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Pocket Doll (AKA Smart Doll Mini) - 1/6 scale

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Edited the thread title.


Some Eiji progress, as usual he revealed more in the japanese tweet than the english one, but apart from saying to please ignore the seamlines on his legs for now, he confirmed that mini Mirai too will have changeable bust sizes.


Again with the Chitose inclusion I see.


I hope when these are finished he makes a video about them. I'm really curious about how they move and pose compared to the 1/3 version.

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The "sixth scale" Smart Doll is taller than Hot Toys Iron Man? No thanks, Danny. If Mirai were closer to the height of the Pure Neemo L body, or Hot Toys Black Widow, I'd be interested, but I'm not buying another scale. There's a company called Original Effect that tried making figures slightly larger (13 inches) than traditional 1/6 scale, and they've now transitioned to an 11 inch figure.


This seems like such an odd choice, after making the 1/3 scale Smart Doll more or less compatible with Dollfie Dream.

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I think Mini Smart Dolls look really cool. I look forward to seeing how this line evolves.

Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai)

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I'm so into this 1/6 doll line!!! finally my Soom Metato will not be alone anymore! (he's 30cm). Plus, I love smaller dolls like the 1/6 with a mature look so this is perfect for me I will definitely get mini Mirai and mini Eiji in the future.


Clothes will be a problem though. I hope Danny releases the measurements soon so I can start hunting down for clothes. My Soom Metato can wear action figure clothes very well so I hope he can share clothes with Eiji. Probably Danny will release some clothes but I like variety and I like to change them often.



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Thought i would put this here for you all.



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Thought i would put this here for you all.




OH GOD!! SHE'S AMAZING! thank you for sharing, I don't follow Danny's social media so this is the only place where I can see the progress. I'm glad that in spite of the small size, Mirai looks 100% like the 60cm version.



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She is soooo cute. I've been eyeing those 1/6 PureNeemos, but I think I might just wait for a Mini-Mirai instead.

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I think the smart doll line is seriously cute and naturally I want them but I made a 1/3 scale rule that they have to be characters that I either really like or my OCs and with their lack of features it's really hard to turn them into characters but I think I could justify 1/6 versions of them so I'm excited for this!


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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I only have 1/3 and finally have my first 1/4 doll and have been trying to justify getting a 1/6 for years. Welp I think this might be it! I want to play with her tiny hats and shoes

Waiting for eternity for Volks to release more Idolm@ster girls.


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I'm really loving how Mirai is coming along. I think I'm pretty sold on this size. I hope Ebony comes along quickly now. I want her to be my "travel doll" this seems like a nice and super convenient size for taking outside!

Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Kagamine Rin, Kaito V3, 9S, Ruby(Arle), Devola(2B), Anya Forger

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She still seems so big to me because she's so much taller than what I normally associate with 1/6 scale (pure neemos) but she does look cute.

Also it seems like Danny has been referring to them as Pocket Doll now as opposed to Smart Doll Mini so I'm not sure if that's going to be the new official name or not. I'll edit the thread title once its confirmed.

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Very excited about this news. I love how very close that photo looks to the bigger model. Although I was surprised to read she was about 30cm but still, that's a pretty good size. Will be keeping track of this particular news.

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I'm really loving how Mirai is coming along. I think I'm pretty sold on this size. I hope Ebony comes along quickly now. I want her to be my "travel doll" this seems like a nice and super convenient size for taking outside!


That's what I was thinking! Debating getting a little bag that's in her size too to take her around. It'd be fun.

Waiting for eternity for Volks to release more Idolm@ster girls.


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That's what I was thinking! Debating getting a little bag that's in her size too to take her around. It'd be fun.


That sounds really cute! I'll probably have to find a good carry bag too.

Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Kagamine Rin, Kaito V3, 9S, Ruby(Arle), Devola(2B), Anya Forger

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It would be nice if Danny made human-sized bags like the ones for Mirai that we could carry our dolls in.

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This is trouble for me! Smart doll in Barbie size!

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Looks like the Eiji prototype is done!


I'm not sure yet if his hair (or Mirai's) is a wig or is rooted, though. If it is a wig, I'm impressed at how flat and not-poofy it is. I rarely if ever see wigs at this scale that dont poof up at least a little.

EDIT- Danny just clarified that they are wigs. Colour me impressed then!

Also, it seems like 'Pocket Doll' is officially the new name so I changed the thread title.

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To be sincere I might go straight for these instead of Dollfie Dream is they get released soon: I love them and I always thought I'd like something more portable or "pocket sized"

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Twitter update!

He also said he is developing 'tan and harmony coloured'.

I really like the pictures of the 1/3 versions with the 1/6 versions, they're really adorable. Also, something about mini-Eiji's face looks younger.

I need to start thinking of excuses as to why I dont need one of these because they're honestly getting so tempting! I still cant wait to see mini-Ebony though.

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Also, something about mini-Eiji's face looks younger.


You are right! I actually like it way more than I like 1/3 Eiji, wow. Back then I remember wanting Unoa ???Qulus??? the small ones, so bad, and now this. I hope the prices are 1/6 too! Just kidding!

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I'm sold!!! time to put a doll up for sale here (not my DDs, but a BJD I'm having trouble to bond with). I have to get mini Eiji and Mirai



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Mini-Eiji's face is really cute. He looks a little sweeter than the full-sized Eiji for some reason. Though I think my Obitsu boys would be jealous of him, with that build...

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I don't -really- have any interest in getting a 1/3 scale Eiji (maybe the tan version? I'm just not sure about his face...) but holy wow I want that 1/6 scale version! I'll probably end up collecting them all. I wonder what the price range will be...

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