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Bree: "Want Down!"

Sohi: "No, you just sit still!"


(I love finding old pics that I forgot to post.)


I love Bree so much but I fear that most people won't understand her since her body is much bigger than her brain capacity. We still have no idea how old she is, but her mental age is somewhere between a toddler and a kindergartener. I personally don't find that weird because Bree is Bree, but it seems very odd when I think about her in comparison to the rest of the DD universe. By comparison Sohi is 17 (I think.)


So many stories to tell, it's hard keeping them all inside since SO much goes on all the time. I keep hoping once Eiji/Kyoya get here that it will finally be a catalyst to get the family story 'reboot' actually published. That's what I get for writing Kyoya into one of the photo stories before I even realized that Eiji could be my vinyl Kyoya. He was going to be a friend of Ralph's and equally weird. LOL! Even as it was, I wrote his part in a way that it could be filled in later. I had no idea that he would be here before the pics for the story would be finished.


Most of all I've really missed my forum family and feeling like I have the time to catch up on all of your family pics and stories. I really love what I do but I've gotten pretty drained not feeling like I have the time for anything else, even just random silly photos. I have such a fear of being forgotten and the last couple of years I haven't been as connected to the forums as I had previously been. If I was in an anime I would probably be one of those instantly forgettable characters.


I no longer have any idea how mine and Raven's family is viewed anymore, or what one of the kiddos is the favorite in general, or which one is the most intriguing and needs a story just about them. I'm not someone who's an attention hog but I feel lost and confused without input that isn't my own.


New people or old friends, is there anything you want to know about our family? Suggestion for new pics (that I desperately need to do)? Do I need to post a family tree to make sense of who's who anymore? It's all I know to ask to help me get back into participating on the greater part of the forum instead of just the Smart Doll Boy thread.




(Here's something I did on Naiomi's Closet as I'm working on the update. I needed to test out the formatting for links in the 'news' section and had to make something up to fill the space. And that happened.)


I miss you guys. I miss the laughter. The smiles. I miss letting my silly brood run amuck for everyone's entertainment.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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This makes me happy, because I joined this forum during what I will refer to as your 'hiatus' for lack of a better term (by which I mean you werent doing much with your DD family due to needing to work on Eiji stuff). I actually found this forum because of your Eiji stuff and posts about the Dev body but something about the pictures in your signature struck me and I admit I went into stalker mode trying to find as much content as I could to learn all about them I've finally read all the past photo stories and the text only ones too! And then I realised I wanted more, although I also realised I'm lucky in that I've been waiting for more less than others.


Seriously, I don't know what it is about your kiddos but they really inspire me! I even want to try drawing fanart of Tama sometime if that's alright with you (I'm just not sure where I would post it, unless I could just post it in this thread, or tweet it at you on twitter.) I always like finding out what they're up to.


So now that you've given me the chance to say what I'd like....I'm realising how hard it is to not just blurt 'EVERYTHING' as that's not exactly helpful. So I guess I can start with the top of my list, which would be more info about Lucas - specifically his opinions on the rest of the family and how he interacts with each of them. I already know he gets on well with Tama...because I don't think it's actually physically possible for someone to dislike Tama.

That and...I'd like to see another showdown between Dolly and Woody, and the aforementioned team-up between Dolly and Yuriko

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You have no idea how hard I'm laughing right now... I can't tell you how pleased I am to hear all of what you wrote. I always feel very humbled hearing that someone stumbled into some part of the hobby because of me.


I think pretty much all the 'info' I have posted about the kiddos is either here on the forums, pics on Flickr, or a very little bit on the Models pages on Naiomi's Closet. Even so, those pages are currently being updated and I hope to have the family stories posted there as well eventually. There is my Family thread but some of the info is a bit scrambled because it's such a huge post to edit. My dyslexic brain gets fried trying to dig through all that text when it all starts to look the same. You can find out a LOT about Tama and Dolly in the Boy's Club thread in the off-topic dolls section if you haven't seen it yet. (Oh god, I'm SO tempted to change that first pic... Dolly looks horrendous! ) Nope, didn't manage to get through that first post before totally cracking up. I gotta remember to read through there again.


Fan art- I'd LOVE it! Morso, the kiddos would love it. I have a couple of pics that Nekopon drew, one of Naiomi and one of Tama that I just love to pieces. More than once I've wondered about having 'fan clubs' for each of the kiddos just for my own curiosity to find out who's the favorite. Much to my surprise Dolly has quite the fan base. Don't ask me how that happened. I have no idea. Feel free to post fan art anywhere you would like and send me a link if needed.


