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The Re-Introduction of Arienette

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Hi, my name is Amber. I'm not new but I've been gone for a very long time.


I had started a side-forum with mitsuki for a smaller community, and shortly after I disappeared off the face of the earth.


To make a long story short, I got very sick (physically & mentally). I was in and out of the hospital and emergency room multiple times.


I have returned, but I am not sure how active I will be since I am still not well.


However, I do know that I missed all of you and all of your dolls.


I hope you will be accepting and understanding of my absence and I cannot wait to talk to you all and look at your beautiful photos again.


Thank you!


I am very excited to be back.



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  Arienette said:
Hi, my name is Amber. I'm not new but I've been gone for a very long time.


I had started a side-forum with mitsuki for a smaller community, and shortly after I disappeared off the face of the earth.


To make a long story short, I got very sick (physically & mentally). I was in and out of the hospital and emergency room multiple times.


I have returned, but I am not sure how active I will be since I am still not well.


However, I do know that I missed all of you and all of your dolls.


I hope you will be accepting and understanding of my absence and I cannot wait to talk to you all and look at your beautiful photos again.


Thank you!


I am very excited to be back.



Welcome back~ *holds open arms for a possible hug* ^^

I hope you start feeling better and I missed you & your gals! c :

Hopefully we can enjoy each others' photos once again~

Edited by Pickle

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Hello, Arienette!


I would love to welcome you back, but have sadly not been here for long enough to do so! I do hope that you'll feel better though, and would be happy to chat if you wish to as well! ( ^∇^)


I've taken a quick look at your Flickr, and all the girls you posted there look adorable!

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*hugs Pickle*

Thank you, I missed you too. I can't wait to see your pictures.


Hi, Cotton. Welcome to the forums! Thank you, I'd love to get to know you. Thank you for the compliments of my dolls.

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Hello there. Welcome back....

I've only been here a short time since I got my first Dollfie last year, but I'm always looking forward to meeting or speaking with everyone.


Don't be a stranger, k???...

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Hi Sticks! Thank you for the welcome. Your dollfie is very pretty, I like the purple hair in your avatar. I like talking to people too.

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Hi Arienette. Glad to see that you're back. I was wondering what had happened to you because I hadn't seen you on the forum as much. Sorry that you were sick. But I'm happy that you're doing ok now! I too, would like to give you a hug! Take care of yourself! ^_^

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  Arienette said:
*hugs Pickle*

Thank you, I missed you too. I can't wait to see your pictures.

You're welcome! ^///^ Can't wait to see yours~ I miss seeing Minako the most. c;

It'd be awesome if one day I could see her in person. :3 Sometimes I think about getting my own Sasara but I'm always edgy about the prices and if I could actually bond with an opened mouth/o-mouthed DD. >.< Sakuno was an epic fail, haha~ xwx

Edited by Pickle

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Hi sakura! I am happy to see that you are still here! Thank you for your kind words. *hugs sakura*


I will hopefully get some pictures up soon! I still don't feel very well to do like a "photo shoot," but I will try to take something at least. I want you to meet her in person as well, that would be a lot of fun!

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  Arienette said:

I will hopefully get some pictures up soon! I still don't feel very well to do like a "photo shoot," but I will try to take something at least. I want you to meet her in person as well, that would be a lot of fun!

Maybe just take a picture of where your dolls are currently? c You don't have to do anything big~ ^^

It sure would be. It'd be fun if the twins came as well when they are on their bodies and are finally semi-complete! (I say semi because c'mon, our DD girls always want a lot of clothes or at least some kind of accessory I bet c; )

I'm really excited to save up lots of money to get them done! >w< Then boom, I can finally get some decent pictures of them up instead of them just being random floating heads. Haha~ Maybe we could be photo pen pals...^////^ (random note: and this time, I am keeping my second DD... I bet people are mad at me for the past because of me getting rid of Alna, Sakuno, and Liz. TwT)

Edited by Pickle

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I might take a picture of them as they are right now... I haven't changed their clothes in months, so I might start there!


Yes, I hope you can get them some bodies soon! I was sad to see your other girls go, but ultimately it is up to you as to who you decide to keep in your dollie family.

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  Arienette said:
I might take a picture of them as they are right now... I haven't changed their clothes in months, so I might start there!


Yes, I hope you can get them some bodies soon! I was sad to see your other girls go, but ultimately it is up to you as to who you decide to keep in your dollie family.

Ah, alright! Sounds good! 😄

Thank you for understanding~ ^^ I feel like everyone else just might be like "ignore her, she'll just sell all her DDs". But, I don't want to nor do I plan to! x.x

Edited by Pickle

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