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Will polymer clay stain?

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Hello everyone!


So I was thinking about making some accessories for my dolls with polymer clay, and I was wondering if baked and finished clay will stain? I want to make maybe some masks or some horns or ears or something but I don't want to ruin them. Obviously I wouldn't touch their faces or heads with the unbaked stuff, but I was just curious if when baked and painted over with a matte or gloss finish if it still has potential to stain the vinyl.


I have never tried this before, which is why I ask. I am just a little paranoid hahaha


Thank you very much!

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Baked polymer clay shouldn't stain your doll, especially if it has a good finish on it. I'd go for it, personally the accessory possibilities are endless with clay! If you're really worried about staining, maybe put a few extra layers of finish on it to ensure no dye from the clay will transfer to your doll's body or clothes.

Best of luck!

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Another thing to try. In the case of masks and such wearables. Once you have finished the item and added a protective coating, try lining it with a soft, white cloth to further protect your doll. Simple fabric glue or glue like Elmer's white or transparent glue should be enough to hold it in place.

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Baked clay won't stain--I've had my dolls handle polymer clay food props for weeks at a time with no issues.


A different thing to watch out for, though:


If you're making something fairly fitted (like the mask example above), polymer clay DOES exhibit some shrinkage. It's not a huge amount, I think around 5%, but it's enough to screw up the fit of things after baking. You'll want to use a kind of aluminum foil base/last, not just as a barrier between the unbaked clay and the doll, but as a baking support to make sure the fit still stays okay.


A good example of this trick is how AkameruKawaii on YouTube does the snake hair for her Medusa Monster High custom:

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