Writing stories is something I deeply, deeply love, even more than sewing and fabric design. It might seem like a very weird choice for a dyslexic, but I had to learn to write to describe the near realistic oil paintings in my mind when my hands don't have the talent with a brush to paint them. I am an immensely visual person, so having that all trapped in my mind was torture. This near hiatus of mine was additionally hard because work was always coming first and I have really worn myself down. I'm still working on the Naiomi's Closet stuff, but I just can't keep up the breakneck pace anymore. I miss spending time with Ravendruid (a perpetual lurker...) and the kiddo's stories are just bursting to get out. Parts of my short-term memory are really bad, so for me to be able to 'keep' the memories with my vinyl family I have to photograph what goes on or it just doesn't retain in my mind. Much of the time even now I waver back and forth between if I should 'dobleepent' the events around here with photo stories or just full-text stories. They both have their plus and minus' so it can be hard to decide. I'm trying to get my OCD mind to accept that there is a middle option too: Just taking a couple of shots and putting it with the longer text. I have gone over that argument in my mind over and over again and it has yet to stick. I think some of my doubt comes from the fear that my writing is sub-par, even though working on it is something I've enjoyed for the last 11 or so years. I've really wanted to be a writer but was afraid that I'm just not good enough and actually chose Naiomi's Closet as the 'second best' choice because of that fear. I'm totally blown away and amazed at what has happened because of that choice and the very, very unexpected connection with Danny that has been one of the results.


So the point of this long ramble is simply, being able to hear that someone enjoys my writing and actually is craving more, means more than I know how to express. Perhaps it was just the way that you chose to phrase it made it finally sink into my thick skull. I have been battling for months now with myself to get the 'Halloween' photo story done (In fact it is like the first part of like a 6-7 part restart of our DD family and letting all of you get to know everyone in our household and working through many, many backstories.) I've got 20 pics already to get it started with (Set 1), Set 2 could be done in about 5 pics I think, Set 3 I've been struggling with trying to figure out how to do as photos, Set 4 is the actual Halloween photos and that's where things start to get REALLY convoluted. It was going to be straightforward in the beginning, but then two other crucial plot points came up that started to scramble everything. I knew in the beginning that Set 4 was going to be a long and complicated shoot, but it has gotten to the point where some of what's going on I don't think I can even properly explain with just photos. Not to mention the introduction of two more in our household, one of which won't be here until the end of this week. The storyline for all this is so complicated that I had to go look up the file where I have it outlined to remember what the progression should be. Ugh. And I still got it kinda wrong. LOL!


I think I just need to get pushy with myself and start writing the parts that need to be written so then I know what photos are left to be taken to fill everything out. I also want an excuse to photograph all the Halloween costumes I did. I should know by now that if I don't write on my stories, DD ones or my regular fantasy ones, that the words force their way out anyway... resulting in Godzilla sized posts like this. (Count yourself lucky. Before I realized this connection, out of nowhere I would start writing an email to my mom and it would literally end up as ten pages in a word dobleepent. I really do try and keep my replies short on here. Believe it or not. LMAO!)


Part of me wants to believe that it's okay and perfectly fine for me to work on the DD stories for a while instead of somehow trying to force all the same info into photos. This is one area that the encouragement really helps a lot. The longer stories are just getting so clogged up inside that it starts to make it impossible for me to even do the photo stories 'out of sequence.' Being OCD sounds so fun, doesn't it?


There is a possibility that I might be able to get my own camera soon instead of using/dominating Raven's camera and that would give him the chance to do more pics of our kids too. I'm always bugging him to tell more of the stories of his three girls (Yuriko, Sohi & Miku) so I don't have to figure it out all on my own. So that would give me a chance to do more writing without having to do everything. Plus he's been working on something DD related that I'm pretty darn excited to see get to a place where he lets me start tinkering with it. All I'm gonna say is it just might be more DD stories. I get SO excited every time I think about it.


Despite what it might seem, I want to blurt out everything too! But my author's mind gets pretty ticked about me spilling beans before they can be put in proper context. (Yet another reason I have to write. It's totally eating away at me!)


Ah Lucas... As much as I like to pretend that Tama would always be just mine, when I think about what character of mine he originated from, it is inevitable that some form of Lucas would have popped up somewhere. Tama and Lucas are actually the DD versions of a couple of my story characters I began writing before discovering DD. Ollie (Tama) and Tomas (Lucas) are pretty similar to their base characters in some ways, but very different in others, like their age, Ollie isn't as shy and their speech patterns are very different. Sometimes it amuses me to think about if my boys talked like this:


Tomas: “Where be Corbin and Forrest me hearty? Not common fer ye ta be dining by yerself.”


Hastily the lad finished chewing the bite of meat pie and swallowed to answer the chap.


Ollie: “Corbin said he had ta go visit ’is uncle, bloke’s been doin’ that fer as long as me mind can ’member but never met the gent meself. Gets ’im outta work too, it does. As fer Forrest, ’e be eatin’ with some ol’ crewbies that got inta port sometime yesterday mornin’.”


