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coolcat reinforcements

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I have few questions about those coolcat reinforcements for hip and shoulder joints. Do you use them?

If I understand it correctly, their purpose is to make hip and shoulder joints more durable. Otherwise these joints would break easily?

And if you want to put them on, do you have to take apart whole doll? (taking apart dollfie dream is quite terrifying for a newbie like me)

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I count myself as pretty new to Dollfie Dreams too. Even if I have had mine for about a year now.

But I got the reinforcement parts as soon as I got the body. So I do not think you should fear getting them, since taking apart a dollfie dream is no problem!

Though... Getting Dollfie Dream legs on has, for me, been a hassle! So maybe I should not say that it is a piece of cake to put one together..?


Anyway, you got it right - they are to prevent breakage.

You will not need to take apart the whole doll though. Maybe this will show you what you would be dealing with as well as give you some answers..?


I got the parts for the hips, shoulders and neck in my girl.

You would have to unscrew the neck "joint". As you can see in this picture the neck piece is replaced.

The shoulder and hip ones you just slide into place (with some strength and possibly swearing).

Coolcat will send you a instruction paper.


I recommend you to wear gloves when dealing with these reinforcement parts. These coolcat parts seem to have some oil on them that will get everywhere. So if you touch the parts and then your doll, you can count on smudges...

They can be removed with water most of the time though. Just thought I should tell you, in case it was not just me being unlucky with my parts.


(Long answer is long....)

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I install them in every doll I get - as preventative measure to prevent cracking in the internal armature and the hip joints.


I've never noticed oil on them when I opened mine, but since they are made of aluminum it might be part of the production process to keep the metal lubricated?


Anyways, I showed how I install them in this box opening video. Start around 05:44



Archangeli.net | Twitter: @MsArchangeli | YouTube: Archangeli

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Thank you very much, both of you, for links and video. They helped a lot.

I am getting these reinforcements. Again, thank you.

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I might have to look into these myself. Might have to add it to the list of must haves for new additions like body suit and wig cap.

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