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Parabox Wig and Weft Quality?

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Hi all, I don't usually see anyone using parabox wigs. I'm guessing it's because of the irregular sizing that only seems to work for Obitsu heads. Does anyone here use any of their wigs? How are they quality and staining-wise? I'd love to see pics if possible!

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I've got one in 7-8" size so I haven't tried it on a vinyl girl. The quality is 'ok', I don't think mine has heat-resistant fiber and so it's pretty shiny. The styling is a bit messy, and the wig cap is dark and seems like a potential stainer. It's easier to style than Volks and better quality than Dollzone, but not as nice as Leeke, Luts, Miruya, etc.



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Thanks so much for your review and picture! It's really helpful. I may be wrong, but judging from the dark green color I think that your wig might be heat-resistant? Unless the pictures on the Parabox website are horribly inaccurate, the brighter/neon-ish green is not heat-resistant and the darker one is.. or at least that appears to be the case.

Still, that's too bad about the dark wig cap and average quality fibers. I guess I'll check out other wig manufacturers then. Thanks again!

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I have two 8-inch Parabox wigs, a shoulder-length bob cut in light blue and a long, curly one in dark brown. Neither one is heat-resistant. The bob cut is pretty nice and a decent quality, though not as good as the Monique wigs I have. It's stayed pretty smooth and has no tangles. The bangs on it are a little fussy, however; they're too long, and I have a hard time positioning them in a way that doesn't either hide my girl's eyes or show the wig cap. The long curly one, on the other hand, is pretty tangled and wild. On the other hand, I was able to brush it gently with my fingers a lot more easily than I expected, so it's not ruined or anything, just messy (and fairly realistically so, for such long, thick, curly hair). In general, the individual strands are fairly thick, but not coarse. They also both have pretty long bangs; in the case of the longer wig, it's exacerbated by the fact that it's probably too big for her head. The shorter blue one has a light wig cap that matches their skintone pretty closely; the longer dark one has a dark wig cap that matches the hair color.


Overall, they're not a bad deal considering the price, and I appreciate the wide range of colors they offer. However, I'm not sure they'd be my first choice.


I hope this is helpful to you. Unfortunately, I purchased the wigs several years ago when I was at the store in Tokyo, so I'm not sure I have



Aiko, an Obitsu Haruka on the 50cm Obitsu body. The 8-inch wig is a little loose on her, but generally stays on.



Cassandra, an Impldoll Dorisy on the Impldoll Star body. The wig is way too big for her, and combined with its weight, I couldn't get it to stay on without her wig cap. She usually wears a scarf now as well to help keep it a little more controlled.



Cassandra with her scarf. Unfortunately, it doesn't show up very well against the dark background.

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Thanks a lot for the review and pics! They look quite nice on Aiko and Cassandra. I guess the consensus is that they're quite alright, but could be better.

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