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Hello from a newbie in NJ

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Hey Everyone,


My name is Craig and I'm brand new to the DD hobby. Funny enough, I've been collecting BJDs for YEARS and had seen DDs for years, but for some reason, I just never seemed to get interested in them. I was so focused on resin BJDs, that I just completely overlooked the DDs. I collected resin BJDs by Elfdoll, Volks, Luts, Dollshe, and Iplehouse (EID/SID/nYID). However, I got burnt out and had way too many, and for the last 2 years, I've just been focused on my action figures and fashion dolls. However, a few weeks ago, I stumbled upon Smart Dolls by Danny Choo. I couldn't get over how much I loved Mirai and Kizuna, so I went and bought both of them along with Ebony. I was absolutely in LOVE with them, and still am. However, in my search to find similar dolls with different sculpts, I came across DDs. I never realized that they weren't resin, and that they actually had characters based on famous Anime characters. I came across Sheryl Nome, and went on another doll board where I found one for sale at an AMAZING price, so I bought her. I ended up loving her more than my Smart Dolls, lol. This girl just arrived on Friday and I can't get enough of her. She's been at my side since I got her. Then I tried to win Takane in the sale the other night, but man that was impossible. I saw on here that she sold out in less than 5 seconds. That's just mind blowing. I don't know how anyone could even get through the check out process that quickly. I was really bummed because I love the character and I love everything about the doll. So, I went back to that other doll board and posted a WTB thread for her. I asked for a price more than what Volks sold her for, but not much. Within 12 hours, I had a bite, and paid her off. She will hopefully be here either this week or next. I'm also in the lotto for Miku now. I pray I win her as I LOVE her. So, I can already see that DDs are a very slippery slope. I checked out your pictures in another thread and can't believe how big some of your collections are, but man am I jealous, lol. Next up, I want Eiji and Chitoise from Smart Doll, and I hope to see the additions to the Vocaloid collection by Volks. I gotta round out this collection with some boys, lol. I'd also like to add a DDDy to the group at some point.


Aside from comic books, action figures, and dolls, I'm also huge into weight lifting and competing in mud runs. I like looking like the super heroes that I have been reading about since I was a kid, lol. Also love movies, television, and being with my family and friends. Love going on cruises and partying in P-Town for Halloween. I hit up the comic book conventions in Philly, NJ, and NY all the time, and sometimes go to doll conventions...but I've only been to Tonner Cons. I used to write for a doll magazine years ago called Dolls in Print that was started by Vicky from Vicky's Home on the Net...don't know if any of you remember that doll board? I wrote Craig's Corner which was an action figure column, and I wrote the photo soap opera, Pink Intentions which was photographed by the late Michael Augustyniak...author of the popular History of Barbie books.


So, that's me in a nut shell. I'm so happy to have found this board dedicated to DDs and look forward to getting to know you all more, and see more of your collections.


All my best,



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Hi Craig, I'm Amber.


Ebony is my favorite Smart Doll! I can't wait to see pictures of yours.


Takane is a beautiful doll, I'm glad that you could find her!


Welcome to the forums, you'll make lots of friends here (including me) and see tons of different DDs.


P.S. I love superheroes too. I collect superhero figures (females only)

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Thank you so much for the warm welcome, Amber!


I love that you collect super hero figures too. Are you looking forward to Mattel's new DC Super Hero Girls doll line? I'm definitely planning on getting them.


For some reason, I'm not allowed to post photos, I'm guessing because I'm new. So, you can view pics of Ebony and also the other Smart Dolls and Sheryl Nome on my Flickr which is linked in my profile. As soon as I'm allowed to create an album here and start sharing photos, I promise I will.


I'm so happy I have stumbled upon these dolls and this forum. Looking forward to getting to know you more.



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I collect the bishoujo figures exclusively. My figures are listed here: http://myfigurecollection.net/profile/Lovesprung


I checked out that line and it's really neat! I love how the Batgirl has the new Batgirl's Doc Martens boots. Wonder Woman is my favorite female superhero, and her doll is really pretty.


I'm not sure what the post count is for pictures... I've been a member here so long, I forgot. But I checked out your Flickr. I love your Ebony... She's sooo cute. I don't have any Smart Dolls, but if I got one I would get her for sure. I love her tan skin! It's like mine, haha.


Sheryl is a really beautiful doll, I like her a lot. I almost had wanted to enter for her when she was first released.


I'm glad you found the forums! Looking forward to get to know you as well.

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WOW! I absolutely LOVE your collection! How cool are they? I've heard of them before, but never really looked at them. They're gorgeous!


I think everyone needs an Ebony in their life... She's soooo cute and full of character.


