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Help getting into this hobby?

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Hi there ^^ I'm new to this site, and I was wondering if I could get some help from some more experienced Dollfie owners. I'm only 14, so I'm unable to work and I'm not quite sure how to start collecting Dollfie Dreams. My dream doll right now is the standard DDdy Miko but she's nearly $500 not including shipping, clothes or any kind of wig or eyes. My family... Most of them don't accept it. To them, they're just dolls, and they believe that they aren't worth any more than barbie dolls are. So getting help from my family to try and start my Dollfie collection is nearly impossible. Normally this is where I'd just give up and wait a few years until I can try and get the money. But I just HAVE to have a Dollfie Dream. Are there any good ways to start out at a young age? Does anyone know how I can possibly convince my family to accept my interest in BJDs and Dollfies? Thanks ^^

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Hey! Welcome to the forums


My advice is to save save save, these girls are totally worth it! Small amounts can add up over time, so don't be discouraged ♡


to help get to your total goal, is there anything you're able to do to earn extra cash? Be it small odd jobs for friends or family In the real world, or sell things you've made online like clothes, accessories or artwork, of dolls/for dolls or even in other communities - selling fan art or fan related accessories etc?


In the meantime, browse around the forums for information and tips etc. Then you can show your parents/friends it's not just a barbie, they're really amazing pieces of art - you can do so much with them, like learning photography, posing, lighting etc, learn to sew for them, or make accessories, you can make friends all over the world and learn new things etc


Hope my rambling helped a bit and good luck! ☆

I have more dollfies than my age in years *×*

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Hey! Welcome to the forums


My advice is to save save save, these girls are totally worth it! Small amounts can add up over time, so don't be discouraged ♡


to help get to your total goal, is there anything you're able to do to earn extra cash? Be it small odd jobs for friends or family In the real world, or sell things you've made online like clothes, accessories or artwork, of dolls/for dolls or even in other communities - selling fan art or fan related accessories etc?


In the meantime, browse around the forums for information and tips etc. Then you can show your parents/friends it's not just a barbie, they're really amazing pieces of art - you can do so much with them, like learning photography, posing, lighting etc, learn to sew for them, or make accessories, you can make friends all over the world and learn new things etc


Hope my rambling helped a bit and good luck! ☆


Thanks for your help! Now that I think of it, there are lots of valuable life skills you can learn by owning a Dollfie family. They really are amazing pieces of art! Also, I thought about doing fan art commissions for a long time now, but I think I'm really willing to try it out if it means saving money for my first family member Thanks, once again, for helping out.

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In the meantime, browse around the forums for information and tips etc. Then you can show your parents/friends it's not just a barbie, they're really amazing pieces of art - you can do so much with them, like learning photography, posing, lighting etc, learn to sew for them, or make accessories, you can make friends all over the world and learn new things etc

I was going to write almost the same things, but in a more practical sense. I think that you could actually buy a Barbie or any other cheap doll (Monster High or Ever After High) and do all the things with them. You can customize them - change their faceup, re-root hair, sew clothes for them... That way you would show your parents that you are serious about dolls and that they are not only to play with, but also let you to develop your skills.



- Kizuna [smart Doll] - Isabelle [saber Extra + Obitsu60] - Maya [DDS DDH-06] - Angelica [DD Sakuya] - Kitty [MDD Mariko] - Moonlight [smart Doll] - Emily [DD Miku] -


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try to get your family to understand your reasons for wanting one. Show them how you can truly make it your own. try to get them to see the different benefits and how it can appeal to different avenues of artistic skills. my advice is to order your girl from the japan site. she will be cheaper with tax included than using getting her from the US site.

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It's okay if your family doesn't see what's so great about BJDs and DDs. Not everyone has the same interests. I've learned over the years, that I don't need to share my hobbies with everyone, and not everyone looks at a BJD and thinks it's amazing ^_^; I wouldn't expect anyone else to help me buy a doll either. If your family is the type that buys you expensive gifts, maybe you can ask for money for Christmas/birthday that you can put towards a DD?


