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Funny Doll Stories?

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So I wanted to get this thread going after what happened to me today. I put it here in Off-Topic Dolls so all doll stories are relevant!


So...a few hours ago, I come into my room. I left my shoes in front of the door from when I got home, so I bent over to pick them up and put them away. Aside from my shoes being next to my door...Kaito is also near my door because his stand is on top of my TV stand. The moment I bent down, WHAM, Kaito nosedives off his stand and whacks me right on the head. Note that he had been perfectly fine for hours on that stand. But for some reason, in that exact moment in time, the hand of gravity struck down upon him. And then me. Afterwards I picked him up, checked for damage(thankfully none), and then I just kinda thought to myself "Did my own doll seriously just headbutt me?"


But I did learn two things from this little experience. One - Buy a regular doll stand ASAP. These magnets aren't cutting it. And two - Don't let a doll hit you on the head because it actually hurts a decent amount.


So I'm curious, what happens between all of you and your dolls?

Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Miles(DDH06), Lyca(DDH-10), Hotaru(DDH09), Kagamine Rin, Maron(DDH01), Mikuo(Snow Miku), Nagisa(DDH01)

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Oh boy, where do I begin? Probably with Miku, actually.


She has taken so many falls, some of which were totally inexplicable. Some of these were pretty funny, others were rage inducing when they happened and I consider them funny because laughing at these things is the only way to stay sane.


One particular incident was when I had Miku and Aria sitting next to each other on a coffee table. Miku slid off for whatever reason and her hand caught in Aria's dress, pulling her down too. Later on I had those two sitting next to each other again. I picked Aria up because my aunt wanted to see something on her outfit and as I did her foot hit Miku in the head. Miku did this silly half spin and then teetered on the edge of the table before falling. On that day I learned that Aria can be pretty passive aggressive.


More rage inducing experiences were when she wrecked her first default wig, when she knocked over a glass bottle that I was going to give to a friend and broke it, amongst others. I love her all the same because she's just too cute, but holy hell she loves to try my patience.


I was about to take a picture of her where she was going to be leaning over and waving at the camera which was coming from below. Before I could aim my phone camera she fell over and poked me in the eye with her hand. I'm fine, and so was she.


One time she fell, I saw this but was too far away to catch her. She was sitting on the edge of my dresser. She wasn't barely on or anything. She rolled over onto her stomach and then fell off with no provocation. Most of her falls are when she's been like that for several hours and should be fine.


Miku also gets her hands caught in my hair a LOT. Like, once a week at least she pulls my hair.


I have a friend who calls her Satan for a reason.


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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I have a friend who calls her Satan for a reason.



OMG, I can totally see why!


Thankfully my Mariko is a good girl (she's my fist, and I think I would die if she does any of that crazy falls your Miku does xD) but I also have two azone (Nyaruko and Chitoge) and they have serious knee problems.


One day I was changing their clothes in my parents living room. When I wasn't playing with one I left them sitting in a little couch that I made for them with my mother (because of that crazy bending knees). So I finish dressing them, and suddenly Chitoge falls from the couch, and then is like she bounces againts the table to finally hit the floor in a super akward possition, wich broke her right leg.


I remember all this happening like in slow motion, and then my mother saying "It wasn't me! It wasn't me!". Now I laugh when remmembering the slow motion fall, since after all I was going to change her body to a M type (Chitoges default is a L) but it gaves me shivers to think that she could have hit the floor with her face, and there is no solution to that D:


After that they are never near any kind of edge ANY of them xD

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I have a friend who calls her Satan for a reason.


Geez. I get why! Miku sounds like quite the handful. What a troublemaker!


After that they are never near any kind of edge ANY of them xD


I'm thinking I need to follow this rule myself. When Kaito fell, if he hadn't landed on my head on his way down, he would've hit his face on my bed frame(it's low to the ground) and then he probably would've chipped or scratched his eyes or his faceup. I don't like to think about it! I guess I'm glad I broke his fall.


Poor Chitoge though! At least it worked out with your plan to swap her body.

Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Miles(DDH06), Lyca(DDH-10), Hotaru(DDH09), Kagamine Rin, Maron(DDH01), Mikuo(Snow Miku), Nagisa(DDH01)

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I have a friend who calls her Satan for a reason.


Geez. I get why! Miku sounds like quite the handful. What a troublemaker!


