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Faceup Protection

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I've searched around the forum, but I couldn't quite find the answer I was looking for, so I figured I'd make a new thread here.


Should I be covering my DD's faceup with a face mask, when travelling? If so, where can I get one that fits DD heads?


I've been putting my DD in my makeshift doll carrier, and haven't had her faceup smudge on me, yet. But, I know that resin dolls need a lot of protection on their faces, and I always have my resin girls in face masks while travelling. Do DDs need less faceup protection? Do they not smudge as easily?

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So far I've yet to need a plastic face cover for any of my girls when we travel. I've taken up to 3 or 4 girls in a Volks SD carry bag before and the only thing I covered their faces with were very soft white hand towels.


For the most part, default Volks faceups are pretty darn tough and will take some rubs and bumps without leaving marks. And depending on how the face up was done on a custom DD, those can take some beatings too. I think it just depends on the sealant used and if it was dried properly.


If you want to get those face shields that you see on many resin dolls, I'd say check on the DoA marketplace and see if anyone has them for sale. If not, maybe check places that sell resins to see if they have them. But overall, I personally don't think you'll need one as long as you wrap a soft towel around your girls head while travelling.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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When traveling I pack my girls in a hard case and make sure the padding/blanket isn't near their faces to avoid rubbing from vibrations. I've only use a face shield (yogurt cup actually) when I've shipped dolls.


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Anyone tried mr hobby semi gloss coat?

Basically a clear acrylic layer we use on painted gundams to protect the paintjob and weathering. Am wondering if that works




Not sure if the soft vinyl DDs are made of can stand the thinner though.

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K-2, that's a genius idea!


Madmoz02, I own Mr. Super Clear, but I've only ever used it to seal faceups that I've personally done. I'd be a little wary using it to seal faceups that came from VOLKS. I'm sure they've already sealed their dolls with something.


Baldylox, yes, I know where to buy face masks. I just wanted to know if the 1/3 masks fit DD heads, since DD heads are very big.

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You can seal a Volks faceup, @madmoz, but don't use semi gloss. That'll make the face look unnaturally shiny, like she's sweaty. You'll want to use a matte sealant.


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Mr. Super Clear FLAT/MATTE UV-CUT (a.k.a. MSC)

Junky Spot, $14.99

Been using it for years. With an average of 4-6 coats per face-up, one can will last about two dozen face-ups.

Worth every penny.



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