a very real issue. I don't know if this would react with Vinyl (I doubt it to be honest, it wouldn't be good if it interacted poorly with office supplies) but it will be left behind and it may build up over time.


I also don't store my girls behind glass since I would just be opening the case incessantly to play with them I also have a dog that sheds more fur that I could imagine she could grow. What I do is use sticky lint rollers like there is no tomorrow for the clothing. If a wig is particularly bad I lint roll the outfit with a new sheet and use the same sheet to lint roll the wig after (only the top most where it won't damage it). That way, it isn't so sticky but still pulls off any lingering fur or fuzzies. For regular cleaning I use soft cloth or swiffer sheet which works wonders without pulling on the fibers. Even a damp (not wet) cloth will pull off dust or fur if it's not really, really bad.


Sorry for the super long post orz::

*Yuzu* DDS Yaya

*Yuuko* DDIII Aozaki Aoko

*Sakura* DDII Uryuu Sakuno

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While I have used canned air on my girls before it really wasn't often that I did. I would make sure to keep it at a good distance before blowing any of the air on them. But mostly I would use it to get to dust in crevices I couldn't reach (like between their breasts or sometimes if something was stuck on their eyes). Never had anything happen to my girls when I used the canned air, but again I don't use it on them much.


And I do have a pet rabbit, but she is downstairs and my girls are upstairs in their own private little room so I can't give any advice on that one.

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With canned air it's the liquid form of the propellant that can cause damage to the doll. Read the instructions on the can to avoid spraying out the liquid propellant and you should be fine. I have used canned air on my vinyls without issue.

Edited by Guest


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Good to know to avoid using canned air. I usually just stick to using a fluffy makeup brush to dust anyway. I usually take off all the lint on my brush with a lint roller before I dust anything. I feel safe using the brush on my DD's face and whatnot.

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canned air is usually some sort of air conditioning refrigerant.


Also if you have an air compressor and think it's a good idea to blow dust off using compressed air...


as you compress air it tends to heat up as you compress it.. depending on air quality and temperature differential moisture can build up in your compressor tank... so it's very possible the tank inside is rusty, and those rust particles are mixed in with the air as it leaves the tank, not to mention any moisture/water with it.

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I have a makeup brush solely dedicated to the purpose of dusting my dolls & figures. I never thought to use cans of air, good thing too! I had no clue it could be damaging! I have pets too, and while most of my girls stay in a spare room closed off from the critters I keep a few out around the house on display. If I had to keep them out all the time I might drape a light cloth over them to keep the dust and pet hair away. I've seen resin doll owners use big bookshelves to display their dolls, and they attached a pretty curtain across it to keep the sun & dust away. That might do the trick

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