I'm thinking I have to have 20 posts before I can post pictures. I'll let those posts happen naturally though. There's nothing more annoying than someone posting a bunch of 1 word posts just to reach the limit they need, lol. Besides, I enjoy the conversations.


Thank you so much again for the warm welcome!





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Aw, thanks! I love them so much. I never collected figures, nor wanted to, until I saw them. Then I ended up getting the 2 fairies because they're adorable and I couldn't resist.


Ebony is very cute! I love her, she is so innocent looking. And her eyes are so vividly colored.


I think it might be something like that, 20-50 is usually the thing most websites seem to do. I agree about just letting it happen. It's irritating to see people revive dead threads just to get a post count. Usually they want to enter the marketplace though, not have the ability to share pics.


No problem, it's nice meeting new people that collect dolls. It's a bonus you like superheroes (and heroines) as well!

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Ha ha!!! Great minds with collecting both dolls and figures, lol. If only I had a mansion to store all these collectibles in.

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  Shadowcat said:
Ha ha!!! Great minds with collecting both dolls and figures, lol. If only I had a mansion to store all these collectibles in.


hello and welcome!

forget the mansion!.. get a snow shovel New Jersey under snow

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  FinalGear said:
  Shadowcat said:
Ha ha!!! Great minds with collecting both dolls and figures, lol. If only I had a mansion to store all these collectibles in.


hello and welcome!

forget the mansion!.. get a snow shovel New Jersey under snow


Ha ha!!!! So true.


And thank you for the welcome.

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Welcome to the forum! I am from NJ as well. It's cool to see people in the same state that are into dolls too. Which I don't see a lot of. It's a small percentage. I'm into video games, anime, DD's, and drawing and much more.


I started collecting a few years ago. If I had tons of money, my doll Collection would be on point but as for now. I got three girls at home. Maria, Yaya and Prisma Ilya. I want more MDD's, they're extremely cute and light to carry. It would be nice to get more custom MDD's, like the ones I see on Yahoo Japan. I thought of designing a custom MDD myself but I don't have the time. Maybe one day. Until then, I will enjoy these lovelies :3


Since you're into comics have you seen the Deadpool movie yet?

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Thank you for the warm welcome!!!


I agree, it's always fun to find fellow collectors nearby. It makes the hobby feel less "lonely", lol. Especially since, as you said, we do seem to be few and far between.


DDs are such a slippery slope. I started with my 3 Smart Dolls, which lead me to DDs with Sheryl Nome. Next thing I knew, I added Aoko Aozaki, Takane Shijou, and now Alna, lol. Plus, I got a 4th Smart Doll. I'm completely addicted, lol. I can't believe I didn't really notice them for all the years I've been into BJDs.


Comic books are one of my main passions, specifically anything connected to the X-Men or Avengers, so Deadpool is a fave of mine. I was very hesitant about the move though, since prior to Marvel and Disney producing Marvel films in-house, Marvel leased out the X-Men and Fantastic Four universes to Fox and Spiderman to Sony. As I'm sure you heard, Fox really bombed the latest Fantastic Four and, personally, I hate EVERYTHING they've done with the X-Men...one of my biggest gripes was what they did to Deadpool in the Wolverine Origins movie (where Ryan Reynolds also played Deadpool). I was hearing this movie was going to make things right, but I was very hesitant. Sounds like they finally "got" it and the movie is awesome. So, I'm going to go see it this weekend, hopefully. I'm really excited. I hope that this leads Fox to start getting things right with all the X-Men characters....fingers crossed, lol.


Thank you again for the warm welcome! I'm so happy to have found this place.





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I had to say "hi" to another guy in the hobby! Your past involvement seems to indicate that you would have found this group sooner or later. I checked your Flickr page and saw your male Smart Doll! Dang, I knew they were coming, but how did I miss their arrival? Anyway, Welcome to the forum & I hope you're enjoying the time you spend here with us!

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Thank you so much N2DollsNow! And thank you for checking out my Flickr. I'm loving this board so much and I'm learning so much here.


Thank you, again, for the warm welcome.


So happy to be here!



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Hey Shadowcat! Another fellow NJ doll collector nice! I also have a Mirai, Kizuna, and Sheryl.


I'm excited and saving up for Chitose too.


If your interested under the doll meet section there is a Central Jersey Doll meet up in March you should drop by and my fellow NJ collectors. I'm usually there so It'd be great to hang out and chat.


Hope to see you there and see you around the forums

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Thank you so much for the warm welcome. How funny, we have SO much in common!


Thank you for letting me know about the meet. I think I may have to check it out. It looks like it's right by my mother's house, so that's perfect!


Thank you again, I hope to see you and meet you soon.



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