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Trade opinion (Image and price answered)

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This has been answered thank you!


So I have been pondering the last few days that I might see about changing my Izzy from a DD to DDS.


my questions are


Will a trade for my DD2 L and SL bust for a DDS L (and SL if possibly) be an even or a +money trade?


What is the going price for a DD2 with two busts & DDS with 1/2 busts?


Thank you for the help prior =)




Could i see a DDS and DD L/SL bodys side by side please?

Edited by Guest

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Since the dolls are so close to the same size, I think it's a pretty fair trade for a DDII with 2 busts and a DDSIII with one or two busts.


As for the cost, I think either body could be around $250-300 secondhand depending on if there is any staining and if the joints are tight, NOT including extra busts.


Here's a pic of a DDII large bust and a DDSIII medium bust. (Sorry, I don't have a DDS large bust!)




Linda S.


DDH03 girl DDH07 x2 boys DDH06 girl DDH-05 x2 boys

DDH01 mod girl Saber Alter SqLab Tsubaki boy DDH-02 girl

Mio Honda Youmu Konpaku x2 boy twins

Also: DDS Lagla, Sheryl Nome, SmD Melody, SmD Eiji x2

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I hope I read the picture request right. I don't have a DDII with Shapely bust but I had a regular L bust.



Left: white skin DDII with L-bust

Right: normal skin DDS with Shapely L-bust










DDS seems to be more popular than DDII. It usually goes for more. But I don't know how much they sell for these days.

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Personally, if we're talking top condition bodies with tight joints and no staining, but leavimg aside the extra busts, I'd be willing to pay up to around $200 for a DDII and around $300 for a DDS. Why? Because the DDS is just a more solid poser by far.


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No, it would not be an even trade. Just look at the prices from the Volks store:


A brand-new DDIII from Volks: 30,240 yen (about $250-260)

A brand-new DDS from Volks: 30,240 yen (about $250-260)

A brand-new DDII from Volks: 22,680 yen (about $185-195)


The difference is 7,560 yen. A brand-new bust is only 3,240 yen, so a DDII with 2 busts is still worth less than a DDS with 1 bust. Once you consider the fact that we're talking about used bodies (and so the DDII is likely older than the DDS), the DDII loses even more comparative value.


If you got one of the older DDS bodies -- the "early types" (the bodies from Reimu, Marisa, & Akira) -- then that would be closer in value to a DDII because, like the DDII, they're an "inferior" body type (not the latest & greatest model).


I'd guess a used DDII is worth $150-$200, depending on how much the seller wants for shipping. A used DDS is worth $250ish, and an early-type DDS is probably $200.

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Thank you for all the reply (and sorry for the late reply had a funeral to go to and spent all day out).


I would probably sell at about $200 after looking back at my buying history I would just about brake even with this body ( I got a charge on her coming in but I am not sure it was one of the DDII body's I got a big charge on.) . I have looked at all my things and I have x2 L busts and one torso extra for it so I will probably sell both busts and the SL bust and keep the torso for emergency's.


The Photos are all lovely thank you and this has helped me decide i want a DDS for Izzy. the size and look will fit better with her and the family sizing will fit better too.


i will change the subject now to answered and then start writing up my sale/trade post for the body. I will put it up as even trade for one bust and then have the extras for filling in the gaps. (Just finished her underpants and it will not fit the DDS so I will have to sell them and start again XD.)

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