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BJD Centaurs

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I am contemplating whether to get a resin centaur. I noticed all the ones made in the past are limited edition. There is one out right now for preorder from Souldoll:




Anyone have a centaur doll and can share their experience? Are they very posable and do they balance well standing on their own? Do they even have horse nether region parts?

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Shinozaki Lolita

Oh please... It's not safe... my wallet is dying...

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TL;DR: They are amazing, but require patience. I prefer the Tiny and MSD size over the massive dedication which is the SD variety. They all only pose so much, but at least everyone seems to stand steady hahaha.


Full summary~

While I have not owned I have a friend who's quite enthusiastic about the centaurs and has built up a small collection of them, which means I've gotten to handle a few. ^^


SD size: I've only handled Soom (Epidos and Zinc) for the SD-sized centaur and to say the least they take up a lot of space and though he stands fine you pretty much can't do much else with them without a lot of hassle. They're super heavy (as expected) but amazing to look at. Honestly, I love the Soom fantasy parts. I've owned multiple random bits and pieces, but nothin' like this and those I didn't worry so much about breaking. They I worry about breaking though.


MSD size: Again, Soom (as they really started this kinda trend) and then Luts. I think my friend has Soom Shale and then Luts Yul. Soom is super steady and I love this size for the centaur. You can pose them a little better, they surely don't weigh as much as the SD and they are just really cute to look at. Luts is a equally steady, but I did prefer the Soom body. Just a little more. I think that's mostly an aesthetic thing though.


Tiny size: Soom....again. Long time ago I owned a Aloa which was ADORABLE. The tiny centaurs are so freaking precious. You can just pick 'em up and do what you will seeing their size and they are the only ones that don't feel like serious space dedicators unlike the others for obvious reasons. No real posing for that but man are they fun.


About nether regions, Zinc's body has a lil somethin' to indicate that he's male? I mean, it is apart of the anatomy so makes sense. But they are more like...think of like kid toy horses. It ain't like it gets all detailed. they have proper crevices and bumps but nothin' real exact. (Which I prefer XD)

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So, unexpectedly when I went to my first doll meetup I won second place in the newbie raffle - my prize was a BJD starter pack consisting of a Doll Family A practice head and a wig.

I thought it'd take me a long time to figure out what I want to make it into, but I was looking at the specifications of this practice head and then googling what kind of dolls met those specifications (I know even less about BJDs than DDs, and so I wasn't sure what kind of bodies on the market would fit it at all). When i was searching for 1/4 dolls with a neck diameter of 7cm, I stumbled across the Impldoll Deer body: http://impldoll.com/goods.php?id=552


What happened next almost shocked me - I was overcome with a wave of character inspiration and everything about this head that I won started falling into place rapidly. I knew immediately that he would be either a centaur or a faun. Centaur is a lot more likely because this impldoll body is sold separately and is readily available, but in my searching I couldnt seem to find any 1/4 faun bodies as most of them seemed to be sold as fullsets that were long discontinued. At first I was a bit skeptical about how much space the centaur style body was going to take up, then I realized that it'd be kind of like a shelf in a way because my pure neemos could sit on the back.


Long story short, it's looking very likely that my first BJD is going to be a deer centaur, and I'd like to start the layaway on his body as soon as I can. (discovering that so many of these BJD companies accept layaway is probably the best thing I have ever discovered during my research into them and boy do I wish Volks did this with DDs...


At any rate it's probably going to take me a long time to complete him. The AUD-USD exchange rate is absolutely appalling right now so what initially seemed like a good price on the body turned horrifying when I converted it (although the layaway option is a godsend), but since I also intend to do his faceup by myself I'll need to gather all of those materials (plus a respirator for safety's sake!) Then there's DD Kagamine Rin who doesn't have a confirmed release date yet, but is definitely going to take priority.


I would like to see him completed before the end of next year if possible, and its exciting to have a plan. I'll post pics of him when I finally do. His name is Felix - I wanted a name related to luck since I won his head in the raffle - and he's going to be a shy and dorky kind of centaur who wears glasses and a sweater vest.


Anyone else have experience with the impldoll deer body?

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Anyone else have experience with the impldoll deer body?

I don't have the deer body specifically, but I have an Impldoll Adela and I can gladly say that Impldoll is a fantastic company! My Adela poses fantastically, her body and head sculpt are both gorgeous, and the company faceup she came with was very well done. Her double joints are a huge plus, too (They also sent me a FREE msd sized carry bag which was a huge, yet pleasant surprise!! Not sure if they do that for deer bodies though.)

I say go for it! I don't think you will be disappointed with them

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Does anyone know if it's remotely possible to mod a DD torso on to Zinc's centaur part?

