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DD Eye Size Comparisons

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Pardon me if this topic is somewhere, but I looked and I couldn't find it.


So, I'd like my first DD to be based around Rei Ayanami from Evangelion (not a uncommon theme, I've noticed), and, following the artistic style of the series, I was considering getting 'smaller' eyes for her. That being said, I'd rather see if there's any comparison shots between eye sizes in a DD head, as sizes seem to be a bit wonkier here (or more 'one size fits all') than they are in some companies.


Either way, I'm just curious as to whether or not anyone has any information or reference images they can share.

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the eye holes and spacing are all different on each head, so a better question would be to ask for photos of various eye sizes in the head you are looking for. To add some complexity to that, different eye makers also seem to size their eyes slightly differently. Finally depending on the face makeup, it will also sort of make eyes look bigger or smaller as the eye shape can create optical illusions.


I think I tried 4 sets of eyes in felicia before settling on the ones I have in her right now, which are by blue rose garden, though as with anything, there's probably something better out there so the BRG eyes are her eyes till I find something better. lol.


I think I have 8 or 9 sets of eyes in the parts bin total between 2 dolls and a head.

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My goodness. People sure do have spare parts bins in this business, don't they?


For Rei, I was thinking something along the lines of DD05, paired with Type-B (Madder Red) eyes from Volks themselves. That style is the closest I can find for how she looks in the original anime, but it's a tad bit bigger than I'd like.

The thing I see being a problem is the matter of there not being a lot of 'white' around her eye (ie, the classic 'mature vs moe' design process), which is arguably a mild problem that, in the end, might not actually bother me. From everything I've read, DD heads generally take rather large eyes (22mm for Moes on the brink of going Super-Moe), but Volks sells eyes that would probably fit my MSD Luts girl. I don't know if that's a case of them trying to offer merchandise not only for their own dolls, or if there are cases of big ol' DDy girls having hilariously tiny eyeballs.

Either way, I'm willing to purchase a variety of sizes to try out, but it's just a matter of I don't really like having 'waste' after. I'm sure the secondhand market is lovely enough a place, no matter.

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I just happen to have a custom 02 head I named Reiko that uses 22mm Madder Red eyes. She has the same faceup as the default Rei Ayanami DD except that Reiko has a very slight smile and she uses the Cirno default wig. Here's a shot of her from last weekend:


23247414105_52c62244f4_z.jpgDSC_6230 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


Here's a shot of her next to my default Rei Ayanami.


8021635052_ebb314a10a_z.jpgDSC_8018 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


I had some custom eyes made by Ersa Flora because I wanted to see what Reiko looked like with the same eyes as Rei. Here's how that went.


8257237253_83fe9a8295_z.jpgDSC_9103 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


And here's a shot of Rei with her defaults, Reiko with the custom 22mm and Manami with custom 20mm ones.


8258301564_5c1d518845_z.jpgDSC_9104 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


Hopefully this helps you out a little!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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If you think about using a 05 head i have one which wears 20 mm eyes (honestly i think 22mm are too big for 05 ) actually, i have her wear different volks eyes (unluckly i don't have the type you want, but i have a red Volks pair )


16208816221_c014af4b82.jpgOLYM1391new by Sydia87, su Flickr


Type B you want being round and not oval like mine brobably can look big (not too much white in 05 heads) like this


16024856067_46f7cf04b5.jpgirisviolet eyes by Sydia87, su Flickr

****** My Custom DD outfits shop ******My Custom Faceups shop ******


Girls at home:


Lilac - DD2 WS + DDH-06 /Primrose - White Christmas Alna head /Iris - DDS NS + DDH-05 modded /Amaryllis - MDD NS + DDH-06 modded

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Oh my. So many replies!


And here's a shot of Rei with her defaults, Reiko with the custom 22mm and Manami with custom 20mm ones.




Okay, first, she's beautiful! A pile of Reis is a wonderful thing, and those eyes all look fantastic.

Secondly, that does gives me somAething of a idea on sizing, so thank you. I've heard the 05 is a bigger head (or, hopefully; I want it to be a bit bigger to offset Volk's weirdly long necks), and it seems like a 20mm on a slightly smaller eye would look wonderful in 'cute' outfits or when she's looking directly forward.

(Sorry I couldn't keep your images in there; I don't seem to have permission for that yet, probably because I'm so new. Oops!)




If you think about using a 05 head i have one which wears 20 mm eyes (honestly i think 22mm are too big for 05 ) actually, i have her wear different volks eyes (unluckly i don't have the type you want, but i have a red Volks pair )


Maybe 18mm, then, depending on what looks good in person. That narrows it down a bit. I know the B type is pretty round, unfortunately so, but I liked how it was shaded and highlighted. I should probably look around to see if I can find any true 'oval' shaped eyes like Rei has.

(I double checked my artbook for references and, oops, the movies give her a more typical 'rounded pentagon' styled eye. Considering I prefer the movie's hair colour, perhaps that's the style I should be going for.)


Thank you all for helping!

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The 05 is actually one of the smaller heads fyi.

The eyeholes are a bit larger than some though due to the eye shape, but the head itself is on the smaller side.


I personally prefer smaller eyes myself. I had some 20 mm in my 05 from Arietta project.

The eye shape does also make a difference.




15106568328_ef7ab69c49_z.jpgKatana by Amara77, on Flickr

http://amara77.wordpress.com blog and shop

Spoke too soon....

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