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Hello! Im new to the Dollfie Community, but have reciently purchased the ever so cute original MDD.

Can anyone tell me how well it poses, what are its flaws, and how it compares to the MDDIII body?

Thanks to everyone who can help! ^0^

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You... should probably upgrade, if you want an honest opinion. The bodies look the same in the cuteness department, but the original MDD bodies are a bit... not good. I don't personally own one, and it's because of all the things I've heard from other owners about the original MDD. The flexibility of the joint is on par with the DDII, but the MDD ability to actually hold poses? Not so good. For some reason the frame just can't seem to support itself without fantastic balancing skills.


Though honestly I suppose it depends on what you hope to do with her. Obviously people who own the body will know more than me, but I thought I'd put my two cents in.

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Oh know! well thats a shame to hear. I havent recieved the body yet and it will take a few weeks to get here so I was hoping that I would just get more information untill it arrived.

I dont have very high standards, as long as it can sit, stand,and sort of toutch its face then I would be happy with it.

Mostly I would just be sitting it on my desk to look cute or having it on a doll stand.

But I also got it for a great steal so I wont complain too much if its less than perfect posing wise xD

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I don't own a MDD, so I don't know for sure how well it poses or anything. But I've heard that the MDD's ability to hold poses can be greatly increased by using KIPs, which are little flexible squishy plastic disks that can be inserted into the doll's joints. Because friction increases with KIPs, it's harder for the doll to lose a pose and flop over. Since you've bought the doll, this might be a good way to quickly improve the body.


I'm sure I've seen a tutorial on how to do this, too. Search here or chun has a great tutorial on her blog puppy52dolls. (Can't post links yet but if you search for it you should find it. )

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I own quite a few of the original MDD bodies and I can tell you from first hand experience that they CAN be good posers IF you do some maintenance and upgrades to them.


The original MDD bodies always had problems with the knees and ankles either getting too loose, stripping out or breaking. If you're good with your hands and are mechanically inclined, you can fix these issues and even make the bodies better. It takes some time and some knowhow tho so if you aren't sure about doing it then you should consult someone who's done them or send the body to someone who's familiar with these types of repairs.


Basically, the knees can be kipped ( taken apart to insert small, silicone washers into the joints for better traction ) and the ankles tightened up using either the factory screws that are in there or drilling them out and using all new and bigger screws for more stability. Doing the knee kips is pretty easy but the ankles WILL break if you aren't careful doing that modification.... I've done that myself on a few occasions and it SUCKS.


Another issue with the original MDD body has to do with the inner frame where the top and lower halves go together. There's a plastic ring in there that helps hold things together that breaks and cracks over time. You can repair it with some plastic weld epoxy or you can use heavy duty zip ties to help keep it from cracking if it hasn't already.


Lastly, the wrist parts and the elbows can get pretty loose. You can take the wrists apart and add very light amounts of super glue to the parts and then put them back together after they dry, this makes them ever so slightly wider so they grip better. BUT.... you can break the wrists very easily while trying to do this so unless the wrists are SUPER loose, I'd advise against trying to take them apart. Same for the elbows, those are a pain to get apart without damaging them.


Now I know all this makes the MDD body sound like it's terrible and worthless but it really isn't so bad. I have 3 of them that are very good posers and work quite well after the mods I did to their knees and ankles. They stand on their own just fine and pose well with their arms too. You mentioned having them sitting or standing using a stand.... those are both good ideas for them so they'll be more stable. You can also put boots on them that go over the shins so they add more support to the ankles and keep the feet straight.


I do have an MDD3 body to compare against and it's definitely a better poser than the originals. Volks redid the joints for the most part and also made things a bit easier to work on. It's way more stable than the original one and it has double joints in the knees and elbows so you can get even better poses from it.


So overall, the MDD3 body *is* better than the first one but the first ones can also be really good *if* you get one in good shape or have the modifications done to it so it's more sturdy and better at posing. I hope this helped answer some questions you had!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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^ Completely second what Baldylox said.


I have had an MDD and MDD3 body but since I only have one doll that's an MDD character I sold the original MDD body.

When I sold her, I kind of described her as an MDD+ since I had kipped her knees, her ankles had been fixed and she was really good at free standing and wasn't floppy at all! (Basically, I had done most of the mods that Baldylox mentioned but never needed to anything to her elbows or wrists).


If you have the money to splurge on the MDD3 body though, it really is a big improvement and I like it a lot more.


Archangeli.net | Twitter: @MsArchangeli | YouTube: Archangeli

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Tanks you guys!


I recieved my used MDD body in the mail a few days ago, and she did have several problems in her left leg and hip and in her internal skeleton that I needed to fix

Thanks again for all the awsome tips and tricks and for pointing out about possible damage to the skeleton, i would have never thought to check there at all if Baldylox had not mentioned it.

Some of the damages/repairs:

The peg in her left leg was somehow loose and causing the whole leg to flop and not support itself, so I put a small coating of super glue in there and now it holds like a champ.

I removed the knee and the shin from the outer shell and tightened the screws and now she can have some more tightness.

However she came to me with a cracked/chipped ankle and Im not sure how to repair that, as the ankle is not to too loose and she can still stand on it, I wont fuss with it untill it gets worse i suppose : w:

As for her torso, this is hard to describe but the plastic back/chest plate that the shoulder sockets attatched to had SEVERAL deep cracks along the screws in her back and chest skelton, as though someone tightened the plastic to the point of barley breaking. I tried to remedy that by applying super glue to all of the cracks and im praying to god that this will fix the problem or I may just need to find a new skeleton piece.

Overall though, with the repairs that I did she can sit and stand quite firmly now, I may invest in some kips for later on down the road ^0^

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