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Hi from San Francisco Bay!

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Hi guys!

I'm F-15 and I'm from the Bay Area, I have been in this hobby since 2011 and my first DD is Sasara(And her nickname is luna). I got her in the November (maybe is October I can't remember )of 2011. Currently I have 5 DD in my "doll family " and one bjd dragon and I love them all!


I hope I can make some friends here and learn something new~ >\\\<



Welcome to my Instagram


Lunami Faceup for DD X3

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Hello and welcome. I'm also from the San Francisco Bay, but I don't own any dragons BJD or otherwise.

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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  Wolf said:
Hello and welcome. I'm also from the San Francisco Bay, but I don't own any dragons BJD or otherwise.


Cool! I actually don't know any DD owner in the Bay Area

Welcome to my Instagram


Lunami Faceup for DD X3

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  F-15alice said:
  Wolf said:
Hello and welcome. I'm also from the San Francisco Bay, but I don't own any dragons BJD or otherwise.


Cool! I actually don't know any DD owner in the Bay Area

I know there are some because I have been to some meet-ups at JapanTown where several people with Dollfie Dreams showed up. I have always had resin dolls but recently got my first anime-type doll- a Smart Doll Ebony. I would love to hear about meet-ups in the Bay Area (I'm in Mendocino County, three hours north). I came down for the two big cons in SF a number of years ago (Dollectible, and whatever it was called the next year, plus one in Orinda a few years back), plus helped Chris Howard organize a couple of meet-ups at JapanTown during the JPOP Festivals (also a few years back). There have always been Dollfie Dreams around, so I know they are out there.

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  cirquemom said:
  F-15alice said:
  Wolf said:
Hello and welcome. I'm also from the San Francisco Bay, but I don't own any dragons BJD or otherwise.


Cool! I actually don't know any DD owner in the Bay Area

I know there are some because I have been to some meet-ups at JapanTown where several people with Dollfie Dreams showed up. I have always had resin dolls but recently got my first anime-type doll- a Smart Doll Ebony. I would love to hear about meet-ups in the Bay Area (I'm in Mendocino County, three hours north). I came down for the two big cons in SF a number of years ago (Dollectible, and whatever it was called the next year, plus one in Orinda a few years back), plus helped Chris Howard organize a couple of meet-ups at JapanTown during the JPOP Festivals (also a few years back). There have always been Dollfie Dreams around, so I know they are out there.


Cool! I should check for meet up sometime! I actually live in Sonoma country mostly

Welcome to my Instagram


Lunami Faceup for DD X3

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Hello and welcome to DDF! A few of us in the Bay Area used to have more doll meets. We haven't had one in over a year now (at least true for myself).


My first one was at Fanime down in San Jose.

7299561998_0e0f1ee436.jpgEveryone getting ready for group photo by Miss Nekopon, on Flickr


We also had a few in Japantown!

7877782226_13bd978b86.jpgSF Doll Meet August '12 by Miss Nekopon, on Flickr


8586403179_d55b0e322e.jpgMarch '13 Meet Up by Miss Nekopon, on Flickr


I haven't realized there are doll cons here in the area but I should have figured! Although I hear a lot of stories about stolen dolls at these big BJD meets... It's been a while since we've had a DD meet up, maybe we should do one soon and meet some of the new members here at DDF!

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Welcome indeed!


I'm down in the south bay myself and I also have a Sasara, though she's the v2. I did know there were other owners around but I haven't met any of them.


Hopefully you'll enjoy it here, people are generally quite friendly and helpful.

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  F-15alice said:
Hi guys!

I'm F-15 and I'm from the Bay Area, I have been in this hobby since 2011 and my first DD is Sasara(And her nickname is luna). I got her in the November (maybe is October I can't remember )of 2011. Currently I have 5 DD in my "doll family " and one bjd dragon and I love them all!


I hope I can make some friends here and learn something new~ >\\\<





Oooh, a dragon? I'm a sucker for dragons, so I'm curious what kind you have! (Got a Cuartos Darkhorn a few months ago myself.)


Sounds like you got your Sasara around the time I got my second girl Nanoha. ^_^ Being the friendly one of my group, she says hello.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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  Poofiemus said:
  F-15alice said:
Hi guys!

