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Smart Doll Chitose Shirasawa

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  Torino said:
Danny confirmed to me there will be a tanned version of Chitose. I'm not sure if she'll have the same wig colour but hopefully.


Count me in then! Thanks for answering my question.

At Home:

DD Snow Miku, DD Luka, DDS Makoto, DD Airy, DDS KizunaAI

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My only problem is that her cheeks kinda look too chubby for me. I hope they're slimmed down just a litttllllleee bit.

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She's cute, but having no upper lip while pouting like that looks... odd. I also feel like her mouth is too far down from her nose?

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  Suzuna said:
She's cute, but having no upper lip while pouting like that looks... odd. I also feel like her mouth is too far down from her nose?


Yup, totally agree on both points. And she kinda has the same flat cheekbones as Mirai, which are hands down my least favorite thing about Mirai. >.< I was hopeful, but looks like Chitose's doing nothing for me.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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I like that she has a more chubby/baby face but she has almost no nose and her mouth is so small

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Is it weird that her pout comes off as more of a derp to me? Her eyes even kinda look cross-eyed. ^^;;


She's flat like Mirai (no surprise) so I'm okay continuing skipping out on purchasing a Smart Doll. :P

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I think she's quite cute, but I have to agree she's a bit featureless where her face is concerned. Even if it wasn't quite like that I'd still probably pass on her because I kinda have a rule about getting dolls. I either need to love the character they are quite a bit, or I have to turn them into a character I love/made. Otherwise I'd get many more than I already will and I want to at least make sure they will all be special to me.


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


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Agreed on the derp. Someone should mention the nose and mouth to him since this is just a prototype!

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I think Chitose is quite adorable, though I wish she had a more prominent nose and mouth xD Her being on the same body as the others is too bad though--I would have loved to see a DDS-sized Smart Doll.


She's still in the planning stages so I hope her final version will be a lot better. I may have missed reading it somewhere, but did Danny ever say that he would be willing to sell the heads separately one day?

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I don't remember that, but it'd be cool if he did.


I didnt expect him to make an entirely new body for her but I still dont really see why he can't shortern her legs? Obviously making new vinyl parts is incredibly expensive, but if its just new legs it could work. Or maybe that's something he already considered and it isnt economically feasible at the moment....


Like I said, smart doll legs are almost abnormally long as it is, and if you shortened them just a few centimetres they'd still look perfectly fine.


(Although I seem to be in the minority that actually likes her face...)

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Aww, perhaps I dreamt it up instead. I have been having an increasing number of dollfie-related dreams lately... oh dear. xD


I also wish that Danny could shorten her legs. Normal-length leg options would be AMAZING (especially in Eiji's case so I can confidently say I'll be getting him ^^"""). It would be really cool if Danny could eventually have a Smart Doll system with interchangeable parts like obitsu so you can have dolls of varying heights but I understand that development costs are quite high. I do wonder if the $300,000 he quoted earlier was for a completely new body or just the legs though. If it was for the former, then making new legs would likely be much more cost-effective.


(And I like Chitose too! Especially her eye shape. ^^ I just tend to nitpick more when I actually like something, go figure.)

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  Torino said:
I don't remember that, but it'd be cool if he did.


I didnt expect him to make an entirely new body for her but I still dont really see why he can't shortern her legs? Obviously making new vinyl parts is incredibly expensive, but if its just new legs it could work. Or maybe that's something he already considered and it isnt economically feasible at the moment....


Like I said, smart doll legs are almost abnormally long as it is, and if you shortened them just a few centimetres they'd still look perfectly fine.


(Although I seem to be in the minority that actually likes her face...)

Shortening the legs on the 3d file would be one thing, but going through the process of printing and casting new legs... that's 4 new pieces, plus the new bust piece. That's not simple or cheap at all, by the sounds of it ^^;

If I were to get Chitose, I think I'd just put her on a DDS body.

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Doesn't look like the face is changing - he mentioned that she wont be in the Gotanda store or coming to AFA since she's being sent to have the face masks made, which implies that her faceup is final.

I personally dont have a problem with her face, it's just her height I'm a little disappointed about.

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I think Chitose is cute, I'm just disappointed cuz Kizuna should've had eyes more shaped like hers but maybe a bit more narrow. I was upset that Kizuna's eye shape is wrong since she is just Mirai, and now Chitose is too sweet too. So unless he makes blank heads with designs not based on his characters later then I can't get what I wanted, which is an ebony girl with an attitude.


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She looks cute yes. But For me the head is so similar to Mirai/Kizuna. Yes the mouth is different, but I feel the eyes are not very different, and the shape of the head is also not that different. Much hype about make a very similar head. Again.

