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Jointed hands for Dollfie Dream

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Hello! I'm new here (just joined a few minutes ago).


As the title of the topic says, I was wondering if anyone knows of or has had any luck finding some ball jointed hands that fit and function well on the Dollfie Dream line?

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Hi there, and wellcome! Dollfie Dreams are no regular bjds: they are in soft vynil, not resin, they don't have strings and hooks but a hard vynil internal skeleton, so regular ball jointed hands won't work or fit on DDs since the hands have a socket where an internal structure that goes into the skeleton of the arm fit (and fit putting some strenght in it to force the flexible vynil) . You can see here how a Dollfie Dream skeleton look in pieces and complete http://www.dollfiedreams.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=44

****** My Custom DD outfits shop ******My Custom Faceups shop ******


Girls at home:


Lilac - DD2 WS + DDH-06 /Primrose - White Christmas Alna head /Iris - DDS NS + DDH-05 modded /Amaryllis - MDD NS + DDH-06 modded

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Hi there, and wellcome! Dollfie Dreams are no regular bjds: they are in soft vynil, not resin, they don't have strings and hooks but a hard vynil internal skeleton, so regular ball jointed hands won't work or fit on DDs since the hands have a socket where an internal structure that goes into the skeleton of the arm fit (and fit putting some strenght in it to force the flexible vynil) . You can see here how a Dollfie Dream skeleton look in pieces and complete.


Thanks for the information. I have studied up on the internal frame of the Dollfie Dream line. It's going to take some modification to get some jointed hands to work with it, but it is doable. Mostly my question was if anyone else has had this idea, or has had success with modding some to work with DD's. Also about the size of hands to use or the best option for skin color.


Here's a tutorial for putting resin hands on an Obitsu. Obitsus, like Dollfie Dreams, have a hard plastic internal skeleton with vinyl coverings. You could probably do a similar treatment on a Dollfie Dream using jointed hands.


That is very helpful. Thank you very much for the information.

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I have a pair of Dika Doll jointed hands that I intend on getting to work with my KOS-MOS. I've come up with a few ideas. The link that was posted seems quite helpful. Maybe a trip to the arts and craft store is in the plan for the near future. I have a couple of broken plastic pegs that need repair/replacing.

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I was actually able to get to this tonight on my KOS-MOS. A tad difficult because she has a lot of stuff that goes on her arms-the two armor pieces and the arm stockings. Plus, she has a body suit as well. But other than that it was fairly straight forward. I made use of elastic string. I will try my best to do a small write up tomorrow so others can do it too.

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I was actually able to get to this tonight on my KOS-MOS. A tad difficult because she has a lot of stuff that goes on her arms-the two armor pieces and the arm stockings. Plus, she has a body suit as well. But other than that it was fairly straight forward. I made use of elastic string. I will try my best to do a small write up tomorrow so others can do it too.


That's awesome!

How's the sizes? is there a difference between her normal hands and the Dika Doll hands? Hows's the color matching?

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The sizing is quite good actually. I opt'd for the long nails and hang blushing option. Being that KOS-MOS is a semi-white, the color wasn't an exact match to her. But she has the armor and arm stockings so it's not notiacble at all. I believe the Dika Doll hands I purchased were normal white in color so a pure white probably would have been closer to the semi-white.

The main differences between the two are the Volks hands use the internal hand frame to attach to the internal arm structure. While the Dika Doll ones appear to be used with elastic string or possibly even S hooks. I used the elastic string from an arts and crafts store. I used a similar method to the link using an Obitsu minus the metal tubing. It's completely reversible as well.

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The sizing is quite good actually. I opt'd for the long nails and hang blushing option. Being that KOS-MOS is a semi-white, the color wasn't an exact match to her. But she has the armor and arm stockings so it's not notiacble at all. I believe the Dika Doll hands I purchased were normal white in color so a pure white probably would have been closer to the semi-white.

The main differences between the two are the Volks hands use the internal hand frame to attach to the internal arm structure. While the Dika Doll ones appear to be used with elastic string or possibly even S hooks. I used the elastic string from an arts and crafts store. I used a similar method to the link using an Obitsu minus the metal tubing. It's completely reversible as well.


Any chance of some pictures of the mod? Would love to see how the hands look on her.

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