There are three other characters in the same house with similar but varying speech patterns, making them complicated enough that I have a separate dobleepent trying to keep them all straight. I've been told that this is about the worst thing that a writer can do to characters, but since I'm writing yaoi for my own darn self, I'm not bothered about how horrid my interpretation of Victorian accents are. I'm just happy that Corbin doesn't have a DD form. He would be like a combination of Lucas and Dolly, but loads more mischievous and flat out dangerous. I like his character a lot, but he needs to stay in his own world.


With all of that being said, Lucas is the DD with the most difficult past I think (there are a couple of others who could be as well depending on how it's interpreted.) So in general he's suspicious and doesn't let anyone easily get close to him, and rarely does he entirely let his guard down around anyone, even his friends. This is one of the big reasons why I find it so funny seeing his personality change a lot around Tama. It's like a big tough biker guy getting all gushy over a kitten. Lucas cracks up quite often over Dolly and they are pretty decent friends, even if Dolly is totally clueless about why Lucas hangs out with Tama whenever he can. Lucas recognizes that Dolly is someone really close to Tama so he doesn't get jealous over that, but sometimes gets secretly annoyed when Dolly gets in the way too often.


Lucas is pretty good friends with Naiomi and they get along well (more on that with Lucas' intro story), and his other close friends that I know of are Ralph and Lorelai since they all go to school together. Not everyone in our 'household' technically live in our house (story wise) and Lucas actually has his own small apartment.


Daisy he just thinks is weird. Harmless, but pretty strange. Because of not knowing what's behind her strangeness, he's a bit uncomfortable around her, fearing that there is destructive chaos hiding within her clueless facade. (It isn't true, she's about as dangerous as a goldfish.)


If Tama wasn't around and Bree wandered in and sat next to Lucas, I could easily imagine him gently pinching her nose closed until she squeaked and he'd let go. She of course would laugh and grab at his hand so he would do it again. This would repeat a few times until she wandered off or she decided to drag her stuffed animals in and pile them on Lucas. This really brings up an interesting point about him. He tends to act this way when no one is watching, and he's a lot more gentle than he tries to project himself as. With Bree and Tama he wouldn't have to be so guarded because their innocent natures are readily apparent.


Rainie he just doesn't understand, especially with her military-like views, bold nature, and sometimes just because she's loud. You don't have to guess where Rainie is because you can usually hear her first. To portray her accurately I'd always have to have her talk in all-caps. He probably just thinks of her as a noise bucket.


As for Ringo... those two are thick as thieves in one particular area. Ringo may be quiet but she's highly observant. Her sweet little smile can be used with precision to get her out of trouble way more often than it should. She's 13 going on 30. She's my little writer with some very bad habits. I don't mind that she works on her writing skills, but when she writes age inappropriate novellas about her adopted siblings (and whoever else she chooses) and sells the contraband... Yeah, that's where I've got a problem. Especially, especially when Lucas regularly funds her endeavors. Sneaky little buggers.


Dakota & Miss Lottie are the adults of the group so he completely minds his manners around them, knowing full well that the could ban him from seeing Tama if they wished to.


He and Yuriko have been in conflict since the beginning. She does not like boys. The have invaded her yuri paradise. In the past she has claimed that "Tama is too cute to be a boy. And boys stink, like Dolly. Daddy isn't a boy either because he's Daddy." So their rivalry started like a wildfire once Yuriko realized that some boy was trying to dominate Tama's time. It reminds me much of the conflict between Tamaki and the Twins in Ouran.


Miku and Sohi are classified as "Yuriko's friends" so he usually just avoids them.


Gizella... is her own kind of problem. You think no one could dislike Tama? Gizella finds him to be a total pest. Lucas finds her to be a total pest but she never gets a clue. More of that will come out once I can start adding her into the family story.


Madison and Lucas have a vicious rivalry, and Madison can easily be classified as hostile in Lucas' view. Lucas is fiercely protective of Tama no more so than when Madison is around. There is no love lost between those two. If Lucas was a violent person, he wouldn't contain it except for Tama's sake. Madison is dangerous, intelligent, and is intent on claiming what doesn't belong to him. That's all I'm saying about that for now.


The DD that aren't mentioned here fall into the 'no comment' category because he just hasn't had any significant interaction with those DD to really form an opinion. The connection that most of our DD have with one another is because they all go to the same school if they attend either the high school (DD/DDS) or middle school (Obitsu 45cm & smaller, except Bree.)


I may need to be reminded of the Yuriko-Dolly alliance after the stories that are filling my head are told, because it cracks me up every time. Woody is being kept under lock and key right now, guarded by Yuriko's Monster High girls. The alliance is one of those 'only when hell freezes over' moments that would scarcely be repeated again. Those two have been bickering and poking at each other for nearly four years now.


