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Hello from Sweden!

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I'm Tennyo from Sweden and just recently got my first DD, Miku.

I've been into pvc figures for years and have been interested in dolls for quite some time, but it has taken until now to get my first one.

As I just recently got my Miku from the Mirai lottery I missed out on the pre-order for Sheryl and Ranka last year. So my next goal is to find them!

Going to japan in two weeks for the third time. Hope to find some new items for my upcoming dolls then.

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Another Swede with a Miku here!


Hope you have a fun trip to Japan! And also... that you have a big enough wallet... since these dolls are just so demanding!

"That dress, those shoes, that wig, oh and some nice props! Er... I have how much left now..?"


Also - welcome!

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Another Swede with a Miku here!


Hope you have a fun trip to Japan! And also... that you have a big enough wallet... since these dolls are just so demanding!

"That dress, those shoes, that wig, oh and some nice props! Er... I have how much left now..?"


Also - welcome!

Thank you so much Yumeiro!

And yes. I have been cosplaying for ten years before this hobby. So it's more like using the money that usually goes into that hobby on this one too =). As cosplay is an expensive hobby too.

But it sure helps to have a good job and economy! Haha =D

Kos-mos was going to be my first DD but I just had to try out for Miku. All the outfit possibilities!

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