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adding eyelashes

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So I'm not sure if this has already been asked/answered, but I didn't find anything.


Anyways does anyone know if adding eyelashes to a default face-up after the fact will have any long term risk to damaging the face-up if I wanted to remove them later or didn't like how they turned out at all? Also, what kind of glue would you recommend? I know only with resin that most people use the Elmer's Glue stuff. Does the same apply to vinyl? I'm a newbie to this...

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Any PVA craft glue is safe to use. They are mild enough to remove afters without damaging face up.

I use Pritt clear craft glue

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I like using Aleene's Thick Designer Tacky Glue.


Dries clear, comes off very easily (just use soap & water), and has a great hold so you're not re-gluing the lashes all the time.

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While most default faceups are sealed and sturdy enough to withstand minor mishaps. we cannot rule out that it can be damaged in the long run, especially if you repeatedly remove and attach eyelashes.


If you are afraid that it will happen, just apply a tiny amount of PVA glue, just enough to stick it in the eyelids. Wait for it to dry and do not add more glue after that. Upon removing the eyelashes, use a wet cotton swab and apply it repeatedly until the PVA glue softens and gets diluted, enough to pull it out easily without applying too much force.


As for brand, I think Elmer's Glue is enough.

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I've not put eyelashes on my DDs but I do have them on my one resin girl. I used Aleene's tacky glue as well. I used a toothpick to run glue along the edge of the eyewell then stuck the lashes on. They fell off once and didn't damage her faceup, but it is well sealed.


As a note, default DD faceups are not sealed. Faceups done by artists will be, but not the default ones from Volks. If you're worried you could always seal it yourself.


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Oh wow, thanks everyone for all the great tips! Going to try this as soon as I get the new eyes and a pair of eyelashes. (=


Jezrah, I had no idea that DD's are not sealed like resin bjd's are!!! Thanks for the heads up. Will get that done now too.

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Make sure you glue it inside the head and not on the faceup paint! I had a custom faceup completely chip off when i pulled eyelashes off that were glued too close to the paint.

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Such good advice! Im not sure Im brave enough yet to try glueing eyelashes into my girl lol

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