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Obitsu Head on a DDS body ADVICE ?

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So... I just received my girl, custom Obitsu 50-04 head, and she is going on a DDS Melty body. I'm super excited to have her all put together, however I don't know how to attach her head... I've read a lot from buying special adapters for the neck, to using putty, to cutting small slices in the neck hole on the head so that it can just fit snugly on the neck. I don't know what the best solution is because I'm so new to this hobby. So advice please!! Anything and everything can help. >_<;;

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You'll find plenty of tutorials and opinions on this out in the webs. Certainly search the forum for topics on ooak hybrids, and peruse some youtube search results. I also recently received a 50-04 head, but haven't decided what to do with it yet, but it's quite lovely, a lot of potential, so I totally get using it with a DDS body.


As far as keeping the head on, I think a good starting point would be to go the rubber grommet and/or washer from the hardware store route. They're cheap, so you have some room for experimentation to find what has a small enough hole to grip onto the neck post and is wide enough to cover the width of the head's neck hole on the the inside to keep the head on the body and in place when you're posing it. You might need a couple to maintain the necessary friction. And really, it doesn't necessarily have to be a circular piece of rubber, just something that you can slide onto the post to keep the head in place, that has enough grip so it won't side back off too easily. You could also use a layer or two of stiff felt between it and the head to keep the vinyl and rubber separated.


The cupped part in the bottom of the head will be the real challenge. You need to modify it to fit around the DDS neck which is considerably wider than the Obitsu 50/48cm neck. I'm not sure if the material is thick enough to hold up to trimming off all that you would need to, that is if you might end up cutting all the way through. In that case you would need putty or epoxy to fill it back in. I've trimmed the neck hole on some of my smaller obitsu heads to fit larger necks, and from that I would recommend nicely sharpened hobby blades and ton of patience/care, maybe some thick gloves (like leather work gloves?) in case you don't have a lot of experience with this.


Practice with something like barbie heads to get an idea of how the vinyl might respond; I found obitsu vinyl to be both a little bit stubborn and oversensitive to blade strokes, being difficult to get the initial cut into the vinyl started but then once it does it cuts too smoothly creating risk of taking off more than you intend, or end up cutting yourself which is not necessarily painful but definitely regrettable with a time-consuming healing process. Intense patience.


I'd love to hear other's thoughts on this.

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Also, I would do the cutting/trimming before doing the face up. If there's enough sealant, it might not be as much of a risk, but I'd be too distracted otherwise.

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You'll find plenty of tutorials and opinions on this out in the webs. Certainly search the forum for topics on ooak hybrids, and peruse some youtube search results.


I have! It's just that there are so many that I wasn't sure what is generally accepted as the "best" method.


As far as keeping the head on, I think a good starting point would be to go the rubber grommet and/or washer from the hardware store route.


That's what I did for now. It was the least damaging and most temporary fix on the list so for now she is being held together that way. Although honestly its working pretty well so I might not have to even change it! ^^


The cupped part in the bottom of the head will be the real challenge. You need to modify it to fit around the DDS neck which is considerably wider than the Obitsu 50/48cm neck.


That's exactly what I was really worried about at first. But I think it actually might look okay. I don't really have any good pictures of her yet, but i'll post the one I do have and maybe you can see that I may not have to mess with it at all.


Cutting into it seems really scary and since she already has a custom faceup done I wouldn't want to be messing with the head too much because I'd be terrified of damaging it > <;;;


Thank you so much for all your input, talking to other people makes me feel a little less clueless in this field haha. ^^


This is her: (Her name is Shiina btw)

Edited by Guest

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Shiina is adorable! And such a beautiful sweater.


I went ahead and checked my 50-04 on my DDS. The cup depth is such that for all the effort you *might* gain an extra 3mm which at this scale is negligible. Leave it as is; it fits low enough so not worth risking damaging her face-up. With the wig, you cannot even tell anything is odd. Lovely!


Very happy that it's worked out so well!

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It's good to see you found some help with your questions!


So you did win that 50-04 auction! Congrats---Shiina is absolutely adorable!

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I agree with the others, Shiina is totally cute! I love her expression and those eyes.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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