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Large scale 17" Monster High info & pics

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Howdy! I didn't want to clog up the other MH thread we have going with all of this so I started another thread to share pics and info about the other line of Monster High dolls... the large scale 17 inch ones.


Someone in the other MH thread had asked me for closeup and detailed photos of my large Draculaura and it took me WAY longer than expected to do so for them but today I finally got off my butt and did some good pictures of Draculaura and Clawdeen along with the regular sized versions of them so people who haven't seen these in person or up close can see how they differ from the regular MH girls.


So here we go! We'll start off with showing both Clawdeen and Draculaura.


23934426233_329f831d80_z.jpgDSC_6593 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


As you can see, they come with their own stands that are very sturdy and they're dressed in their first wave outfits.


24193471189_af1c7ee433_z.jpgDSC_6594 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


For size reference, here's Sumiko, an 04 head girl on the original Volks MDD body. They are almost the same height but as you can see, the MH body style stays the same as it does in the smaller line.


24193460559_55e8192648_z.jpgDSC_6595 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


I didn't expect this but it seems that the head size on these is VERY close to the same as the Volks heads! Of course the neck size is WAY smaller.


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Let's check out Clawdeen first.


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Her clothes are very detailed and well made. The jewelry also looks great on her.


24478893331_60aa0aefb2_z.jpgDSC_6598 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


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The boots are the same as the small ones, they're even split up the back so you can take them off easily.


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Her hair is super soft and fluffy.


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I really like the faceup details, they're very well done and look great.


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Now here's the big one with the original beside her.


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Sorry for the blurry little one here but you can still see how closely these two match up for details and clothing.


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And here's my favorite, Draculaura!


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Just like Clawdeen, all her little details are carried over from the small version.


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Speaking of the little one, here she is for comparison. There's only one thing on the small one that I like better than the large one....


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The original has a pleated skirt where the large one doesn't. I would have liked the pleated skirt for the big girl.


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Still, they look really close in detail to each other so overall I'm pretty happy.


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Now on to those double joints! The big girls have double jointed elbows and knees unlike the smaller ones. Here you can see Draculaura demonstrating the elbow movement.


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The elbows and knees look very similar to the Obitsu ones on their 40cm and up bodies but these aren't as solid or chunky looking.


Now Clawdeen will show off the knee joint.


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"HEY! My legs aren't supposed to bend like that! Stop it!"


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So there we have it! Hopefully this gives people a better idea of what these girls look like and how they move. Thanks for looking!


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Oh, please feel free to add photos of YOUR large scale MH girls here! I'd like to see others girls! And you can post info on any upcoming large sized releases here too.... I've already seen the big Elisabat in TRU but I'm not sure I want to get her since she looks almost the same to me as Draculaura. I also wish they would come out with fashion packs for these big girls! Having them stay in just their default clothes drives me nuts.... I'm using to changing my girls clothes all the time.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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I'm actually more interested in these girls since you said they made Elissabat. I love Elissabat. If they ever make an Operetta it'll be all over for me and I wont be able to resist them.


I love how you can tell that they've changed the style of the faces since the first wave, it's kinda cool to see the evolution!

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I'm actually more interested in these girls since you said they made Elissabat. I love Elissabat. If they ever make an Operetta it'll be all over for me and I wont be able to resist them.


Ha ha! Enabling Jutsu activate! When I saw Elissabat in TRU, they had like 8 or 9 of her on the shelf so if you're after one, I'm sure you'll be able to get one. And at their retail price of only $30, I think they're a great deal. I have no idea which ones they'll make next in this scale but there aren't many I'd get. But if they made either Rochelle or Torelai, I'd HAVE to get them.


I love how you can tell that they've changed the style of the faces since the first wave, it's kinda cool to see the evolution!


Yeah, they've done some updates and it's been mostly for the better. But have you seen the NEW new faces they're going with this year? Becca showed me and I am NOT impressed at all. They all have goofy smiles on them and look so vanilla! I can't recall the exact reasoning behind the change but a LOT of MH collectors are saying if they do go to that new look, they'll quit collecting the new stuff. Don't get me wrong, some of the new faces are decent but overall, it looks like they're trying to make them more Barbie styled or something. I thought the whole idea of the MH line was to "Be yourself, be a monster." and now they're changing their tune. Blah. I guess the almighty dollar wins again....




