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Pics of new wrist joints from DD Gathering?

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Anyone have "action shots" of the new Volks wrist parts?

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What do you want to see?


They perform the same way the Smart Doll and wersaze wrist joints do I made this video before Volks released theirs but if they perform the same way. You get the regular forward/ backwards bend of the wrist joint and the new wrist can "spin" so you can get more natural poses.


Start around 7:20 to see the wersaze wrist joints. The advantage of buying the volks ones is that there's no "assembly" required


Edited by Guest


Archangeli.net | Twitter: @MsArchangeli | YouTube: Archangeli

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Really just the ends of the range of motion. Volks has almost nothing to demonstrate.

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Thanks for that!


So the hand just gains the ability to rotate and thus can make better use of the main joint?

Dunno if that phrasing made sense to you...

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Yes, the new wrists give the hand the ability rotate, and this gives them a much bigger range of movement -much like BJDs have.


I took these demonstration videos when mine arrived:


And some example poses. They'd be clearer if she didn't have long sleeves, but I used them on my sws girl, because she has more hands and needs them more than my ns ones. I'm just waiting for Volks to release the wrists in semi-white as well and I'll buy more.












I was so ready to hunt down a pair of wersaze wrists just before Volks came out with these, and I'm so glad they did, because this ended up much cheaper and easier. :3

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Yeah, they just add another swivel point at the place where the hand meets the ball-shaped wrist hinge joint.


You can do stuff like this:



With the regular wrist piece, the hand wouldn't be able to bend and have the knife touch the arm like that.

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Adorable photos, everyone.


I tried contacting Wersaze multiple times before but never got a response. This is better and cheaper, totally.


Maybe this is a stupid question, but do they work for DDII or MDD? (I'm guessing yes & no respectively.)

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It can work with DDII, by switching the wrist peg to the older, shorter version of DDII, just like attaching the wersaze piece. I gave it a shot just after my earlier post.

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I actually Believe that they do make them for mdd as I might have found them on tao bao the other day.

But sadly I cannot post links,just yet.

But it shouldn't be hard to use google translate to look up Mdd wrist and paste it in there ;D

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