Hopefully your eyes haven't fallen out by this point. (OMG! I just looked at the preview... and it's way longer than I intended, again. So sorry!) As for me, I feel like I've barely touched the tip of the iceberg on SO many things in here. I really don't remember the last time I was so excited to get writing, or allowed myself to just sit and do it.


If you've got more questions, ask away!


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Don't apologise for the lenght, I think it's good that you have so much to say about them.

Lucas sounds exactly like the kind of character I was hoping he would be - I have a real soft spot for the 'big tough biker guy getting all gushy over a kitten' type that you mentioned so I really can't wait to see more pictures of his interactions with the other. (Especially if you could do photos of him holding Bree's nose like you said )


Thanks for telling me about the Boy's Club thread! Must read through it all later. It made me realise I haven't looked too far into the older posts in the offtopic dolls board, but I really should. Would it be weird to reactivate that thread? I'm not really sure what this forum's stance on 'necroposting' is because I've seen it done plenty of times with no issue, and it would be a shame to let such a good thread 'die'. Five of my 8-strong pure neemo army are boys, and I think they'd really like introducing themselves to Tama (well, most of them.) My Shuya actually reminds me a lot of him and I feel like they'd get on well...although the size difference would scare him a lot. Might have to wait until I have some time for photos - which is just as well because both the dolls I hope to have this year are both both boys (Eiji and my bjd hybrid, plus the 'if the chance presents itself' MDD I want to make eventually although I kind of hope that doesn't happen this year due to funds and all) Plus if it gets revived a lot more people can post their boys too, as I know there's definitely more than what I saw skimming through.


Anyway, reading about the other family members makes me realise I'm a lot more interested in Ringo than I thought (although I was before, because she's adorable). I didn't realise she had that side to her! 'Age inappropriate' writing, you say? For some reason I'm imagining her following around two of the male family members and trying to take 'reference photos' from any easily misunderstood situations that might arise. I'd like to see more about her and her 'works' some time too.


Good luck getting through all the work it will take to get all your ideas out! I look forward to it.


I hope I can draw Tama and maybe some of the others some time soon! I need to draw more things that arent my webcomic more often so this is a good excuse.

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Thanks for telling me about the Boy's Club thread! Must read through it all later. It made me realise I haven't looked too far into the older posts in the offtopic dolls board, but I really should. Would it be weird to reactivate that thread?


I'm gonna sneak this in and say, please do. I've missed that thread. Before I went on my own version of a hiatus, that thread was an awesome break and point of connection between SK's family and mine. I don't have DD boys, except for my 07 Allen Walker but he hasn't really interacted with SK's kids so he doesn't count. Kaylus needs a place to tweak Lucas' nose.



So the point of this long ramble is simply, being able to hear that someone enjoys my writing and actually is craving more, means more than I know how to express. Perhaps it was just the way that you chose to phrase it made it finally sink into my thick skull.


This makes me sad and happy in a way. Sad because it took this long before you finally realized that there are people who would love to see the world you create, and happy because now I can finally enjoy your writing and see your family. Even though I haven't been able to enjoy the hobby as much as I had previously, I still loved to read about yours. Tama, Dolly and your kids are very real to me and they keep my own dollieh family real to me as well. Kaylus is made more himself because he has a little brother that adores him and which he adores in return. Gosh, I don't even know how much of a havoc he will wreck in your house if he ever ends up there. I can only speculate at the stories that will come from that. Reading up on what's going on with Lucas and Madison is immensely interesting and I am looking forward to reading more and learning more about Madison and Lucas and how sweet innocent Tama is in the center of these things. Sometimes, I read your stories ad I almost want to come up with a doujinshi where Kaylus throws a spanner into the works just because he can. He is in a way very protective of Tama, not romantically but because there is something about Tamayuki that is so adorably precious that he acts all big brotherly around him. I imagine, if he were in your house he'd get Dolly's full support. LOL.


But getting back to your family, I would dearly love back stories of all of them but most specially Lucas and Madison. They seem very mysterious. I would love to see their stories and characters fleshed out. I'd also love to know more about Sohi and Raven's girls. But, mostly, I just want to read about everyone! I want more Tamayuki stories!



We have our own BLOG. Please visit us at the House of Nyan by clicking this link or our sig above. See you there. Or, come see what Nyanko-sensei is up to at the Katnaper's Den

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SK, your dolls and their stories really do interest me! From what I've seen they're very vivid and unique while still being grounded and complete. I would love to see more of them! I had seen this thread earlier and wanted to respond but... Honestly I got very nervous and shy because I didn't quite know what to say, and past that I love what I've seen so far and am excited for more of it I'm still not sure what to say. It would be really cool to see how our characters get along.