Personally, I fell in love with BJDs when I was in high school. I didn't have a job or anything, and I thought they were way to expensive to actually buy at the time, so I just avidly researched them and tried making my own. After high school, I had some money, so I started buying dolls then :D


Also! DDy Miko comes with eyes, wig, and the faceup you see in the photos. She also comes with a night dress and I think panties.

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I know you probably dont want to hear this and I really need to emphasize that I am not trying to be mean or rude with the following statement- but people arent entitled to dolls just because they want to enter the hobby. Unless you are quite wealthy, or at least live in a wealthy family, it's especially difficult to obtain one at an age like yours living with parents who don't understand such hobbies. I'm trying not say this in a mean way or even trying to discourage you because I don't mean it like this - it's something I am also telling -myself- because I also don't have a dollfie dream for the same reason (lack of funds at the moment). So since we're in this boat together I can offer you two bits of advice.


1. Set up a 'doll fund'. This can just be a jar/box if you want, and try to save a bit at a time. It might take ages, maybe even years but every bit of money you put into this fund is one step closer to the goal. There may be times when you dont get to add any money for a while, there may even be times when you have to sacrifice some of the money in it for emergency reasons, but as long as you keep at it, the money will add up in the end. Seeing it physically also helps to show you how much its adding up, which is exciting. (If you prefer to save the money digitally, it can be fun to draw a graph or chart with a goal at the end to keep track. I remember way back when I was about 11 and had to save up for a game boy colour by myself, I drew a 'thermometer' with the goal right up the top. Every time I got a bit more money towards the goal I could colour in a bit more of the thermometer, and it was really fun seeing it go up over time.) The doll will be that much more special once she's finally yours, because it was your hard work that made her possible.


2. Start with a cheaper option! This is again entirely up to you - if you have your heart set on the DD being the first doll and dont mind the wait until you save up for her, that's fine. However, if you are impatient to own at least some kind of doll during the waiting period then I really recommend Azone's Pure Neemo dolls. There's even a thread on them under 'off topic dolls' if you dont know much about them. This is actually what I've done - I have a small collection of them now and while I cant speak for everything I think they're really great as starter dolls. (They actually got me into the doll hobby) New ones tend to cost about $100-120 (prices can go a lot higher with older and rarer dolls), several times cheaper than a DD. They are a lot smaller than DDs (they're 1/6 scale while DD is 1/3) though so if its the size of the DD you like then I guess they wont be of much consolation. But I love my neemo family and they're tiding me over just fine until I have enough for the Smart Doll I'm currently saving for. Mine still have just as much personality as the DDs I see on this forum, and Azone's clothing range is adorable.

If you'd rather start with a 1/3 doll that's cheaper, I've heard a lot of good things about Obitsu's 1/3 bodies. Some even say the 45cm body is better than the Mini DD, but that's individual opinion. It will still cost you a few hundred but be cheaper than a DD all up. Azone's 50cm range of characters that use the obitsu body also cost about $500 as completed fullsets. Another option would be a DD head on an obitsu body which would -presumably- be a little cheaper, but that's just my guess and I could be wrong.


Good luck, though, and don't feel discouraged whichever approach you take! I know how hard it is to save a lot of money at your age, so I wish you the best.

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Saturnn, I will just say that for myself, it helps a lot to get custom DDs, buying heads and bodies separately. My first one was very inexpensive because a good friend sold me her body for $50. I bought her head from Volks and had an artist do her faceup. There are sometimes inexpensive bodies and heads for sale here, I have gotten some good bargains from really nice people.


By the way, Miko's head is the same sculpt as the DDH-06 head if you think about going custom.


I agree that a jar to put money in and show how earnest you are to your parents is a great start. They might not understand why you love DDs, but hopefully they WILL understand how much you want one.


Best of luck!


Linda S.


