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Smart doll Harmony. (info/image thread)

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She is gorgeous, but now that I have Mirai, Kizuna, and Ebony...I'm not sure I'll want to shell out the dough for another doll with the same sculpt. Maybe if they do something drastically different with her faceup?


However, I am dying to get these boys and Chitoise. I'll definitely be adding them this year.

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I went to the Mirai Store today and asked about Harmony. Danny told me that she still needs some work and that he expects her to come out summerish. I guess he wants tan EIji, Chitose and the smart doll mini Mirai and Eiji out first.

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I went to the Mirai Store today and asked about Harmony. Danny told me that she still needs some work and that he expects her to come out summerish. I guess he wants tan EIji, Chitose and the smart doll mini Mirai and Eiji out first.


Thanks for the info! I was really wondering. Time to save up for my Harmony ♡ (and try to be good and not buy a new girl in the meantime...)


The cast so far: Sky (DDS Mariko), "SK" (DDH-07 on DDS)


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That's so exciting! How cool that you got to go to the store, I'm so jealous!


Danny seems like he'd be really fun to hang out with based on his videos. He cracks me up.


Also good to know that Harmony will be coming out later in the year. I definitely want Eiji, but I think I'm going to have to get his Normal and Ebony skinned versions. And without a doubt I'll be getting Chitose. I just love her character breakdown and her look.


Did Danny say anything about when some of the sold out clothes will be coming back into stock? I want that brown hippy top for my girls so badly, lol.

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Is it just me of have they changed her skin tone again? she looks so pale/grey to me now witch just takes away from her being a dark skinned character to a fantasy colour..




This is a non shop image so it may be the lighting but she does not look natural to me at all.

1318456551_iconforum1.png.a269b0b1783180a9321ea1253e7030d0.png 660234961_iconforum2.png.59d2cd89863301d16c42e72437657af9.png

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What the heck? I hope that is just a bad photo, referring the pic Error-Chan posted... it has kind of grey undertones.


I really like the skin tone that archeotech posted on the previous page of this thread so much better. Nice and warm!


The cast so far: Sky (DDS Mariko), "SK" (DDH-07 on DDS)


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What the heck? I hope that is just a bad photo, referring the pic Error-Chan posted... it has kind of grey undertones.


I really like the skin tone that archeotech posted on the previous page of this thread so much better. Nice and warm!


I agree with seikokitsune. I'm really looking forward to get my hands on harmony. If the skin tone ends up like this I might think twice it look so unnatural .

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It's just the photo, Danny never changes things as big as skin tones without announcing so. I've seen Harmony in person and she looks much more like the previous photo.

The reason she's always in that pose with a jacket obscuring part of her arm is because that part of the arm is incomplete and the outer shell is Ebony's colour. I doubt he'd change the skin tone again while still not fixing that. (it's also why we've never seen Harmony naked to showcase the skin tone yet)

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I dunno, in this picture and the two on the previous page, she looks more grey/purple than before. This pic looks like the same skin tone as the previous pic, but in different lighting. It looks neat for a fantasy color, but not a real skin tone...


I like how she looks on page 4 ;^; I wonder what's up with the apparent change in skin tone

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I have been playing with Harmony on Ms5 so let me know what you think.


You did an awesome job! Harmony is just beautiful!

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A red skinned Mirai! Wow! I hope he will make a white or semi white skin Mirai!

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Looks like Harmony is getting closer and closer to release - they have the right coloured frame for her now.

I think in all the newest photo of her her colour is nice, I think the greyish colour that was complained about before was just the photos and not any actual change in the vinyl itself. Anyway she's so cute ;-;



...could just be the photo but her bust looks a diferent colour to the rest of her here, or is it just me?


Interested to see her final tshirt design and whether she'll have different eyes or not.