I think Melody and Tama would get along pretty well. She's shy around those her age and her elders but makes fast friends with children and animals.


I also see some similarities between Lucas and Celia. Instead of acting tough though, Celia just keeps a serious demeanor and tries to keep people distant. She'll talk if someone talks to her but she rarely approaches anyone she doesn't know.


I really do need to put more of my characters out there. Seeing that you already have done just that despite the large cast of characters really does inspire me to try and do more. I look up to you honestly.


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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(Especially if you could do photos of him holding Bree's nose like you said )

Don't be shy about reminding/bugging me about taking these pics or any others I've mentioned I would. It's all stuff that can easily be put in as part of the photo stories if I can remember them at the right times. Massive amounts of ideas go through my head all the time so small things like this if I'm not reminded can get lost in the shuffle.


Thanks for telling me about the Boy's Club thread! Must read through it all later. It made me realise I haven't looked too far into the older posts in the offtopic dolls board, but I really should. Would it be weird to reactivate that thread?

I don't think reviving an old thread is a bad thing as long as it's not dredging up past drama or being completely off-topic. I know Tama would love to get to know more of the boys on the forum, especially since there are SO MANY now compared to four years ago! And that doesn't even calculate in the Eiji's that are starting to pop up now. Even I have 4... 5... is it really 6 more boys than when the original post was made? Tama still asks me what the official 'Boy's Club' t-shirt designs will look like, so he for one surely has not forgotten.


Five of my 8-strong pure neemo army are boys

Tama saw a couple of Pure Neemo boys quite a while back and was completely smitten with them. SO many things still on my doll wishlist.


Anyway, reading about the other family members makes me realise I'm a lot more interested in Ringo than I thought (although I was before, because she's adorable). I didn't realise she had that side to her! 'Age inappropriate' writing, you say?...I'd like to see more about her and her 'works' some time too.

Ringo has been quiet up until now, but there is a lot more to her than first appears. As for her writing, she takes a no holds barred approach to whatever she finds the most interesting at the time. As for the actual stories, I'm not sure where she would post them because the content could be way too inappropriate for the forums. Plus I wouldn't want her musings to get confused with the real family story.


I hope I can draw Tama and maybe some of the others some time soon! I need to draw more things that arent my webcomic more often so this is a good excuse.

Coming from someone who is seriously bad at practicing anything, I know the value of having the chance to do something purely for fun. (To be honest, Ringo's writing is just an excuse for me to write fanfics about my own stories that don't have to be taken seriously. )


Before I went on my own version of a hiatus, that thread was an awesome break and point of connection between SK's family and mine. I don't have DD boys, except for my 07 Allen Walker but he hasn't really interacted with SK's kids so he doesn't count. Kaylus needs a place to tweak Lucas' nose.

There were times when it was challenging to write but still fun. SO many things about Dolly popped up in the conversations that doesn't really show up anywhere else and it just cracks me up. (I'm pretty sure in there somewhere it mentions Dolly throwing peas, and I still think about that often and it cracks me up.) The boy's personalities can be challenging for me so it was definitely a big boost for me to have a place to just express that without having to be tied to pictures, or just sitting there explaining them instead of letting them talk for themselves. Ralph could really use that because he is so weird but rarely up to now has it been expressed. I'm still trying to figure out how to get Lucas to hold his tongue because so far the interactions he and Kaylus have had on Twitter pretty much devolve into throwing insults after a word or two. It can be funny but hard for me to write. (Is it bad that I always think Kaylus has the upper hand? He seems a lot smarter than Lucas. ) Plus I doubt either one of them would want to spoil Tama's club with ceaseless bickering. Knowing those two I doubt they would be perfectly behaved 100% of the time. Madison has a probability that he might join for at least a couple of reasons, but that might have to wait until he gets settled into the household and some of his personality is revealed in the planned photo stories. Otherwise it would create too many questions about him that I couldn't answer simply for the sake of not ruining the main story. Nicholas would join as well without much fuss, but I'm still trying to understand the reason Kyoya would. I have no idea how he even reacts to most of our family, let alone what he thinks of Tama, so I don't know why he would do such a mundane thing with no automatic benefit. As for Kiyoteru, he has the same problem as Kyoya and I keep thinking "why would he care?" Usually that just comes from not knowing unfinished characters in-depth. (Sorry Kiyoteru... )


So the point of this long ramble is simply, being able to hear that someone enjoys my writing and actually is craving more, means more than I know how to express. Perhaps it was just the way that you chose to phrase it made it finally sink into my thick skull.


This makes me sad and happy in a way. Sad because it took this long before you finally realized that there are people who would love to see the world you create, and happy because now I can finally enjoy your writing and see your family.

