SisterKyoya Posted August 3, 2015 If you don't want to see Eiji completely naked, you probably would want to wait for some non-NSFW photo sets. Over the next few days I'm going to be taking LOADS of Eiji pics including with DD comparisons of all sorts. But for now I really wanted to start with some artistic nudes to give me a chance to see what the limits of his body is. In case you don't know, this is the Developer's version of Eiji, so there will be some minor changes to the torso that I've heard so far. The full version is not released yet, nor do I know the exact date when he will be released. The last I heard from Danny is he was aiming for an October/November release date. I do not know at this time if this will change. Danny has said it's fine if I post pics of Eiji, so don't be surprised that I'll be taking LOADS of pictures. we've hardly had many so far so I want to have enough so everyone can get a good idea what he looks like, how he poses, and the limitations. Truth be told, I've found him more than a little mesmerizing to photograph. I expect that my interest will only grow once I've gotten some clothes finished and his faceup done. These photos are intended to be 'artsy fartsy' (as my dad says) and I used the dark background to help Eiji stand out and make the shadows on the sculpt more visible. I'm not trying to hide anything but to have a better chance to show off the shape of the head & body sculpt. Overlit photos with white backgrounds have the tendency to hide minor imperfections. The way I've done these photos is intended to be my honest review of the body so far. *All the poses were done without the included stand, it was not photoshopped out* I personally don't like using stands if I don't have to, plus it is also an indication of the sturdiness of the joints. ~Sister Kyoya 1 Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! } Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KiraKiraDoru Posted August 3, 2015 Lol that last pose reminded me of whatever naked character in the fate series. Maybe Gilgamesh or something like that. His body looks awesome, especially while sitting down! I just need to see Harmony version of Eiji and I'll buy him in every single sculpt available. No kidding. And like four of each. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eiko82 Posted August 3, 2015 I really love how well Smart Dolls pose. Eiji is no different. He looks amazing. I can't wait to see what clothes you'll make for him. Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheWhiteRabbit Posted August 3, 2015 I have to say, your sitting poses in particular are really fantastic! Very natural looking, and it seems the body handles them well. The dark backdrop/lighting was a good call, brings out a lot of shadows that might otherwise get washed out (looks more artsy fartsy too lol) I look forward to more shots of this guy for sure! Follow me on Twitter Follow me on Instagram Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Talolili Posted August 3, 2015 Nice pics, I really like them and he does seem to pose realistically. I'm ready to see the finished product already. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SisterKyoya Posted August 4, 2015 Here are a few things that I wanted to point out that I've discovered already that may not be too obvious. This is the max that the knee will bend in this direction (the circle) unless I really wanted to break his knee, which I didn't. The arrow is to emphasize that his leg can barely reach the top of his other knee. I really wish that Danny would make the ever slight adjustment to his leg at the knee area to at least allow his leg to solidly rest in this position, it would only take removing 1-2mm but I don't want to be a pill and nitpick all these little things that would require most of the outer vinyl molds to be remade. Due to Eiji having such a high 'waist' joint, he cannot rest his elbows on his leg. (It is much lower on most DDs.) What he looses in the mobility, we gain in the sexy torso. Gappage. I know that some of this is necessary for the hip rotation but not all of it. I've tried to move the hip as much as I possibly can and even at the max there there is still a 2-3mm gap. SmDB in Iwatobi speedos... this would be noticeable. Since the torso is getting modified anyway, I was going to point this out to Danny after I get some good photos of what I'm talking about. KiraKiraDoru- A 'California tan' colored SmDB... I have a use for that, possibly two. That's saying something because I've never really been drawn to tanned dolls (chocolate colored is a different issue) but there has been one guy especially that I've thought for a few years would have to be a resin to get him completed. A less rugged G.I. Joe in anime style is the direction I need him to be in, especially with that strong jaw. Eiko82- I haven't done series of