I'm F-15 and I'm from the Bay Area, I have been in this hobby since 2011 and my first DD is Sasara(And her nickname is luna). I got her in the November (maybe is October I can't remember )of 2011. Currently I have 5 DD in my "doll family " and one bjd dragon and I love them all!


I hope I can make some friends here and learn something new~ >\\\<





Oooh, a dragon? I'm a sucker for dragons, so I'm curious what kind you have! (Got a Cuartos Darkhorn a few months ago myself.)


Sounds like you got your Sasara around the time I got my second girl Nanoha. ^_^ Being the friendly one of my group, she says hello.


Ohhh~~~ Mine is a dark horn too!!!

And tell your nanoha my fourth girl kosmos says hi!

Welcome to my Instagram


Lunami Faceup for DD X3

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  F-15alice said:

Cool! I should check for meet up sometime! I actually live in Sonoma country mostly


Where in Sonoma County? I'm over the hill in Gualala. I know in the past there has been a group of BJD enthusiasts who did small meet-ups because I went to one (just a handful of people but still fun).

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  Nekopon said:


I haven't realized there are doll cons here in the area but I should have figured! Although I hear a lot of stories about stolen dolls at these big BJD meets... It's been a while since we've had a DD meet up, maybe we should do one soon and meet some of the new members here at DDF!

There were actually a couple of big BJD cons, held at the Holiday Inn on Van Ness. But it only happened for a couple of years and it was quite a while ago.

It would be great if you had a dd meet-up- as long as my Smart Doll is invited!

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  cirquemom said:
  F-15alice said:

Cool! I should check for meet up sometime! I actually live in Sonoma country mostly


Where in Sonoma County? I'm over the hill in Gualala. I know in the past there has been a group of BJD enthusiasts who did small meet-ups because I went to one (just a handful of people but still fun).


I stay in Santa Rosa most the time ~0w0

Welcome to my Instagram


Lunami Faceup for DD X3

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  F-15alice said:

Ohhh~~~ Mine is a dark horn too!!!

And tell your nanoha my fourth girl kosmos says hi!


Awesome! Can't wait to see pictures of him. (Her?) What color resin does yours have? My Tachyon's matte white, but I blushed him like crazy.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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  Poofiemus said:
  F-15alice said:

Ohhh~~~ Mine is a dark horn too!!!

And tell your nanoha my fourth girl kosmos says hi!


Awesome! Can't wait to see pictures of him. (Her?) What color resin does yours have? My Tachyon's matte white, but I blushed him like crazy.


I looked that up. I think it's really artistic looking. It's not your standard dragon it's more like an original concept, which makes it pretty cool. Well that and its well executed.

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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  Nekopon said:

We also had a few in Japantown!


I know that place.. would of love to see that place during "HEIGHT" of it hey-days


Hello and welcome

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Late reply...but welcome! I was wondering where all the bay area owners were! Nice to see more people from this area around. I'm over here in Santa Clara county(On the edge of the south bay lol. I'm down in Gilroy.)


I've found this forum to be really nice, so I'm sure you'll have a good time here.

Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Kagamine Rin, Kaito V3, 9S, Ruby(Arle), Devola(2B), Anya Forger

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The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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San Jose, closer to Morgan Hill than downtown really though.

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Hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy it here

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Awesome! I don't know much about SFB but welcome!

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  Nekopon said:
Smart Dolls are always welcomed. ^^

Smart doll boy body sounds cool I kinda want to get one @w@

Welcome to my Instagram


Lunami Faceup for DD X3

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Heeeeeey, this doesn't happen to be the same as F15-Alice on DeviantART does it?


EDIT: Whoops, I found the link on your profile. You ARE the same Alice! I thought I recognized that name as I was scrolling down the intro's. You drew my little 27cmStarscream for me on my birthday years ago!

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  Remmah said:
Heeeeeey, this doesn't happen to be the same as F15-Alice on DeviantART does it?


EDIT: Whoops, I found the link on your profile. You ARE the same Alice! I thought I recognized that name as I was scrolling down the intro's. You drew my little 27cmStarscream for me on my birthday years ago!


Yep! I'm the same F-15!(or alice but I like F-15 better)

Welcome to my Instagram


Lunami Faceup for DD X3

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