After that they are never near any kind of edge ANY of them xD


I'm thinking I need to follow this rule myself. When Kaito fell, if he hadn't landed on my head on his way down, he would've hit his face on my bed frame(it's low to the ground) and then he probably would've chipped or scratched his eyes or his faceup. I don't like to think about it! I guess I'm glad I broke his fall.


Poor Chitoge though! At least it worked out with your plan to swap her body.


She is the biggest trouble maker. Lol. She's also quite spoiled at times, being my first and all. I love her even so though. She's so cute that I simply can't be mad at her. I try to keep my girls away from edges now as well. Miku got a tiny scratch thing on the size of her nose? Idk it's like something sliced a tiny flap into her. I got it off and now you have to really look in good lighting to know it ever happened but that that was so close it's scary. Never again.


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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I'm thinking I need to follow this rule myself. When Kaito fell, if he hadn't landed on my head on his way down, he would've hit his face on my bed frame(it's low to the ground) and then he probably would've chipped or scratched his eyes or his faceup. I don't like to think about it! I guess I'm glad I broke his fall.


Poor Chitoge though! At least it worked out with your plan to swap her body.


Since that I've been treating her even more like a princess, so she doesn't held a grundge XD


She's also quite spoiled at times, being my first and all. (...) I got it off and now you have to really look in good lighting to know it ever happened but that that was so close it's scary. Never again.


Miku is your first too! >.<


In that line I had a little problem with Mariko, I posed her with her fists hands in front of her face, and two days later she had a mark in her cheek like as if the thumb had made a hole D: I change her position inmediately and rub the cheek from inside the head to warm the zone, after a few days she went back to almost normal, but I can still see the little mark left...


This one not funny though XD But she's fine now :3

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Annie, my first girl, is a troublemaker... She doesn't have free-standing privileges because of how often she knocks over her sisters! No matter who she's standing with, she's always the one that goes down and takes everyone with her.


Sometimes I wonder if she does it just because she's bored.

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I think I'm sensing a pattern here about the first always being the one causing shenanigans.

Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Miles(DDH06), Lyca(DDH-10), Hotaru(DDH09), Kagamine Rin, Maron(DDH01), Mikuo(Snow Miku), Nagisa(DDH01)

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I think I'm sensing a pattern here about the first always being the one causing shenanigans.


They're the ones who were here first and subsequently were a bit spoiled. They push their boundaries more.


I can't speak for any other doll's reasons but I think Miku just loves getting a rise out of people.


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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Is there, like some kind of Karma that goes with your first Kiddo? Tana would just fall in those same coincidental cirbleepstance!

which she doesn't do as often as an MDD

"Madness takes it's toll, Please have exact change!"

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They're the ones who were here first and subsequently were a bit spoiled. They push their boundaries more.


I can't speak for any other doll's reasons but I think Miku just loves getting a rise out of people.


That would make sense!


When Kaito fell, I DID have the passing thought of "It looks like someone's mad I didn't let him sit with me today!" Maybe that was actually the reason why he headbutted me. I was busy that day and wasn't giving him anywhere near his usual daily level of attention. Hopefully he won't take notes from Miku to make this a regular occurrence!


I took something that happened today as his "apology" though. I sat him in front of the TV as I was leaving for class. Before I leave, I like to give him a little pat on the back of his head as a "see you later". So when I did it, he completely shifted back and sort of "landed" in my hand. It was such a sudden shift and it's really strange for him to flop back like that since it's never happened before, but I thought it was cute timing anyway. Then I realized that I can't stay mad at him either.


Is there, like some kind of Karma that goes with your first Kiddo? Tana would just fall in those same coincidental cirbleepstance!

which she doesn't do as often as an MDD


I'm starting to think that maybe there is! Either that or they all have their own reasons for loving to fall over.

Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Miles(DDH06), Lyca(DDH-10), Hotaru(DDH09), Kagamine Rin, Maron(DDH01), Mikuo(Snow Miku), Nagisa(DDH01)

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That would make sense!


When Kaito fell, I DID have the passing thought of "It looks like someone's mad I didn't let him sit with me today!" Maybe that was actually the reason why he headbutted me. I was busy that day and wasn't giving him anywhere near his usual daily level of attention. Hopefully he won't take notes from Miku to make this a regular occurrence!


