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Volks standard model in different skin?

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I have stupid question. Volks standard DDs comes in one skin color? If I want DDS Mayu, do I have to order her in normal skin? But if I want her in semi-white skin I have to order semi-white body and ddh-04 head and find somebody that would give her face-up? And body comes in one piece or do they ship it in body parts?

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Their character dolls are the skintone stated on their page... all but the new Mirai are NS, iirc. Mirai is SW. They always come whole, not in parts.


So if you want one of them in a different tone to the one Volks does them in, you'll need to buy the tone you want and get someone to do the faceup as close as possible (or just buy a lovely custom from YJA; always dozens to choose from).

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But if I want her in semi-white skin I have to order semi-white body and ddh-04 head and find somebody that would give her face-up? And body comes in one piece or do they ship it in body parts?

You are correct! You have to buy the body and head separately, and find someone to give her a faceup. Bodies come in one piece, in a long box. Not a stupid question at all!


Linda S.


DDH03 girl DDH07 x2 boys DDH06 girl DDH-05 x2 boys

DDH01 mod girl Saber Alter SqLab Tsubaki boy DDH-02 girl

Mio Honda Youmu Konpaku x2 boy twins

Also: DDS Lagla, Sheryl Nome, SmD Melody, SmD Eiji x2

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thank you very much for answers I wanted to keep from all the face-up thing. That is too much stress for me. But I guess will have to endure it.

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