photos in a long, long time so I had actually been dreading it a bit. Once I got started it got a lot easier. Towards the end of this photo shoot I freaked myself out a little bit because I was taking the pics and mentally zoning out. It was a cross between these two --> LOL! Once I get what feels like a gazillion pics done for the comparisons and getting a faceup done on the (somewhat creepy) blank head I'll finally be able to start drafting patterns. I'm trying to get the photos done as quickly as possible so everyone can see them, but I don't want to rush it and end up with cruddy pics. He's only been here a few days and I'm already feeling the time crunch! TheWhiteRabbit- Thank you for the wonderful comment. I didn't expect to have so much fun posing a proper looking male body. Lucas and his buff chest is the closest I've had so far, but his arms look so puny by comparison. It also makes me realize how much Tamayuki poses like a girl. No wonder his sisters always want to put him in dresses. He just hates taking up a lot of space. I had him and Ralph sitting together the other day and it was SO adorable! Tama is barely half the height of Ralph. I've wanted to do dark background pics like this for some time and with the need of really good pics of the SmDB body I had to quickly figure out something. The solution is black foam core board from the dollar store! Talolili- Thank you! I totally agree on the finished version. I'd love to get a hold of a pair of the eyes Danny has already shown off. And I want to see Eiji with his glasses! ~Sister Kyoya Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! } Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
archeotech Posted August 4, 2015 Thank you so much for all the photos! If I could make a bothersome request, would you be able pose his measurements like they're shown in this image? It doesn't have to be perfect just want to know if he's around sd13 or sd17 or something completely different. There's some outfits my girlfriend is ravenous for and we'd like to know what size we should be going for. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hitoma Posted August 4, 2015 Heeelllllooooooooo~ Chair poses! Thank you for posing those pictures! I can't wait to see the final product! Eiji stands great without a stand. Very good work on internal structure. Yes, the butt gap needs to be fixed, but maybe Danny seen that since he redid the bottom part of the torso. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jadepixel Posted August 4, 2015 Oh wow, thanks for sharing all those lovely photos! There's still some things in his anatomy that bug me, but I'm gonna chalk it up to their house style for now. I can live with it if he's mostly clothed anyway. I was tempted to get a resin boyfriend but I can see I'll have a hard time giving up the vinyl posing ability! I'd definitely point out the hip joint gappage, that looks like a flaw and not a style choice. You're gonna make him a tiny jockstrap, right? Cause that would be jadepixel doll lab jadepixel eye shop Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luca-Nyan Posted August 4, 2015 Sister Kyoya said: Here are a few things that I wanted to point out that I've discovered already that may not be too obvious. This is the max that the knee will bend in this direction (the circle) unless I really wanted to break his knee, which I didn't. The arrow is to emphasize that his leg can barely reach the top of his other knee. I really wish that Danny would make the ever slight adjustment to his leg at the knee area to at least allow his leg to solidly rest in this position, it would only take removing 1-2mm but I don't want to be a pill and nitpick all these little things that would require most of the outer vinyl molds to be remade. Gappage. I know that some of this is necessary for the hip rotation but not all of it. I've tried to move the hip as much as I possibly can and even at the max there there is still a 2-3mm gap. SmDB in Iwatobi speedos... this would be noticeable. Since the torso is getting modified anyway, I was going to point this out to Danny after I get some good photos of what I'm talking about. ~Sister Kyoya Especially the gaps at the hips is something that I did notice looking at your pictures before you pointed it out. I think he would look better for sure if that was changed to be a little smaller (but still keeping the hips able to move as much as they can of course.) I do think it would be a little bit cooler if he was able to bend his knee a tiny bit further. I think the pose you made is a pose that works very well for him (or any male character). I would say leave the 'waist' joint as it is. Don't want to mess up his handsome torso My girls: Millhi, Asuna, Sinon My guy: Kirito Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
