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Hi everyone!


I'm from Australia, and I've been collecting PVC figures for a few years. I currently don't have any dollfies, (the only doll I have is an Azone pureneemo) but I got the winning notice for Rin yesterday (I missed her uniform though), and so she'll be my first dollfie. I'm a bit nervous about staining, but I'm quite excited for her.


The only other dollfie I really want is Beatrice, I love Umineko but she's just too expensive for me right now. Other than that, I don't have any plans for more dolls (yet)

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Hello ghirahim!


Where about's in Australia are you from?


It's nice to see a fellow Aussie *wave*


Ooh! Rin is gorgeous! What a fantastic first doll. I hope you will share photos when she arrives?

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  butterflybuttons said:
Hello ghirahim!


Where about's in Australia are you from?


It's nice to see a fellow Aussie *wave*


Ooh! Rin is gorgeous! What a fantastic first doll. I hope you will share photos when she arrives?


I'm from Northern NSW, but I spend about half the year in the ACT because I study there. Where are you from?


I definitely will be! Knowing my luck, she'll arrive when I've already left for university, so I'll probably have to wait a while until I can open her.

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  ghirahim said:
Hi everyone!


I'm from Australia, and I've been collecting PVC figures for a few years. I currently don't have any dollfies, (the only doll I have is an Azone pureneemo) but I got the winning notice for Rin yesterday (I missed her uniform though), and so she'll be my first dollfie. I'm a bit nervous about staining, but I'm quite excited for her.


The only other dollfie I really want is Beatrice, I love Umineko but she's just too expensive for me right now. Other than that, I don't have any plans for more dolls (yet)



HELLO and welcome

lol... I have a monster anime PVC collection myself, selling them to support this new DD hobby.


definitely.. get a body-suit for your new DD, BEST investment for all beginners

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  FinalGear said:
  ghirahim said:
Hi everyone!


I'm from Australia, and I've been collecting PVC figures for a few years. I currently don't have any dollfies, (the only doll I have is an Azone pureneemo) but I got the winning notice for Rin yesterday (I missed her uniform though), and so she'll be my first dollfie. I'm a bit nervous about staining, but I'm quite excited for her.


The only other dollfie I really want is Beatrice, I love Umineko but she's just too expensive for me right now. Other than that, I don't have any plans for more dolls (yet)



HELLO and welcome

lol... I have a monster anime PVC collection myself, selling them to support this new DD hobby.


definitely.. get a body-suit for your new DD, BEST investment for all beginners


I've been looking around at body-suits, but I'm a bit undecided on which one I'll get , do you have any recommendations? (I don't know if I wanna go with a coolcats one or wait and see if Volks restocks)

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  ghirahim said:
  butterflybuttons said:
Hello ghirahim!


Where about's in Australia are you from?


It's nice to see a fellow Aussie *wave*


Ooh! Rin is gorgeous! What a fantastic first doll. I hope you will share photos when she arrives?


I'm from Northern NSW, but I spend about half the year in the ACT because I study there. Where are you from?


I definitely will be! Knowing my luck, she'll arrive when I've already left for university, so I'll probably have to wait a while until I can open her.



Awesome! I'm from the southcoast, but I frequently visit Canberra and Sydney.

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Hi, congrats on winning Rin. Sorry you didn't get her outfit, but if you really want it maybe you can find it somewhere else. Welcome to the forums!

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  ghirahim said:

I've been looking around at body-suits, but I'm a bit undecided on which one I'll get , do you have any recommendations? (I don't know if I wanna go with a coolcats one or wait and see if Volks restocks)


I order mine through coolcat for my DD III normal skin. Fits perfectly and save me from stains already

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  FinalGear said:
  ghirahim said:

I've been looking around at body-suits, but I'm a bit undecided on which one I'll get , do you have any recommendations? (I don't know if I wanna go with a coolcats one or wait and see if Volks restocks)


I order mine through coolcat for my DD III normal skin. Fits perfectly and save me from stains already


Welcome to the Forum. You'll be amazed how big she is when she arrives.