I took something that happened today as his "apology" though. I sat him in front of the TV as I was leaving for class. Before I leave, I like to give him a little pat on the back of his head as a "see you later". So when I did it, he completely shifted back and sort of "landed" in my hand. It was such a sudden shift and it's really strange for him to flop back like that since it's never happened before, but I thought it was cute timing anyway. Then I realized that I can't stay mad at him either.


Awww, Miku occasionally does things like that. I was watching something a while back and had her in my lap at an angle and she just kinda shifted over and leaned into me. It was too cute. Maybe it's to make up for breaking that decorative glass bottle I was going to give to my friend. Either way it's not the end of the world and she's what got me into this hobby for a reason.


Melody is very cuddly, but that makes sense for her. She is shy and may be like her big sister in that she'll fall apart slightly if she's not pleased. I was re-dressing her at a meet to try on clothes and she came apart at the torso. A little shocking since she's so mild mannered most of the time. My other two don't do much of this but they have yet to act out in such a way that kissing up would be warranted, and aren't very openly affectionate characters anyways.


Is there, like some kind of Karma that goes with your first Kiddo? Tana would just fall in those same coincidental cirbleepstance!

which she doesn't do as often as an MDD


I seriously think there is at this point.


Also, slight update to Miku breaking the bottle. The picture says it all.



Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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Awww, Miku occasionally does things like that. I was watching something a while back and had her in my lap at an angle and she just kinda shifted over and leaned into me. It was too cute. Maybe it's to make up for breaking that decorative glass bottle I was going to give to my friend. Either way it's not the end of the world and she's what got me into this hobby for a reason.


That's how they get you. They act all cute and sweet after they do something to win you back.


Melody is very cuddly, but that makes sense for her. She is shy and may be like her big sister in that she'll fall apart slightly if she's not pleased. I was re-dressing her at a meet to try on clothes and she came apart at the torso. A little shocking since she's so mild mannered most of the time. My other two don't do much of this but they have yet to act out in such a way that kissing up would be warranted, and aren't very openly affectionate characters anyways.


This is so interesting every time I hear things like it. I've mostly seen it with resin BJDs, but each doll having their own little quirks like coming apart in specific situations is so fun to me. I can't say if he does it when he's unhappy about something, but once in a while, Kaito's right elbow joint will just lock up as if someone freaking super glued it that way. I've tried to get it to do that on purpose and I have yet been able to recreate it. It just does it sometimes. It's the strangest thing. I tend to just take it as a "Can we maybe come back to doing this later?"(As it only seems to happen when taking pictures or changing clothes.) And when I do the exact same things later...it won't happen anymore. What a diva. Apparently I work on his schedule and not the other way around.


Melody still sounds really cute though. I'm admit I am huge sucker for lots of pink, and her personality sounds so nice too.


Also, slight update to Miku breaking the bottle. The picture says it all.


Geez, Miku! Have some mercy, girl! I can't believe she even cracked your phone! She is definitely pushing all the boundaries! That picture is hilarious though. She even looks like she's smirking a little bit. No regrets, indeed!

Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Miles(DDH06), Lyca(DDH-10), Hotaru(DDH09), Kagamine Rin, Maron(DDH01), Mikuo(Snow Miku), Nagisa(DDH01)

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That's how they get you. They act all cute and sweet after they do something to win you back.


Exactly! They know that there's no real consequences so they do as they please and acting adorable after the fact is just how they ensure that even more! It's completely manipulative and we're total suckers for it but it's awesome.


This is so interesting every time I hear things like it. I've mostly seen it with resin BJDs, but each doll having their own little quirks like coming apart in specific situations is so fun to me. I can't say if he does it when he's unhappy about something, but once in a while, Kaito's right elbow joint will just lock up as if someone freaking super glued it that way. I've tried to get it to do that on purpose and I have yet been able to recreate it. It just does it sometimes. It's the strangest thing. I tend to just take it as a "Can we maybe come back to doing this later?"(As it only seems to happen when taking pictures or changing clothes.) And when I do the exact same things later...it won't happen anymore. What a diva. Apparently I work on his schedule and not the other way around.


Melody still sounds really cute though. I'm admit I am huge sucker for lots of pink, and her personality sounds so nice too.


It is definitely fascinating how that happens. Logically I want to say that it's a mix of actions happening as a physical result of what we do to them and simple confirmation bias. I try to be conscious of that but even factoring it in and trying to stay aware of these things, it's still a little odd in my cases.