katnaper Posted August 6, 2015 Oh gosh, he looks positively scrumptious. I wonder if Kaylus' head will fit on that body I guess I can figure that out when I get my own Eiji. I'm still trying to figure out what custom boy I want or if I will keep him in his default. Maybe I will just move Allan on that body or or... I don't know maybe I will do a Gray or one of the Free boys or if he comes out with a tan version then Archer most definitely. If I don't win Mariko I will likely just save my funds for an Eiji and either Kizuna or Mirai or another Eiji. He might just end my DD/Doll hiatus. Lol. Thanks for posting all those photos. Even with the limitations, poses amazingly well. Oh God, I just realized I want Runrouni Kenshin... I am so doomed. We have our own BLOG. Please visit us at the House of Nyan by clicking this link or our sig above. See you there. Or, come see what Nyanko-sensei is up to at the Katnaper's Den Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SisterKyoya Posted August 6, 2015 *Click image for full-size (on Flickr)* Archeotech- Sorry this took much longer than I had intended because non-photo business kept intruding. Let me know if there is anything that needs to be added. Hitoma- You're welcome! I'm interested in the final version as well, a fact that is greatly impacted by me getting annoyed at the blank head. I'll be removing the eye holes either tomorrow or the next day so I can start to get a grasp of what would be good to do with it. I was going to mention the hip gap because I looked back at the 3D renders that Danny showed us and there is NO gap, even before the torso was altered. Jadepixel- Hey there! I'm glad the pictures have been enjoyed so much already. I'll admit that it is strange uploading so many pictures that only have minor alterations in the shots. Usually I try and avoid that so I don't annoy people, but in Eiji's case I felt it was justified. It's weird knowing that I've already got more pictures taken than Danny has posted. And I'm not even half way done with the photo shoots I'm planning to do this next week. SmDB/DD pics coming soon so people can judge his suitability as a boyfriend for their vinyl girls. The last couple of days I've looked at more images of guy's underwear than I have in my whole life. As a severe introvert, even sitting by myself it felt really awkward. *sigh* The things I do for my vinyl kiddos... I've been trying to decide if I should just make him some underwear (ugly or not) just so he's not flashing everyone all the time. It sure got Miku giggling the other day! Everyone else was just ignoring him. Tama is happy for one of the results of my research, Spoonflower had a free swatch day yesterday so I quickly drafted him a form-fitting t-shirt with a 'Superman' type logo to put on it. Of course it's a T instead of an S, but after seeing all that underwear I decided that all little boys need superhero underwear. An additional bonus is that it has made me less nervous about drafting underwear for Eiji (and Lucas, and eventually my girls.) Luca-Nyan- There are times I have to resist nitpicking about the body sculpt and just telling danny "Fix it!!" He talks so much about aesthetics of the bodies... but then those hips... urgh. Just to make it clear, I wasn't saying I wanted the waist altered, just pointing out that because of the mobility of the sculpt that there are some 'simple' posing things that he can't do in the same way that many of the DD can. I really like is torso. Katnaper- Muhahahaha! Would Kaylus even be happy with a body swap? I can't quite figure out if his current body or Eiji's is bigger. The SmDB definitely has a more slender build. I've been thinking that Eiji's body would be great for Allan! The vinyl seems to perfectly match the Volks NS. I've tried time and time again to get the default head to work for Rei, but the proportions are just wrong & the chin too pointy. But the body is perfect. Speaking of being doomed, I can't get Vash out of my head when I think about the buffer 'Hero' body. Damn those cool guys that make me laugh! You are my weakness. ~Sister Kyoya Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! } Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
archeotech Posted August 6, 2015 Oh wow! Thank you so much for going through all that trouble, it's exactly what we wanted! It looks like both sd13 and sd17 clothes will be able to fit him little to no problem, now to wait for my girlfriend to send me a barrage of outfits she wants to buy... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jazijaz Posted August 6, 2015 Quote The vinyl seems to perfectly match the Volks NS. I've tried time and time again to get the default head to work for Rei, but the proportions are just wrong & the chin too pointy. But the body is perfect. This is what I was going to ask, thank you for mentioning it!! I don't like the Smart Doll head for Eiji or what I have seen so far, so I was very hesitant about getting the new vinyl boy ~_~ but it's good to know that the color matches with Volks NS...I just need to find the right head for it now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