My own family gets frustrated at me that I don't have more confidence in my skills. Even now this can be confusing to me because growing up I was always at the bottom of the pecking order and constantly being told not to be full of myself when I was just struggling to express how I felt. (Any more I'm pretty sure they feel intimidated by all the things I do. I know for a fact that it boggles my oldest sister whenever I talk about what I'm doing or show her.)


The thing that seems difficult for people outside my head to understand is what it's like inside my head. Because of the fact that I'm a 'high functioning' autistic, I can very easily be summed up as a creative beast. That is the thing that I do. If I'm not creating something for an extended period of time it is a major red flag that something is very, very wrong. Nearly everything I do is fueled by high-octane creativity. I feel like I have to fake having a normal life to hide the fact that my mind is incurably addicted to the creative rush and mental challenges that my various creative projects bring. This is very much a factor in why I can't hold a standard job, and even the job I've tried to create for myself with Naiomi's Closet why it tends to fluctuate. I struggle to even keep that progressing at a regular pace as the rest of me is yanked here and there by the creative tides that define my life and yet make it very unstable. (To be honest, this is very, very hard to admit even though my inconsistencies are probably readily apparent to everyone else.)


As chaotic as that all sounds (because it's horribly chaotic), that' my 'normal.' I look at the things I do from day to day and they only look like one or two steps different in a long progression of steps that are the same as what I did before. Often those small alterations are as exciting to me as some musclehead guy trying to sound impressive and self-important as he talks around the water cooler saying, "I put peanut butter and jelly on my sandwich today," grinning with pride as if he had climbed the Eiffel Tower from the outside. I enjoy what I do day in and day out, but there is always some level of mundane-ness about it for me. I can understand how for other people that by not being immersed into the entire project like that and only seeing the end products that their view of what I do and accomplish is very different than it is for me.


I cannot even say how much I miss writing (although the length of my posts recently should be an indicator...) but it scares me. I have a surprisingly bad memory for my own stories, but reading someone else's novels I remember them clearly for the next fifteen years. Because of this strange quirk, I'm able to read my stuff over and over again and enjoy it on the same level as everyone else. When I'm writing it feels like everything is achievable and I don't have to fight to progress like I do with many of my sewing/craft projects. I'm not constricted by tools or materials and I can finally share this entire world that continues to grow inside. What I wouldn't give to have someone to pay me for just writing, even with my fears of not being good enough. Unfortunately it feels like some fool's pipedream that completely ignores reality. I'm terrified by the thought that no one other than Raven and I will see some of the things I've written for Lennador that even blow me away. For myself, that is the deffinition of becoming a failure. Much to my surprise even some of the DD found their way in, and so far don't show any inclination to leave.


So my above comment really has to do with people not related to me telling me that the thing I love to do above anything else has a lot of worth to them is a bit of a staggering thought to me. It's like someone breaking into my mind and yelling "Damn it! You're good enough to do this thing!" It's hard to process because I'm terrified of being seen as arrogant. When that pops up and you are the last in the pecking order it pretty much means you are looking for a beatdown. Because of that I also understand how words can be used to hurt much more than a weapon or a fist.


Allowing myself to be supremely arrogant for a moment... I dearly love the Harry Potter stories, but often I think about if I could write and develop Lennador the way I've wanted to for the last 15 years, that it just might be better than HP. (In modern society that almost seems like a traitorous comment, but it's what I feel.) There is so much to write, and so much room for possibilities that it could take me the rest of my life to write it all down. I feel like I'm building a world that can expand and easily make room for anyone who wants to jump in and create their own space within Lennador as long as the laws of the world are followed. Goodness knows that a single person can't write an entire world alone. Creativity feeds on creativity. And for me, that's the way to build a world that has no end. I keep having a faint hope that at some point if Lennador gets published that someone would write fanfics so well that I'd mistake it for my own writing. I would love to be told about all the stories within my world that I didn't know about. It's the unexpected that makes life interesting.


The biggest struggle right now is I'm trying to figure out how to have my life more balanced so Naiomi's Closet isn't severely dominating my time. The biggest problem with that is I feel like I do everything so horridly slow so I feel like I have to take more time everyday to hurry things up... and that creates an endless work cycle that leaves me utterly stressed out. Not being able to write stresses me out as well but I feel like I never have time to do it since it's something I can't multi-task.


Sometimes, I read your stories ad I almost want to come up with a doujinshi where Kaylus throws a spanner into the works just because he can.

If you have the time, DO IT! I'd love to read it and see what you think of my boys.


But getting back to your family, I would dearly love back stories of all of them but most specially Lucas and Madison. They seem very mysterious. I would love to see their stories and characters fleshed out. I'd also love to know more about Sohi and Raven's girls. But, mostly, I just want to read about everyone! I want more Tamayuki stories!

For the DD story outline I have at the moment there are 8 parts to it already and I think that's before the backstories. Part of me finds it really funny that people are so interested in Madison and Lucas, but I'm always like, "What about the connection between Bree, Sohi, Gizella, and Madison??" LOL! Of course no one would ask me that because I think it may be the first time that I've blatantly stated that there was one. There is so much I want to say but it would make so much more sense within the context of the story.


SK, your dolls and their stories really do interest me! From what I've seen they're very vivid and unique while still being grounded and complete. I would love to see more of them!

Thank you! I try very hard to not jump to illogical conclusions when I write because it undermines the cohesiveness and believability of the story. My family may be filled with all sorts of strange things like Naiomi being a witch, whatever Dolly is, Ringo's origins, and even characters being pulled in from other realities like the Vocaloids and now Kyoya, but I find it fun having it all make 'logical' sense within the odd world that they live.


Your Melody might get along with Daisy too. She's outgoing but... she's not the most intelligent of my DD by a long shot. She's actually pretty simple and straightforward as long as you don't mind listening to her adventure stories, or jam, or adventure stories about jam.


I really do need to put more of my characters out there. Seeing that you already have done just that despite the large cast of characters really does inspire me to try and do more. I look up to you honestly.

Thank you very much. The biggest advice I have is to just do one step at a time. In my experience DD (somehow) have personalities that they tend to define themselves, sometimes regardless of who we try to make them be. I hope you are lucky enough that your girls fit the personalities that they are supposed to have. LOL! Naiomi deciding to be a witch completely caught me off guard. I still don't officially approve, but even if I didn't she would do it anyway. Same goes for Ringo and what she chooses to write.


When new characters come into the house I try and think how they would relate to everyone who's already here based on how personalities would react. Madison and Lucas for example. Madison is arrogant, self-important, and believes everyone else is below him. He is not as refined as he seems to think once he opens his mouth and believes the world is his possession. Lucas is only here because he started as friends with Naiomi and keeps finding his way back because of Tama. Without saying too much, Madison sees Lucas as 'a thing in the way' and in turn Lucas gets highly protective of Tama, in part because Lucas feels as if so little in life actually belongs to him.


So that's how those two started and all their current interactions with each other are based around that. I often play the mental puzzle of seeing what happens if I stick character X in an empty room with character Y. There have been times when I was pretty surprised by the outcome. It starts to get really fun when more people are added. Madison and Lucas are in a room. Now add Gizella. Then toss Naiomi in. Each new addition adds to the complexity and makes it a very fun juggling act. Sometimes one scenario leads into another: After Madison leaves and says something to himself under his breath that he really shouldn't, what happens if Dakota hears him? (Let's just say that the outcome isn't pretty for Madison.)


Most of all, just have fun and play with it. This same approach can be used for the silliest stories as well.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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I'm a horrible person: I want to see what happens when Ralph and Bree hang out. Most. Incomprehensible. Conversation. Ever.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Thank you! I try very hard to not jump to illogical conclusions when I write because it undermines the cohesiveness and believability of the story. My family may be filled with all sorts of strange things like Naiomi being a witch, whatever Dolly is, Ringo's origins, and even characters being pulled in from other realities like the Vocaloids and now Kyoya, but I find it fun having it all make 'logical' sense within the odd world that they live.


Your Melody might get along with Daisy too. She's outgoing but... she's not the most intelligent of my DD by a long shot. She's actually pretty simple and straightforward as long as you don't mind listening to her adventure stories, or jam, or adventure stories about jam.


I try to do the same as well. Things get pretty weird sometimes but I try to have a logical explanation for everything. (Or at least what would be logical in the universe in question) There is a difference between my doll universe and where my characters come from though. I need to write more of their actual stories. Another way of dealing with weirdness is making fun of it an a fourth wall breaking kind of manner. There are some odd coincidences with certain characters that I didn't even notice until I was too attached to those details to change them, so they're going to be talking one day when one of the characters (She is become Tara, The Destroyer of Fourth Walls ) mentions how weird it is and then ponders about whether or not she and the others are "Poorly written characters in a crappy story." They react with confusion of course and then she spins around, looking around and asks. "Guys, do you hear a woman crying in the distance?"


It would be really cool to make Tara soon too. I know what I want her to look like. I even found something that could work for her wig! It's hard finding wigs in a deep rosey pink color. I'll have to tie it into pigtails for her. I got cute toddler sized scrunchies that would work very nicely! btw, going to baby stores is a good source for small accessories. She's Ted's younger sister so I want to get their custom faceups done by the same person to really drive the family resemblance home. I just hope the artist I have in mind is willing to work on SmD guy.


Thank you very much. The biggest advice I have is to just do one step at a time. In my experience DD (somehow) have personalities that they tend to define themselves, sometimes regardless of who we try to make them be. I hope you are lucky enough that your girls fit the personalities that they are supposed to have. LOL! Naiomi deciding to be a witch completely caught me off guard. I still don't officially approve, but even if I didn't she would do it anyway. Same goes for Ringo and what she chooses to write.


When new characters come into the house I try and think how they would relate to everyone who's already here based on how personalities would react. Madison and Lucas for example. Madison is arrogant, self-important, and believes everyone else is below him. He is not as refined as he seems to think once he opens his mouth and believes the world is his possession. Lucas is only here because he started as friends with Naiomi and keeps finding his way back because of Tama. Without saying too much, Madison sees Lucas as 'a thing in the way' and in turn Lucas gets highly protective of Tama, in part because Lucas feels as if so little in life actually belongs to him.


So that's how those two started and all their current interactions with each other are based around that. I often play the mental puzzle of seeing what happens if I stick character X in an empty room with character Y. There have been times when I was pretty surprised by the outcome. It starts to get really fun when more people are added. Madison and Lucas are in a room. Now add Gizella. Then toss Naiomi in. Each new addition adds to the complexity and makes it a very fun juggling act. Sometimes one scenario leads into another: After Madison leaves and says something to himself under his breath that he really shouldn't, what happens if Dakota hears him? (Let's just say that the outcome isn't pretty for Madison.)


Most of all, just have fun and play with it. This same approach can be used for the silliest stories as well.


~Sister Kyoya

Mine have been very much like their characters for the most part. Miku, who I pictured only being slightly mischievous is a world class trouble maker who just looks too cute for me to ever truly be upset with her. She knows this and fully uses it to her advantage. Anything from skydiving off the dresser I keep them on to dropping my phone when I let her play with it (Thank god I got an otterbox case for this one) if she can do it she does!


She's also becoming a huge internet nerd (Making obscure references and saying things like "lol" in real life conversations) who has... Weird fashion choices. She'll wear a Lion kigu with a pirate hat, mix other kinds of costumes and steal clothes from basically anyone who decides to wear something else for a day. She also has quite a few different wigs and can be quite finicky about choosing one.


I also should probably not mention that Naiomi is a witch to her. Miku is kinda weird on that since I can't tell if she's just going on on and off kicks where she feels cool dressing up with witch hats and things and is just being silly or if she has genuine interest in becoming one. Of course that all started after meeting a friend of mine who is a witch. She'd probably bug your girl with weird questions or beg to be her apprentice. This could also get interesting when Rin Tohsaka comes to the household. Miku just might drive her crazy. Miku has also offhandedly mentioned plans for world domination using the internet and her cuteness as tools.


If anything my dolls have just had slight quirks that have added to the characters. Aria is a great example of this because if she doesn't like what you do, she doesn't say it so much as she just makes it difficult to accomplish your task. If I try to change her clothes too frequently she starts losing limbs and just generally not cooperating. I think she just hates being naked. Celia gets similar but she'll seem stiffer than usual and therefore harder to work with instead of falling apart. Melody has been enjoying bundling up with one of my scarfs and tucking away in my purse. She seems to find hiding in small places and being around soft, cute things very comforting. She loves her bright/pastel colors and a corgi plush I got on vacation this Christmas. His name is Sir Tippiton Jingles because I put a bell around his neck and he was rather pricy for a plush.


I think Melody would love listening to stories and enjoying some tasty jam. She likes fruits and sweets.


Also, You could make a blog of some sort and literally make it Ringo's blog where she posts her fanfiction and interacts with people. You can have a disclaimer in the description that what she writes isn't cannon and whoever finds it can check out the legit stuff at *Insert place you post those things here*


I find that once I start picturing a character interacting with the rest of my dolls they suddenly become much more fleshed out! I snagged a Takane to be Aveline and she's a slightly derpy goofball who despite her, calm and serene looking face is very animated and enjoys being lazy and wearing fancy lingerie, as long as it's genuinely nice with lots of lace, pretty fabric and just generally classy. I doubt she sees garments like that as sexual at all. (I also totally did not buy ribbon socks from the dolpa 34 after event collection for her no sir) She's a pretty happy character which is a surprise considering her upbringing. She's also an astounding contrast to Celia who is much more serious and probably couldn't just let loose like that to save her life.


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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Since Sister Kyoya said it was ok and Katnaper wanted me too, I did revive the Boy's Club! My pure neemo boys tried to contact Tama.

So if I can still make requests here, I'd really like to see some of the cute interactions you've described here play out in that thread. Maybe Lucas could even make an appearance there too! And Madison too...I have a feeling he's going to attempt to take over that thread and make it into his fanclub or something.

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