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ss bust Bras

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I've just bought my first Dollfie Dream. But with things coming in at staggering times, she's not all put together yet.


I have her a ss bust, which I would like to have bras for, even if they're just sports style bras or those trainer bras for smaller breasts.


I know the ss breasts have till recently only been on the torso, and that not many people might own one.


But I was hoping if someone knew of somewhere to buy ss sized bras for Dollfies, or if anyone knows someone who can create bras.


Thank you! xx

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I'm curious about this myself. I've been on the lookout, but I haven't found anything yet...

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15615674105_cd551f617b_c.jpg20141024_192400 by Shoujo Magic, on Flickr



16214312727_d6681ccf96_c.jpgMari and Yuki by Shoujo Magic, on Flickr



here's 2 examples of stuff I've made. A ss bra for miku that's kinda part sports bra part fancy bra :p and a M bust panty set I made.


I won't be taking commissions until next year, but if you don't find anything In the meantime, feel free to send me a message :p

I have more dollfies than my age in years *×*

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If you can find someone to sell you just the bra (that will fit SS bust) the Volks Holy Gifter sets from last December came with a bandeau bra so that the SS bust would fit into the dress that's made for SS/S and M bust - since there's a huge difference between them.




Archangeli.net | Twitter: @MsArchangeli | YouTube: Archangeli

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It might not be underwear per se... But Coolcat has some swimwear that might be passable for underwear, maybe..?

I have planned to get a set myself, but have not gotten to it yet, so I cannot offer any further insight.

Check them out here

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here's 2 examples of stuff I've made. A ss bra for miku that's kinda part sports bra part fancy bra :p and a M bust panty set I made.


I won't be taking commissions until next year, but if you don't find anything In the meantime, feel free to send me a message :p


I love the design of the top one. Something similar to that but with solid straps and material, it looks really similar to an ahh bra. An ahh bra and nanny nickers is really what I'm after, super casual and neutral coloured.


I never thought i would make a character out fo my dollfie, but i actually am slowly creating her personality >.<. She's... very normal.

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I noticed that there is a bra panty set for the SS bust coming for the next Volks clickwar that I'll be aiming to get for Miku. It's a pity there aren't more ss bra options, and that they just don't sell bras alone either. sure it's nice to get more panties, but do I really need to have so many more than bras?

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I'm just posting here for my own reference, since I'm planning on getting an SS bust as well and would like to have my options open~

The Coolcat swimwear is nice, but for some reason I can't divorce it from being swimwear, y'know? If that makes any sense ...


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Volks lingerie box occasionally offers them. Got a set for Miku.


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