katnaper Posted August 6, 2015 Hmmm... I never thought about the hero body... We have our own BLOG. Please visit us at the House of Nyan by clicking this link or our sig above. See you there. Or, come see what Nyanko-sensei is up to at the Katnaper's Den Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
merry-go-round Posted August 16, 2015 wow that's cool photos! But we see the limits of the body, that is unfortunate. But it is beautiful anyway. At home : Hanae (DDS Chihaya) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SisterKyoya Posted August 18, 2015 I've been so busy I've had trouble making time to post. Busy but happy. Archeotech- I've never done a pic like that so I was surprised that it took me longer than expected. Can I say I'm sorry in advance for the damage your wallet might take as a consequence? Jazijaz- I'm still waiting for weather to cooperate so I can work on a faceup for the SmDB head. Taking the eyeholes out and putting in real eyes helped a lot to see what the sculpt will work for. It won't work for everyone, but I'm starting to see what's possible. The biggest shock I had was when I put in the eyes he's currently using (bought as a backup pair in case I didn't like Ranka Lee's) and was completely slapped with the realization that the sculpt is so much more perfect for the guy I was going to make out of Sheryl's sculpt. (Sorry if I've mentioned this before, I simply couldn't remember.) DD will do what they choose to do. *facepalm* I'm not complaining one bit because there is an 85% chance that Sheryl will work for a DD I've wanted to do for years, and she suddenly popped up out of nowhere! I'm elated to say the least. Katnaper- I can't wait to see the Hero body. Aw crap, I hope Danny doesn't release him too close to Eiji (I have no info on the subject.) I need a bit of a break from this savings madness. Merry-go-round- Sometime last week I was curious if Tamayuki (my MDD boy) could put his ankle on his knee and was surprised to find that he has as much success with it as Eiji. The SmDB flexibility seems to be pretty close to a DDII with the extra rotation joint in the ankles and wrists. ~Sister Kyoya Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! } Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrsRococo Posted August 21, 2015 I am SO ready for him to come out! He's so lovely in your photos! Thanks so much for taking the time to make this post! It was very informative and I'm looking forward to the improvements from your feedback! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eg4799 Posted September 7, 2015 can't wait for him to be officially released :3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monty Posted September 15, 2015 Thank you so much to Sister Kyoya for these pics. I like that you specifically focused on poses you don't need the stand to do, but may I ask that you also do a bunch of photos -with- the stand? I'm curious what he's capable of with that extra help. Thanks! *twitter*instagram*art* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SisterKyoya Posted September 15, 2015 You're welcome! To be honest, I'm not the best person to ask about the stand... I avoid using them at all costs. I normally have my DD lean up against things rather than use a stand. I've plugged the stand into the socket a couple of times, but I'm more likely to play with the stand itself when I get tired, bored, or both. So I can say it extends and retracts rather well, but when it's 'plugged in' it's really close to his tush and doesn't flex out. I was kinda hoping it would. I think it is more useful for someone who does outdoor photo shoots on uneven ground. That's something else I don't do because of a severe sun allergy. At one point Danny said that he was going to make minor changes to it, but I dunno what. Personally I'd find the air stand really useful. Doing 'action poses' is something to make a stand worth it to me. (Sorry I couldn't be more help, I just dunno what else to say. ) ~Sister Kyoya Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! } Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monty Posted September 15, 2015 That's alright, and your reply is actually also very informative to me! I wasn't sure if you owned the air stand or not. I dont want you to have to go out of your way for me, but if you plan on doing another picspam some time soon, do you think you could get him in more lying down poses, maybe resting his chin on his hand or interacting with a small object on the ground. I'm just so curious about him. Best of luck with your work on him! *twitter*instagram*art* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites