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SQlab head on DDS (Bent neck peice) Problems.

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I have my new DDS body but the head for it is a SQlab one. it fits stupidly tight and i cant really move her head or position it at all.


Is this normal or do i need to mod the neck piece /hole in the head?


Tried googling this but i could not find anything.

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I think it really depends on the head. I have two SQ heads (Moe and Iris) and have tried them both on MDDs and DDS. Moe is quite loose on the MDD but fine on DDS, while Iris is snug on MDD but also fine on a DDS.


It may require a third party neck piece if you are having difficulty; I haven't personally bothered, though some day I would like to make Moe more snug on her MDD body.


If it is too tight, you could try (very carefully) sanding the neck hole to loosen it slightly? I'm not really able to do such mods myself so wouldn't want to try, but if you are able, you could give it a go, I guess. Or just get a third party neck joint; I see various sold on YJA, and there are coolcat metal necks too.

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I think it really depends on the head. I have two SQ heads (Moe and Iris) and have tried them both on MDDs and DDS. Moe is quite loose on the MDD but fine on DDS, while Iris is snug on MDD but also fine on a DDS.


It may require a third party neck piece if you are having difficulty; I haven't personally bothered, though some day I would like to make Moe more snug on her MDD body.


If it is too tight, you could try (very carefully) sanding the neck hole to loosen it slightly? I'm not really able to do such mods myself so wouldn't want to try, but if you are able, you could give it a go, I guess. Or just get a third party neck joint; I see various sold on YJA, and there are coolcat metal necks too.


Well she was loose on the DDII neck piece but hella tight on this neck piece. I may have a go and sand the neck piece or see if theirs any small extra parts of plastic on there to see if its that but i probably will get some of my sanding tools and give it a slight rub ( my girl is a Iris too)

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