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Dollfie dream SW match with SQlab NS? (Answered)

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So i was just wondering how good the Dollfie dream Semi white marches with SQlab Normal skin?

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I have two SQ lab NS heads, and they match Volks NS just fine. So simply compare your Volks NS and SQ. It will give you a pretty close idea. Very slight tone differences are natural (even between Volks batches) but SQ NS is essentially Volks NS, so this comparison is easy.

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I have two SQ lab NS heads, and they match Volks NS just fine. So simply compare your Volks NS and SQ. It will give you a pretty close idea. Very slight tone differences are natural (even between Volks batches) but SQ NS is essentially Volks NS, so this comparison is easy.



I have both I just wanted to see a comparison of the SW and SQ is all =) I don't have a SW doll so I can't compare them personally.

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Nah doesn't come close. The SQ NS is a slightly deeper (pinker?) tone than DD NS, or mine is at least, so If you've got a NS DD and a SW DD that's pretty much the difference in colour. ETA: oops, just saw that you don't have a SW doll derp derp. Silly me for assuming Error was the SW version ^^;


Crappy mobile phone shot for you. Difference is much more pronounced in person.



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Here's my newest SQ head, on an NS body. SW arm in front for contrast. As stated, the SQ head is slightly pinker than volks NS, but match well enough for general use. More obvious with SW contrast.

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Indeed te difference is noticeably there. The sq NS is very strong in colour so maybe my girl is not NS. She does match dd NS like eustia's girl. ( Izzy is a Iris sq too ^•^).


There are a few DDS sw comeing up on the secondhand Sean so thought I would see if I could of gotten away with a sw for her but I think not.


Also no problem about thinking Error was a sw the chances of a Mariko being sw are 2/3 now so it will be more normal for one to be the sw ver. And along with her not having any of the default items like Ls bust or eyes and so on dont help XD tha k you for the quick help on this in te morning I will mark as awnsered!

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Thank you also ^o^

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