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Saber Dance Video

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Cute music video, if you are a Saber fan:


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Kawaii ! what is the name of the song ?

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I asked a Japanese coworker to listen to the song and tell me what it's about. He said he sat through it twice; but, the lyrics are too fast for his "reggae ears." (I work for a Japanese company. I'll ask a few more people to listen.)

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Thanks for posting. Nice to find out what the lyrics are!

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Nice! I'm really impressed by the capabilities of the MMD engine. But was it just me or. . . was the way their eyes sparked slightly creepy?

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  RiverR said:
Nice! I'm really impressed by the capabilities of the MMD engine. But was it just me or. . . was the way their eyes sparked slightly creepy?

i thought it was really pretty but I can see why it might be creepy. It's like seeing eyes glinting off some faint light source in the night which probably should at least make someone alert.


The MMD engine has gotten pretty darn good with MME effects getting as good as they have. I used to use it but like many I called it quits because the community is more trouble than it's worth. I want to learn blender to fill the void with something that isn't ruined but trying to learn by myself isn't going well...


Maybe someday I'll check MMD out again. Maybe by then people will miraculously stop hating each other and trying so hard to keep everyone they don't 100% like out or the Japanese and overseas communities will have cut each other out completely. That's the only way I could see that situation improving. Unfortunately almost all of the modelers are Japanese and the few overseas ones are... Well, they don't meet my quality standards, I'll leave it at that. The rest is all editors which is only as capable as the tools they're given. Mostly TDA edits like the Sabers in the video. So many models all with that same face... I really only like it on Miku anymore. (Hence my profile pic which I may change.)


Sorry about the rant, it's just a shame to see something I used to use and love so much become something I nearly hate because the freaking politics of the community removed any fun I could have with it.


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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Sorry -- I'm a freaking dinosaur. What are MMD and TDA? If this is software that allows people to do their own anime, as shown in this video, I would certainly be interested in finding out more about it. Thanks.

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MMD stands for Miku Miku Dance, which is an animation application intended to allow Vocaloid fans to create music videos featuring their favorite characters in 3d model form. Of course, fan communities being what they are, it gets used to create all kinds of videos.


I don't know what TDA stands for exactly, but it is always applied as a prefix to a certain style of MMD character model. I think the first TDA model was one of Miku Append. Since then, as Mimiyo3 says, the model keeps getting modified, usually just by giving it some new clothes and hair while keeping the face the same.

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  DesertAngel said:
Sorry -- I'm a freaking dinosaur. What are MMD and TDA? If this is software that allows people to do their own anime, as shown in this video, I would certainly be interested in finding out more about it. Thanks.


it's alright. MMD is what was used to make this video and TDA is a modeler. He made this model,


and a ridiculous amount of people use parts of that model for editing purposes. For example the sabers in that video.


Here's a few good resources if you really want to get into it. I hope the asinine community doesn't kill the experience for you like it did for me.



This has download sources for the software plus tutorials on installation and use of it. Just about everything you could need to know on the program can be found there, but I encourage you to just mess around with the software and see what you can learn that way. You're not gonna break anything unless you delete or move files around, so feel free to explore. There's also info there for if you have any bugs. If your problem isn't there they have an ask box thingy so try that if looking around hasn't panned out.



This resource is best for finding models and modelers. They've got most of the big guys and quite a few others. If you're looking for modelers who do exclusively anime characters and not vocaloids, you might have to look elsewhere as those ones are pretty hit and miss on this site.



This source used to be a model and link database but now they just have their message at the top which sums up the community pretty well and some more general resources to find what you're looking for. If you want models, get ready to visit a crap load of Japanese sites like bowlroll and niconicodouga. (The former is a download site and the latter is the Japanese equivalent of youtube.) There are some English based modelers but there aren't many of them and most of the ones out there make glitchy stuff or things that are very rough on the eyes. Sometimes both. Although most of them are nicer to deal with. It's the editors that get to be real drama queens usually.



While looking around, you'll see a lot of modelers "rules" for their works. Certain rules seem sort of reasonable to me like no R-18 use and things like that. But some of them have really restrictive rules like "don't make a picture/vid with this model holding someone's hand!!!!11!" Plus some of them take any rule breaking so seriously that they'll threaten or actually go through with taking all their work down which doesn't do anything to solve the problem and infact makes it worse because now people who have that model will put it up for download themselves. (Something which is almost always against the "rules") Plus it makes the modeler look like they have the maturity of a 10 year old. Personally I think it's alright to have some reasonable limits if that is your wish but if you are going to throw a fit like a toddler over someone breaking these rules then you shouldn't put your work up for free download. A lot of editors in the English community get like what I just described too.



Also, some modelers try and restrict access to their work so that nobody outside of japan can get them. A lot of times they claim it's because only westerners break the rules (read as: Lie. I have seen many Japanese people break these rules and continue to without any trouble) or that they can't "resolve an issue" if it happens with someone in the overseas community. Many of these modelers speak English well enough to at least try if they wanted to, and I have seen several occasions of one of the ones who can't calling in a favor from a friend who can to play translator. Some of them are racist unfortunately. I truly believe that. I know of one by personal experience and several more from friends with similar encounters who deny anyone outside of Japan even if they speak fluent Japanese, meaning language barriers are not their reason.


Once again I apologize for what seems like a rant. I just think it would be best for you to know most of the community issues up front. I was in the community when things first started to turn sour and just watching it slowly degenerate was bad, but being interested in something and just diving in expecting a good time only to find out the community was broken and nasty would be even worse imo.


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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Thanks very much for all the information! I had no idea this stuff was out there. And, I'm (a little bit) surprised that so little of it is American in origin.


I'll check it out -- if I ever get a real break from work and working on my house. It's been six months since I promised Lily that I would take more photos of her. You might say she's (understandably) a bit ticked off.


Thank you again!

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You're welcome! I'm a bit surprised about that too. I've known about this software for nearly 6 years now and it's probably been around longer than that so the japan-centric nature of it surprises me as well. I think most people state-side who get into modeling are very turned off by a lot of the things involved in it. It doesn't help that the editing tool for it is only in Japanese and the user translations often suck and the tutorials are just about as bad.


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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