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How to remove a spec without messing a face up?

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Hi! My Dollfie Dream had just gotten her face up done last week. So as I'm inspecting her face for any dirt or stains, I notice a small spec on her face. So I tried scrubbing it off w/ a towel and soap, still to no avail it just won't come off I really don't want to mess up the face up because the artist did a good job on painting her face. I just want to know are there other ways to get rid of this stubborn spec that doesn't want to go away? And suggestions would be appreciated.

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Are you sure it isn't a spec that was already sealed in by the artist when they were done with the face-up? As hard as face-up artists try there will always be a speck of lint or something that may get trapped when they seal the face-up. I know my Tsukiko (custom DDH-01) has a tiny black speck on the side of her face that didn't come up when I tried because I realized it must've gotten sealed in.


If it is this I don't think you'll be able to get the speck off without ruining the sealant used on the face-up. I mean I could be wrong and it may not be this, but that's what it sounds like it to me. All my girls have small "imperfections" and I've just learned to live with them and not worry. Perhaps you can pass the speck off as a beauty mark? In any case I hope you figure out what is going on and can either fix it or accept it

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Hopefully it's not under the sealant, otherwise you'll be out of luck without removing the sealant and resealing it again. Give it another look.

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Like mentioned, it's probably sealed in and can't be simply rubbed away.


However, if it's in an area without painting/blushing you might be able to remove it with minimal damage to the face.

When I paint face-ups and accidentally seal a tiny piece of lint onto the face I usually take a very sharp sewing needle and very slightly scratch out the speck, if it's on a spot that hasn't been blushed or otherwise painted it can be done pretty much without leaving behind a trace.

You can also try a piece of Magic Eraser and try to rub it away gently, or some very very fine sandpaper.

You need to be very careful though and it should only be done if there isn't much sealant on top already (so if it's on one of the first layers you are out of luck).

This is only true if it's on an unpainted/blushed spot, if it's not you WILL damage the face-up.


Afterwards you should re-seal the head since the spot will most likely be very shiny.


However, this is something that better should have been done by the artist.

You can't really determine how deep the speck is sandwiched between the sealant layers and probably damage the face-up if you try to get rid of it.


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