DDH03 girl DDH07 x2 boys DDH06 girl DDH-05 x2 boys

DDH01 mod girl Saber Alter SqLab Tsubaki boy DDH-02 girl

Mio Honda Youmu Konpaku x2 boy twins

Also: DDS Lagla, Sheryl Nome, SmD Melody, SmD Eiji x2

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If you'd rather start with a 1/3 doll that's cheaper, I've heard a lot of good things about Obitsu's 1/3 bodies. Some even say the 45cm body is better than the Mini DD, but that's individual opinion. It will still cost you a few hundred but be cheaper than a DD all up. Azone's 50cm range of characters that use the obitsu body also cost about $500 as completed fullsets. Another option would be a DD head on an obitsu body which would -presumably- be a little cheaper, but that's just my guess and I could be wrong.


Hopefully you don't mind me adding onto this point.


It'd be cheaper since a 60Obitsu body is $200 I believe, while an option head is around $30-45 (Depending on if it's from Volks International or Volks USA, the latter being the more expensive), which would be cheaper than ordering the Standard Model from either site. Also, someone has modded a DD head (The ones that take decals so idk but it's possibly something) andwas thinking to attempt an Obitsu head on a BJD body. I'm not really sure what it looked like when it was finished, but it is possible. and Mirodoll has 60cm (The height of a regular DD) BJD bodies that are around $100 on their 40% off dolls/doll parts sales (Which happen all the time over there. ) They have a few issues (Mostly their resin and posing, which can be fixed or with posing, improved, but if you want to see if you're comfortable with the scale DDs are in, this is a good place to start. They also do color matching, so if you wanted to you could send Or there's also Resinsoul with 1/3 bodies for $150 (Better quality).


The jar idea is also really helpful, especially if you make it so you can't get in until your total is reached. Also, while saving, try keeping tabs on what you earn/spend in a journal or something to write in and write down your goal in the front cover of it. Also galatia9 brings up a good point, . For customs, it doesn't even have to be an anime character, it can be a character you came up with, or just wear things you think it looks good in. A good portion of the hobby is patience, especially if you preorder a preorder project doll in the future as those come out the year after you place the preorder, if memory serves. Or it could be for other things, like sending and getting your DD a faceup and getting it back, placing an order for an outfit with a seamstress, custom orders in general. And depending on what your finances look like, it could take a looooong while to get/put together a new doll. And that's alright. That'll just make her even more special, as someone mentioned previously since you'll have went through all that time and hard work to get her.


Hopefully this helped you in some way! Good luck getting your first dollfie!

Home: Melt (DDH-09), Kano (Iris Collect), Kirika, Y'Shtola, Suzune (Iris Collect Petite)


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Hi, Saturnnnn! I would like to reiterate Torino and songstr3ss' point of starting with a cheaper option, since that's how I got into the hobby ^^ I started with an Obitsu60 with a Parabox Luna head, and with her starter outfit, wig, two pairs of eyes and shoes, it came up to around $350 - still cheaper than a standard DD model and with extra stuff. I upgraded my gal's head to a DDH-07 later on, but you can start with a DD head. Buying second hand is also an option. There are people out there who may be selling their dolls for cheap since they have some staining. I know it doesn't sound ideal for a first doll, but with some work you can clean it up and with care and styling, you can make it look as good as new! I know a few people who got into the hobby this way ^^


I came to the US not too long ago, and was unable to work for a while because of my status. I made some money by selling old stuff I no longer want or needed. Sometimes I'd make over $100 on a good month on eBay. I believe you have to be over 18 to sell there, you can get a sibling or a parent to set up the account for you. When I was your age, I was also actively participating in garage or car boot sales and I earned quite a bit of pocket money this way.


Hope that helps a bit, best of luck getting your first Dollfie ♡


My girls ♡ Ai-chan and Sheryl~

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I'll chime in as another person who agrees with maybe getting a starter doll. I sort of consider my Taeyang my true "starter" doll, but like a lot of other people here, I just purchased a 60cm Obitsu. Partially because I'm still going to be saving for a full DD for a long time, and the other part is just because I wanted a boy. I hope some of the ideas other people posted will help you reach your goal.

Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Kagamine Rin, Kaito V3, 9S, Ruby(Arle), Devola(2B), Anya Forger

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I haven't been on this forum for a bit, because I figured I wouldn't get many replies. But I'm honestly overwhelmed with all your responses! The advice here really lifted my spirits and I now feel that getting into the Dollfie hobby is a lot more possible then I previously thought. I'm thinking of starting with a 1/6 scale obitsu doll, mostly because they are more in my price range, but they can also be just as cute as a dollfie dream. However, I'd like my first 1/3 scale doll to be a dollfie dream. Even if that means I can't have Miko right away and I have to buy a bunch of different parts and eventually build up my full doll. That being said, I'm not quite sure how to assemble one yet Thanks for all of your help, everyone who replied. Every one of you really helped me out

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I haven't been on this forum for a bit, because I figured I wouldn't get many replies. But I'm honestly overwhelmed with all your responses! The advice here really lifted my spirits and I now feel that getting into the Dollfie hobby is a lot more possible then I previously thought. I'm thinking of starting with a 1/6 scale obitsu doll, mostly because they are more in my price range, but they can also be just as cute as a dollfie dream. However, I'd like my first 1/3 scale doll to be a dollfie dream. Even if that means I can't have Miko right away and I have to buy a bunch of different parts and eventually build up my full doll. That being said, I'm not quite sure how to assemble one yet Thanks for all of your help, everyone who replied. Every one of you really helped me out


No problem! A 1/6 Obitsu sounds like a good start while you piece together your first DD. As for eventually assembling one, you can find all the pieces on both of Volks' websites (Or if you mean by optional heads and bodies, then you can find the heads and bodies there too! Miko is an 06.) in all 3 skin tones (I think Dynamite optionals have 2/3 of the tones but they offer all the pieces to put together the one they don't offer pre-assembled). Or when you do hit enough posts/responses (20), you can check the marketplace here for parts at lower prices. And when you have them all together, I think there's a guide somewhere for assembling? But if there isn't, you can always ask here on how to and surely someone here should have an answer.

Home: Melt (DDH-09), Kano (Iris Collect), Kirika, Y'Shtola, Suzune (Iris Collect Petite)


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I haven't been on this forum for a bit, because I figured I wouldn't get many replies. But I'm honestly overwhelmed with all your responses! The advice here really lifted my spirits and I now feel that getting into the Dollfie hobby is a lot more possible then I previously thought.


I'm really glad to hear that your spirits were lifted A friend of mine who is also in this forum did the same for me.


I'm thinking of starting with a 1/6 scale obitsu doll, mostly because they are more in my price range, but they can also be just as cute as a dollfie dream. However, I'd like my first 1/3 scale doll to be a dollfie dream. Even if that means I can't have Miko right away and I have to buy a bunch of different parts and eventually build up my full doll. That being said, I'm not quite sure how to assemble one yet Thanks for all of your help, everyone who replied. Every one of you really helped me out


Yes, starting with 1/6 dolls isn't a bad idea either! The doll that got me into the hobby is the Hatsune Miku Licca, I was so infatuated with her and she was my gateway into PureNeemos, Obitsus and eventually Dollfie Dreams. Here she is, she now has an Obitsu 25 body and my custom Luka is an Obitsu 27 with the Parabox Kay head ^.^




Different sizes have their own charm, and 1/6 is certainly a good starter size. Best of luck, and I hope you'd share pictures of your first doll with us~


My girls ♡ Ai-chan and Sheryl~

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I was actually in the same exact position that you're in now a while ago. About 3-4 years ago, I was very young and accidentally discovered dollfie dreams, and I fell in love with them. My parents were very unsupportive of them because of the price. My advice to you would be to ease them into the hobby by first buying less expensive dolls like a pullip or an azone pureneemo doll, which is exactly what I did. I bought one of each to practice taking care of them, making sure they weren't stained, etc.

After you've shown your parents that you're dedicated to getting one of these, save your money. Save in a dollfie fund your birthday money, holiday money, allowance, or babysitting (if you can do that). Since your parents will most likely expect you to pay for your own doll, have the money for the doll you want in cash. So, you can either have your parents buy it with their debit/credit card and you give them full payment in cash or you can do what I did and wait until you have your own bank account and debit card and buy one then.

It will take time, effort, and dedication. But, don't give up, it's totally worth it, because 3-4 years after wanting a dollfie dream, I just ordered my first girl a few days ago and I couldn't be happier.

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