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Does anyone know if it's remotely possible to mod a DD torso on to Zinc's centaur part?


Not really sure... I feel like the body will naturally look disproportionate. Zinc is on a Idealian51 body, but he's still rather buff compared to a DD? Like there's more there than any DD!


I don't have any DD anymore or I'd bring one next time I see my friends and compare for you. :<


Measurement info if it helps understand at least his torso part and how big it is:


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I was thinking about using a recast zinc body with another torso (female) until Gunter mentioned the zinc body has a male horse bulge. But in the end my lack of funds prevented me from getting anything anyways. These limited DD releases are keeping me from getting anymore resin dolls.

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That will be amazing Torino!!! I had plans for a deertaur msd too, but those plans got put to the side.


I'll be very excited to see what you come up with!

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Unfortunately it looks like this plan can no longer go ahead - my floating head is too big for the body ( it will fit, but it will look a bit odd imo as the deertaur body is weirdly short but slim). The body is also more than $100 usd more than a regular bipedal one, and the current aud-usd xchange rate ads more than an extra hundred onto that as well. I'm still shocked that companies based in Korea and China use USD as default on their international sites as I have never seen a Japanese based company not use yen, and it sucks for me because the exchange rate is so bad it prevents me from buying anything (it's still bad with yen but tolerable).


So my hybrid will still be part deer with magnetic ears and antlers thanks to the inspiration from this body but with a bipedal body now.


I would still love a centaur doll but it ain't possible until the exchange rate recovers, and when Luts or Soom release a new limited one(I hope the former happens first).

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Thought I'd revive this thread now that I have a centaur!

It seems weird to me that I ever wanted that Impldoll deer body though and I'm glad I didnt get it, it just looks -wrong- (and not remotely like a dear).


Recently centaurs are really popular and many companies are rereleasing theirs (Luts and Soom) with some companies making their own new ones (Fairyland, SIO2 and Resinsoul).

Soom had the centaur body as an option for their Teenie Gem Free Choice christmas event, so I got one as a christmas present for myself. The christmas event let you switch bodies and heads, so I got Feny on the Byg/Beyla body (a centaur body).

He's intended to be the child form of this character I drew for a monsterboys anthology, an idol centaur who ended up my favourite. I wanted to make him into a doll but as I have neither the money nor space for giant centaur men, his child form is a nice compromise. (Plus I've always really liked the cute lil chunky MLP-esque centaur bodies myself.)


While waiting for him to be made (took about 3 months) I got an older Volks Yo-SD outfit for him from Mercari and tried to draw a pic of him.



It turns out that Soom teenie gems have smaller heads than I thought - or at least Feny does, so that hat ended up a good deal bigger than I expected on him, but he's really cute and I'm very happy to add him to my growing doll crew.





He still needs a bit more work - I'm currently blushing/painting his hooves, and I need to get some superglue so I can glue the magnets needed for his tail. I also need to either cut his hair a bit or get him a smaller wig, cos since his head is kinda small his head does kind of get engulfed by this one (the hat really helps though), and its too long anyway. (plus its not the -exact- colour I want, but it was the closest I could find)

Also, because he has Feny's head, and Feny is originally a fox, he comes with Feny's fox ears. I was surprised at how massive these were compared to the size of his head (he is 'Feny' after all, so I guess he's a Fennec fox)


but the good thing is although I didnt know what I could do with them at first, they're so big that they dont look weird on a DD. So I'm looking forward to gluing in the included magnets for those as well.


Edited by Guest

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He's very cute! I think the largeness of the hat adds to his childlike cuteness.

Do you have a story imagined of his path to stardom? The adult-ver idol outfit is super cool.

At home: Mei (DDP Lucy custom), Aku (DDB Takane custom)


En route: L. (DD Matoi)

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While I like the idea of bigger centaur dolls I think the issue is that 90% of the horse ones I see just dont look like horses at all to me. Either because of sculptor not knowing wtf a horse is or an attempt to make the body more poseable (or a bit of both), but ones like the Souldoll one and Fairylands new ones just look kinda awkward to me, more like dogs or something. It's another advantage of the little ones which are too chibi and stylised for it to really matter (or they just look more like ponies).

I always hear that the ones that look the most like horses - like Sooms big ones - are basically impossible to pose in anything other than standing there or maybe lifting one hoof off the ground.


So I think even if I did have the opportunity to get a big one I wouldnt take it because I dont really want to pay so much for a doll that's basically just gonna only stand there and be even heavier than a 1/3 resin already is...


It really makes me wish, however unlikely, that a vinyl company would attempt a centaur. The added poseability and lightness would change so much.

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