Miku has fallen over in situations where everyone else is fine even when she's not in her default twin-tails so she's not different weight wise or anything.


Aria is a little loose in the hips compared to my others and I periodically have to push them back together so they don't fall off she manages to do it in specific situations where I am monitoring that and I'll have fixed her up so she won't but they go from fine to gone instantly. It's very weird.


Melody has only done it once so far but "public nudity" has only been an issue once so far so, yeah. Not enough evidence.


I once put Celia in Miku's default outfit which couldn't be 100% buttoned up for obvious reasons and she had quite a few clothing/wig mishaps that never happened afterwards or to those things on any other doll for reasons that I can't explain away with the change in body type or handling. In the same vein the hole shirt she wore for a while due to nothing else working with the rest of the outfit which she loved had to have loose threads cut off of it on quite a few occasions which didn't happen with the previous owner or when Aria would wear it. As a character she doesn't appreciate revealing clothing, so it really seems like she is her in her own way if that makes sense. she now has a less revealing sweater that she's much more pleased with. (although a form fitting non holed turtle-neck would be perfect)


Thanks! She's a total sweetie and I have to admit I love all things pink too. She really does represent that very thoroughly.


Geez, Miku! Have some mercy, girl! I can't believe she even cracked your phone! She is definitely pushing all the boundaries! That picture is hilarious though. She even looks like she's smirking a little bit. No regrets, indeed!


Yeah, I had her holding my old phone for this picture and when after making sure it was securely in her hands I went to the other side of the room to get my phone that I currently use so I could take a picture. When I did this she dropped it. I'm sensing a pattern here. She's also dropped my current phone, but gladly I learned from stuff like this with my old phone and invested in an otterbox case so it's been Miku-proofed.


One of the things I love about her is that little, subtle smirk she has going for her. She can look so sweet and adorable, or totally mischievous! She also has considerably wide eye holes with more narrow eyes which gives her this borderline cat-eyed look which adds to that. I saw this before I even got her and thought she would end up ultimately sweet with a slight trouble-making streak and as it turns out she's the complete reverse of that. She can be sweet and nice when she wants to be, but she definitely loves stirring up trouble too much to ever give that habit up. It's how she has fun with others and it seems like it gets out of hand sometimes.


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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Exactly! They know that there's no real consequences so they do as they please and acting adorable after the fact is just how they ensure that even more! It's completely manipulative and we're total suckers for it but it's awesome.


It is pretty awesome how they pull that off every time. Those cute faces, I swear.


It is definitely fascinating how that happens. Logically I want to say that it's a mix of actions happening as a physical result of what we do to them and simple confirmation bias. I try to be conscious of that but even factoring it in and trying to stay aware of these things, it's still a little odd in my cases.


I think Miku is interesting in that so many others have a Miku of their own...and yet yours is still totally an individual! At least I haven't heard of any others who enjoying messing with people like yours does lol!


I'll hopefully be able to put Kaito's arm lock to the test soon too. I'll eventually be getting my next boy, Aki, an Obitsu 55cm body, so I'm curious to see whether his right arm will ever lock up in the same way. I think it'll be an interesting test since Aki and Kaito will be exactly the same when it comes to their heads(If you're not counting the modding. They're very different in that regard.), their internal structures, and their upper bodies.


But yeah, the things you describe are totally in that grey area of possibly lacking a 100% logical explanation. But even if there is a 100% logical explanation...then maybe it's not really as fun that way? I like these things to seem a little mysterious. Leaves room for imagination, perhaps?


Thanks! She's a total sweetie and I have to admit I love all things pink too. She really does represent that very thoroughly.


If you love all things pink...then it seems like you'd probably like Aki. That brat decided he wanted to have pink hair instead of blond like I wanted. Sometimes you just get an alpha character like this, I suppose. If anyone's going to end up giving me funny doll story fuel, I think it's gonna be Aki. He's causing me trouble already and he doesn't even have a body or finished faceup yet.


Yeah, I had her holding my old phone for this picture and when after making sure it was securely in her hands I went to the other side of the room to get my phone that I currently use so I could take a picture. When I did this she dropped it. I'm sensing a pattern here. She's also dropped my current phone, but gladly I learned from stuff like this with my old phone and invested in an otterbox case so it's been Miku-proofed.