I'd add a stand and a cloth (not silicone) head cap to the list of must have items. Rin's wig will almost certainly have a black wig cap, and nothing is worse than trying to remove wig cap stains near a dolls face-up.


The lace edge on the coolcats caps doesn't protect from stains, so you have to position the wig with the lace exposed. With Rins hairstyle it may be hard to hide the lace edge under her hair, so I would get a Volks cap that doesn't have a lace edge.


I can vouch for the quality of the cool cats stands and body suits.


Stands make it a lot easier to dress and style them. Stability while standing on their own varies from doll to doll. I'd recommend the U type stand for use with any outfit where the saddle on the stand is covered by a skirt. With a U stand you can just lift her off the stand when you want to do something with her.




You have a few different options for body suits, and the thicker the material the more it protects. Rin's School Uniform calls for a full body suit. Her default outfit calls for a shorts style body suit, but the catch here is you either need white socks under the black socks with her default outfit or just use white socks.


For Rin's school uniform I would go with http://us.sk-coolcat.com/front/bin/ptdetail.phtml?Part=DDPN-55


http://us.sk-coolcat.com/front/bin/ptdetail.phtml?Part=DDPN-04 (The lace edge is nice because if it sticks out it just comes across as underwear, but again the lace part does not provide stain protection.)


For the default outfit I would go with http://us.sk-coolcat.com/front/bin/ptdetail.phtml?Part=DDPS-54


http://us.sk-coolcat.com/front/bin/ptdetail.phtml?Part=ll_02 under or in place of the black socks.


You can get socks on over other socks it just takes a bit more effort. Realize the clothing is fragile, so put it on carefully. Underwear in particular will be very tight as it goes past her hips. I've never torn a pair, but before I got my first doll I saw an unboxing video where the guy did tear them getting them on.


One nice thing is you can mix and match clothing between her two outfits if you get the second outfit. You could for example just get the full body suit, and use the tights from her school outfit in place of the socks from her default outfit.


Where white clothing is in between the body and any dark clothing you don't require protection, but it doesn't hurt. The doll can still get stains even with anti-stain clothing on. Especially from wig caps. Basically the dye can bleed through the protective clothing and stain the doll. Every few weeks I remove the wig and all their clothing and check the dolls skin everywhere for stains. If I see any dye discoloration on the protective clothing it gets hand washed with some Resolve on the stains.


As long as you are careful and take good care of her she should never get stained, but unfortunately it's one of those things where you often have to learn by trial and error.

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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  Arienette said:
Hi, congrats on winning Rin. Sorry you didn't get her outfit, but if you really want it maybe you can find it somewhere else. Welcome to the forums!

Thanks for the welcome! I've been keeping an eye out for it, hopefully I find it for a somewhat decent price.


  Wolf said:

Thanks for all of your help, I really appreciate it ^-^

I was thinking of a Volks wig cap, the last thing I want is for her head to stain badly.


I really like the idea of the skirt bodysuit and white thigh-highs. Could a full body suit also work? Exchange rates right now are pretty bad, but the aud->yen is making me lean more towards a Volks bodysuit.


Would you recommend giving the clothing a handwash before the doll wears it?


Thanks again!

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I believe the concept behind the Volks full bodysuit is that the color and texture matches the dolls skin. That way if the body suit is exposed anywhere it looks like more the dolls own body and not a piece of fabric. In the case of Rin's default outfit you can use the Volks bodysuit with the black socks and the exposed part of her thighs won't look too out of place with the bodysuit covering them.


The Volks bodysuit is thinner than the coolcats full body one I have, and I prefer to use a thicker fabric to protect the doll with very dark colors, and I just pick outer clothing that conceals the body suit. That's just my own preference.


I think if money is an issue get what you need to protect her body and head now, so you can dress her when she arrives. Then worry about expanding your protective clothing options when you can. I believe there are some tutorials online that tell you how to make a wig cap with a bit of fabric and a needle and thread if you can't get one. I'd suggest never put any wig with a black cap on her without one.


I bought this badly stained doll as a fix up project. The stains you see from the wig wrapped all the way around her head.



The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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