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She really looks purple in non photoshopped pictures, I think I'll be passing on her. Though I can't post photos or links? There's one going around:


imgur YaGyPXR.jpg

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She really looks purple in non photoshopped pictures, I think I'll be passing on her. Though I can't post photos or links? There's one going around:


imgur YaGyPXR.jpg


Sato's link :




I'd be thrilled to see one in person and be proven wrong, but on every monitor I've looked at her photos on, she looks too purple to be natural.



...could just be the photo but her bust looks a diferent colour to the rest of her here, or is it just me?


I think it's the way the light is hitting her.

Dollfie Dream Cheryl || Smart Doll Ebony Futaba

Order a doll… empty the bank account… feel like so.

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Heh, I tried doing a reverse image search using those Harmony pics, and Google doesn't recognize her purple hue as 'skin'. I wish she looked more like Lupita Nyong'o, this color is too fantasy for me :/

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I took some photos of Harmony when I went to the Mirai store. The vinyl does have an issue with how it reflects light, it doesn't do it as softly as it does on lighter skin tones. In the shop it's really hard to get a good photo because they have fluorescent lighting and daylight conflicting (with these two photos of Crimson I had to do a lot of white balance adjustment in post processing to get them to look the same, because they were taken at different angles and had different lighting) . Here's a photo I took with the mixed lighting,



Harmony (mixed lighting) by bodolza, on Flickr


And with my popup flash. If I'd go again I'd try a stronger flash to try to cancel out the daylight,



Harmony (popup flash) by bodolza, on Flickr


I didn't really think she looked completely natural, but that is the prototype. If what he's shipping is the same as that then I'm not convinced :/

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To be honest it's hard for me to judge. She definitely looks better in some photos than in others.


I feel like people who want the colour tweaked a bit should tell Danny this - if enough people want changes, he may be willing (I mean look how many changes Eiji went through). Personally, even though I like her and the idea of her a lot, I dont have the money or space for too many 1/3 dolls at present so it's unlikely that I'll get her, so I feel like my opinion on how she looks doesnt matter as much as someone who does want her (or would want her if the colour was tweaked to be less 'purple')

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I like her and her skin tone quite a bit, especially since I had always hoped that Choo would diversify his SmartDolls (waaay back before Ebony and Ivory existed) so seeing Harmony and Ebony makes me happy.


I'd like to have both in my collection, though I may wait until he hopefully does different head sculpts in the darker colors (and I will be delighted the day I can order them without a faceup)*.


The color doesn't look purple to me at all, but some of those lighter pictures certainly do highlight those undertones o_O


Still though, she's lovely so far. Looking forward to more pics!


*... Though I wonder also if Choo ever plans to sell his girls blank? I don't recall him saying one way or the other in his blogs but I could've missed it.

Help! I fell into DD hell!

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He already sells blank heads in the outlet section of the physical store, and given how much he values his international audience I imagine they will be online eventually. I do remember him saying that the bodies may be sold separately at some point. All we can do is wait, though.

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He already sells blank heads in the outlet section of the physical store, and given how much he values his international audience I imagine they will be online eventually. I do remember him saying that the bodies may be sold separately at some point. All we can do is wait, though.

Oh cool! Thanks for the info! I'm not in a huge rush to get another (yet), but it's exciting knowing the possibility is there.

Help! I fell into DD hell!

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She looks really good in his new photos but I agree in some photos she still looks kinda purpley to me ^_^; I still secretly hope that Ruby happens but I doubt it, haha!


I, too, and waiting for blank bodies. I like Mirai's sculpt but I still don't like the idea of owning multiple dolls with the same sculpt. A unique faceup adds a lot though. I'd rather buy a body then buy a whole set. I hope some of the newer stuff is released online for International audiences too. I really want that silver wig!

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If Danny has fluorescent light in his store, fluorescent light is blue, and that could be what makes her look purplish. It would be interesting to see her outside in natural sunlight.

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Well i really feel this image sums it up.

that doll is soo purple


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another image. still the hue of purple is a but to much for my personal opinion.


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Just spotted these. shes so nice but i jsut feel like there is still to much purple in her. love the photos though.




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