One of the things I love about her is that little, subtle smirk she has going for her. She can look so sweet and adorable, or totally mischievous! She also has considerably wide eye holes with more narrow eyes which gives her this borderline cat-eyed look which adds to that. I saw this before I even got her and thought she would end up ultimately sweet with a slight trouble-making streak and as it turns out she's the complete reverse of that. She can be sweet and nice when she wants to be, but she definitely loves stirring up trouble too much to ever give that habit up. It's how she has fun with others and it seems like it gets out of hand sometimes.


That's good that your phone is now Miku proof! At least she dropped your older one rather than the new one.


I think you summed up her look really perfectly! Borderline cat-eyed is the term I was looking for! I've always seen it, but I never really knew what to call it. Her eye shape is pretty sharp in that way too. It's really striking.


It's funny how they never seem to turn out quite the way you imagine them to be before you get them! Learning how they really are after they do arrive is a super interesting and entertaining part though.


Like...I think I wanted Kaito to be nothing but sweet, gentle, and kind, if not a bit air-headed and goofy. And while he is pretty much all those things, I think I'm starting to learn that he may only be that way as long as he's getting what he wants. Maybe I'd describe him as 90% angel, 10% devil? I'm getting the impression that he definitely has it in him to go outside his usual personality traits to act spoiled and a bit huffy. And on top of that, I'm looking forward to seeing how Aki will develop as a character as well once I get him all put together too. Maybe he'll end up different than I'm picturing now too.

Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Miles(DDH06), Lyca(DDH-10), Hotaru(DDH09), Kagamine Rin, Maron(DDH01), Mikuo(Snow Miku), Nagisa(DDH01)

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It is pretty awesome how they pull that off every time. Those cute faces, I swear.


They're just that adorable. Precious little cinnamon rolls.


I think Miku is interesting in that so many others have a Miku of their own...and yet yours is still totally an individual! At least I haven't heard of any others who enjoying messing with people like yours does lol!


I'll hopefully be able to put Kaito's arm lock to the test soon too. I'll eventually be getting my next boy, Aki, an Obitsu 55cm body, so I'm curious to see whether his right arm will ever lock up in the same way. I think it'll be an interesting test since Aki and Kaito will be exactly the same when it comes to their heads(If you're not counting the modding. They're very different in that regard.), their internal structures, and their upper bodies.


But yeah, the things you describe are totally in that grey area of possibly lacking a 100% logical explanation. But even if there is a 100% logical explanation...then maybe it's not really as fun that way? I like these things to seem a little mysterious. Leaves room for imagination, perhaps?


From what I know from other Miku owners they do tend to be like that, but mine is in a league of her own apparently. When I first got her I already knew I wanted to keep her as Miku because I do love the vocaloid, but I was concerned she'd just kinda be like all the other Mikus. Turns out I had nothing to worry about.


It's definitely going to be interesting to see if Aki does the same thing Kaito does. One odd thing is that not counting busts, Celia and Miku are on the same body and I definitely feel like they handle differently. It's so interesting and I wonder if obitsu bodies are the same in that regard.


It is just odd enough that it makes us wonder, and that's part of the fun in this hobby, I think.


If you love all things pink...then it seems like you'd probably like Aki. That brat decided he wanted to have pink hair instead of blond like I wanted. Sometimes you just get an alpha character like this, I suppose. If anyone's going to end up giving me funny doll story fuel, I think it's gonna be Aki. He's causing me trouble already and he doesn't even have a body or finished faceup yet.


Oh he sounds really interesting and cute! Kinda reminds me of a character I have in mind, however I have no idea when or in what series he will officially be put into if ever, so He's a ways away from even being worked on as it stands now I'm afraid.


That's good that your phone is now Miku proof! At least she dropped your older one rather than the new one.


I think you summed up her look really perfectly! Borderline cat-eyed is the term I was looking for! I've always seen it, but I never really knew what to call it. Her eye shape is pretty sharp in that way too. It's really striking.


It's funny how they never seem to turn out quite the way you imagine them to be before you get them! Learning how they really are after they do arrive is a super interesting and entertaining part though.


Like...I think I wanted Kaito to be nothing but sweet, gentle, and kind, if not a bit air-headed and goofy. And while he is pretty much all those things, I think I'm starting to learn that he may only be that way as long as he's getting what he wants. Maybe I'd describe him as 90% angel, 10% devil? I'm getting the impression that he definitely has it in him to go outside his usual personality traits to act spoiled and a bit huffy. And on top of that, I'm looking forward to seeing how Aki will develop as a character as well once I get him all put together too. Maybe he'll end up different than I'm picturing now too.