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In this photograph with Chitose standing next to Mirai you can definately see a difference in head shape to Mirai. Mirai has a slightly narrower/longer face, Chitose has chubbier cheeks. I'm hoping Danny releases an Ebony skintone version of her as that would personally interest me.

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I wish Chitose looked less clueless but this seems to be the face Danny is sticking with. Shame.


I too would like a tan version of her.

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Ahhhh! Danny, what have you done? D: I was so thinking I was gonna get Ivory as my first DD type doll, but I think it will be Chitose now! She's just so stinking cute with those chubby little cheeks she looks so innocent! Now I have to add more girls to my wanted list!


Also, I'm in the boat of few people who do like her face. To me she doesn't look lost or out of it, she looks really innocent and super sweet. I do feel like her pout is a little too much of a pout, but that's okay. I think she is perfect! >w< Now I have to wait for Chitose to come out before I can get my first. She is totally gonna be my number one girl! Please come home, sweetie!

Currently home: N/A

Currently saving for: Smart Doll Chitose Shirasawa

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I haven't seen the latest updates on her, but i'm still hoping she doesn't have the same head AGAIN for this character and also somewhat keeps to the design. As in, she's shorten then the other girls, less boob, and i hope they make her lab coat/uniform as well! Its so adorable. I really loved Chitose's art so i'm curious for her as a doll! But again, i haven't seen the latest updates and the last few comment seem... disappointing?

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  RyuuseiBJD said:
I haven't seen the latest updates on her, but i'm still hoping she doesn't have the same head AGAIN for this character and also somewhat keeps to the design. As in, she's shorten then the other girls, less boob, and i hope they make her lab coat/uniform as well! Its so adorable. I really loved Chitose's art so i'm curious for her as a doll! But again, i haven't seen the latest updates and the last few comment seem... disappointing?


She's not the same head, from what I can see. Her cheeks are chubbier and her eyes seem different to me but that could just be because of her make up. If you notice in the picture that was posted by Rainbowangel of Chitose standing next to Mirai, Chitose's chin is more round, and gives her face a kind-of an all over circle shape feel where Mirai's chin is more narrow and gives her face more of an oval shape feel. I also think her mouth may be different, but it's still hard for me to tell. At the very least it's painted into a pout versus the smiling Mirai make up. C:

Currently home: N/A

Currently saving for: Smart Doll Chitose Shirasawa

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Oh Chitose is so cute! I want them, I'm excited to see how she develops!

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  Pannduhh said:
  RyuuseiBJD said:
I haven't seen the latest updates on her, but i'm still hoping she doesn't have the same head AGAIN for this character and also somewhat keeps to the design. As in, she's shorten then the other girls, less boob, and i hope they make her lab coat/uniform as well! Its so adorable. I really loved Chitose's art so i'm curious for her as a doll! But again, i haven't seen the latest updates and the last few comment seem... disappointing?


She's not the same head, from what I can see. Her cheeks are chubbier and her eyes seem different to me but that could just be because of her make up. If you notice in the picture that was posted by Rainbowangel of Chitose standing next to Mirai, Chitose's chin is more round, and gives her face a kind-of an all over circle shape feel where Mirai's chin is more narrow and gives her face more of an oval shape feel. I also think her mouth may be different, but it's still hard for me to tell. At the very least it's painted into a pout versus the smiling Mirai make up. C:


I really do hope she's different! And i probably missed a few photos then, i can't remember seeing a picture of Mirai and Chitose together. (I only remember a very intense/amazing picture of Chitose from Danny some time ago, that's about it... and i love her drawings) I can't wait to see how she turns out! She might be the first Anime-styled doll i might consider getting (even though i have some ideas for custom heads, lol, but i would have no clue how to do that..). So excited! (And thank you for answering!)

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  RyuuseiBJD said:
And i probably missed a few photos then, i can't remember seeing a picture of Mirai and Chitose together.

The photo was linked on the previous page of this thread - go check it out



- Kizuna [smart Doll] - Isabelle [saber Extra + Obitsu60] - Maya [DDS DDH-06] - Angelica [DD Sakuya] - Kitty [MDD Mariko] - Moonlight [smart Doll] - Emily [DD Miku] -


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I cannot wait to add this girl to my collection. I think her face is so cute!

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It wasn't really bugging me before but now I'm wondering if Haruka Suenaga will be on the same body or if he will maybe develop a shorter body by then? (when is her birthday...November? I think?) I guess if I really wanted to I could change her head over to an obitsu body but I like how the Smart Doll body looks with her so far.


I'm still saving up and waiting impatiently for her!

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