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Yeah, they've done some updates and it's been mostly for the better. But have you seen the NEW new faces they're going with this year? Becca showed me and I am NOT impressed at all. They all have goofy smiles on them and look so vanilla! I can't recall the exact reasoning behind the change but a LOT of MH collectors are saying if they do go to that new look, they'll quit collecting the new stuff. Don't get me wrong, some of the new faces are decent but overall, it looks like they're trying to make them more Barbie styled or something. I thought the whole idea of the MH line was to "Be yourself, be a monster." and now they're changing their tune. Blah. I guess the almighty dollar wins again....


First off thanks for making this thread! It's great seeing the comparisons between the giant MH's and their 1st wave counterparts.

Second, I completely agree with your stance on Mattel's new plans for changing the look of MH. I think they're making a big mistake and definitely not keeping in the spirit of why MH was created in the first place. Follow the money trail indeed. I've seen the latest Barbies coming out and they all look extremely generic even compared to what was released 10 years ago. They are so fugly now! If the new MH's start looking like them my passion for collecting will die. I can understand trying to keep things fresh and fun, but Mattel certainly isn't achieving it. Someone needs to be fired in their marketing department.

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DD Snow Miku, DD Luka, DDS Makoto, DD Airy, DDS KizunaAI

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Here are 2 released pictures of what the new MH line could look like. There are different rumors out there that these are "official" leaked pictures, but knowing how fickle internet sources can be, take that with a grain of salt. I'd like to hear other collectors' opinions on the new look and why you think it might be a good/bad thing for Mattel to change MH this way.

My opinion: Mattel wants to capitalize on the Disney look so they want MH to look more vanilla to appeal to more kids (hence the bigger saucer eyes and dopey smile). I don't think this new strategy will work. Let's hope this is a temporary change.


Tell me what do you guys think?

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DD Snow Miku, DD Luka, DDS Makoto, DD Airy, DDS KizunaAI

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They just look like repaints to me tbh. I kinda like it, but I still prefer the way the line looks now. As a one off doll they're cute, but not for a complete revamp. (Haha revamp)

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Hee hee, re vamp....


I just don't like the new style on the two girls in the pics above. To me they ARE going for the Disney style look with those two at least. I think I saw a Cleo and Clawdeen photo somewhere and they looked MUCH worse. The Frankie isn't too terrible in my opinion but Draculaura looks like she's trippin' on X or somethin'. LOL I wouldn't buy any of the new girls if they looked like this. The original style is way better in my opinion.


I understand wanting to do some changes here and there and updates are fine. But completely redoing the line to fit a new aesthetic like this is uncalled for IMO. Sure, do a line like this but only with the popular characters and see what the buyer response is. If people go nuts for them THEN make a broad change. I know these are toys for younger girls but you can't ignore the adult collector market completely. If you do that, you'll lose a huge chunk of sales cash almost immediately. I'm not saying to cater exclusively to the collector market by any means, that's no fun. But don't ignore it either.


But when you get down it, this is something that MIGHT happen. We don't have enuff info yet to assume this will be a full line switchover yet. Who knows what these are.... it may be something to gauge online interest to see IF they made changes, how the different areas of buyers would react. The guys running the MH section at Mattel seem to be pretty smart overall so they may be doing some shrewd beta testing on us with this.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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@Billy, I completely agree and hope this is a Beta test too. Their Barbie line have scores of different varieties for the young children and the collectors so let's hope they're doing the same thing with Monster High and continuing the original-ish look while making the new dopey/trippintastic look for the younger audience. We can all hope right? In the meantime I'm stalking up on my fav current dolls just in case this is the new line to replace the old.

At Home:

DD Snow Miku, DD Luka, DDS Makoto, DD Airy, DDS KizunaAI

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I forgot to update this.... I finally bit the bullet and bought the large scale Frankie to go with my other girls.


26214270041_81158e3606_z.jpgDSC_6872 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


Now they just need to get off their butts and start making some fashion packs for the big girls! I'd be all over those!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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