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Hello everyone, I'm new!!

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Hi everyone,

I'm new to the doll scene and recently picked up a Mirai Smartdoll from the Culture Japan store in Tokyo from Danny Choo. I really want to start buying a wardrobe of clothes for her but have no idea what some of the measurements mean. I know she's 60cm tall and that's it. I see some clothes advertised as being for dolls that are 1/3, SD, MSD and some other jargon. What does that mean and what clothes would suit Mirai please?


Thanks to everyone in advance for helping out a newbie!

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Hello and welcome! Since you have a Mirai and are asking questions about her, you need to put your posts in the "Smartdoll" posting area. I'll go ahead and move this topic there where Smartdoll owners will see it and help you out.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Thanks for moving to the right spot!! And is anyone able to help out with my original query regarding measurements?


Thank you

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I have a Mirai and as far as clothing fitting her, she fits into just about everything a regular DD3 body will. So you can check anywhere that sells clothes for DD girls to get her clothing. Places like:


Alices Collections

Cool Cats




Mint On Card


All of those have good selections of clothes that should work just fine for Mirai.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Hi there,

Thank you for getting back to, very helpful What does DD3 mean and is there a glossary of abbreviations on this site? Sorry for all the questions but as I'm new, I really want to learn

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Dd3 is the term used for the dollfie dream 3 body, which is the newest/improved version of body you will get if you buy a newer dollfie dream.


I have more dollfies than my age in years *×*

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For Mirai, clothes made for the Dollfie Dream 3 ( DD3) body would be ideal, but some websites that sell clothes for 60cm dolls may work as well. Such clothes may be marked thusly:


1/3 (because 60cm is roughly 1/3rd scale compared to humans.)

SD (because the first doll in the size range of 60cm was the Volks Super Dollfie)


Please Note: most clothes marked for typical 60cm dolls may be baggy in the waist, as most standard dolls of the size do not have the thin waist that Smart Dolls have.


Clothes marked specifically as DD/DDY/DDS/MDD are made for Volk's Dollfie Dream line, which has a thinner waist, however things to keep in mind:


MDD - too small, these dolls are in the 40cm range.

DDS - might be a little small in the bust for more form-fitting outfits, and possibly a little too short in length.

DD- I've had some problems with outfits meant for their medium bust fitting my default busted Smart Dolls.

DDY - Might be a little big in the bust compared to Smart Dolls.


Any clothes not tailor made or listed as specifically made for the Smart Doll body has a risk of being not the best fit. The sites Baldylox listed are a good place to lok though, aside from outfits meant to be form-fitting, I haven't had much issue with my girls wearing clothes from those sites. Though, as with any doll, if you get something and want it to be a better fit - altering it yourself is a valuable skill.

A crazy fool with a house full of dolls, and ponies, and pony dolls


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Welcome to the forums Japandaman!


as previous members have mentioned all those places will work well for Smartdolls.


Personally I only have Volks and Smartdoll clothing atm. I'm looking into other companies but those two are the only ones I'm familiar with.


Smartdoll clothes by Danny-san are the best fitting but the price is a bit up there. Maybe one day he will lower them a bit.

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