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Volks Dollfie Make Up Starter Kit Opinions?

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Hey everyone!


My first ever BJD was a blank doll to customize, and I started out rather cheaply to be honest when it came to buying supplies. While I still have a lot of supplies left, I've found that customizing DD and other dolls becomes more difficult the more I try. I feel like I'm getting a bit better at customizing, so I am wondering if my struggle is coming more from the tools I am using then the actual customizing itself.


So when I came across the make up starter kit on the Volks website a while back I had to wonder if it's really a good investment. Has anyone used it? If so would you recommend it? It seems like any painting I've done on a DD just doesn't look very nice with everything I've been using, so I really hope that it would help them look more "factory" painted if I used this.


Here's a link just in case-


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I'm planning to buy this myself, but I've never done a faceup before.

However, I often see incredible stuff by people who use relatively unremarkable materials, so a lot of it just seems to be technique and experience. I don't expect to be magically amazing at faceups just by buying the official volks stuff; i'm mainly getting it because they have convenient colour sets and I'll be able to buy everything I need together, plus they're cheaper than I anticipated.


on the off chance that they do bestow me with faceup skills of the gods I'll post lots of pics.

My impression of them is that the paint -is- better quality so thins out better with the thinner, etc, but for all I know it's no better than cheaper stuff but with a fancy volks label. I'd also like to know if anyone else has used them!

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