Yep. She's dropped the new one too but it's protected so it's not the end of the world thankfully. (Curse my love of them using it like a big dolly tablet)


I recognized the look right away with her but it took a lot more thinking than I like to admit to pin point just what it was. I try to be very observant of details and it drives me nuts when I can't figure out what causes a certain look.


Very true, even if they're close there's always some little quirk that adds something to the mix.


That's a lot like how I picture Kaito actually! I think the little trouble making streak is very cute actually! Let's hope he doesn't go as crazy as Miku does though. It will be interesting to see how Aki turns out. Thinking about it, I wonder how Aveline will be in doll form. Just how much surprise will she throw at me once she's completed?


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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It's definitely going to be interesting to see if Aki does the same thing Kaito does. One odd thing is that not counting busts, Celia and Miku are on the same body and I definitely feel like they handle differently. It's so interesting and I wonder if obitsu bodies are the same in that regard.


It is just odd enough that it makes us wonder, and that's part of the fun in this hobby, I think.


I'm really curious about the handling too. I watched Danny Choo's old video about how Obitsu dolls are made, and I'm wondering if how they're put together has anything to do with them handling differently. I'm not quite sure.


Oh he sounds really interesting and cute! Kinda reminds me of a character I have in mind, however I have no idea when or in what series he will officially be put into if ever, so He's a ways away from even being worked on as it stands now I'm afraid.


Aki is definitely the "troublemaker with a cute face" kind of character. He never wants to give me a direct answer to anything regarding his character and on top of that, I'd probably call him rowdy and eccentric.


I was going to give him a pretty usual and happy faceup to go with his open mouth mod...but he has a certain smugness to him. So I may end up giving him a pretty exaggerated style. The images when you google "Smug anime face" are definitely him. Not sure how I'm gonna pull that one off.


That's a lot like how I picture Kaito actually! I think the little trouble making streak is very cute actually! Let's hope he doesn't go as crazy as Miku does though. It will be interesting to see how Aki turns out. Thinking about it, I wonder how Aveline will be in doll form. Just how much surprise will she throw at me once she's completed?


I think Kaito will behave himself at this point...It's totally Aki I'm worried about. He may seriously consider taking down some notes from Miku to imitate!


I hope any surprises that Aveline throws at you will be good ones, at least!

Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Miles(DDH06), Lyca(DDH-10), Hotaru(DDH09), Kagamine Rin, Maron(DDH01), Mikuo(Snow Miku), Nagisa(DDH01)

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I'm really curious about the handling too. I watched Danny Choo's old video about how Obitsu dolls are made, and I'm wondering if how they're put together has anything to do with them handling differently. I'm not quite sure.


Huh. I didn't know he made a video on obitsus. I'm curious about it as the only experience I have is from a couple friends who regularly have to deal with feet popping off.


Aki is definitely the "troublemaker with a cute face" kind of character. He never wants to give me a direct answer to anything regarding his character and on top of that, I'd probably call him rowdy and eccentric.


I was going to give him a pretty usual and happy faceup to go with his open mouth mod...but he has a certain smugness to him. So I may end up giving him a pretty exaggerated style. The images when you google "Smug anime face" are definitely him. Not sure how I'm gonna pull that one off.


He and Miku are definitely going to be partners in crime at this rate. This should be interesting. He sounds like he's gonna look very unique! I can't wait to see him.


I think Kaito will behave himself at this point...It's totally Aki I'm worried about. He may seriously consider taking down some notes from Miku to imitate!


I hope any surprises that Aveline throws at you will be good ones, at least!


Plot twist, you've jinxed yourself by saying he'll behave. He'll start emulating Aki!


Aveline came in earlier today and she surprised me by making a hole shirt even more revealing by folding it in under itself and turning it into a crop-top and considering a garter belt with sheer thigh highs to be sufficient lower wear. I was expecting lingerie, and a certain amount of skimpiness but I didn't think she'd get so creative with it. She also made a pair of cat ears her own and seems to love taking selfies. She definitely has confidence!


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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Today, I decided I didn't like Clove's wig. It's a nice wig but looks kind of meh on her. I tried four different wigs and all of them fell off of her despite being the right size. Some of them, I tried more than once thinking I didn't put the wig on correctly - still fell off.


Then I pulled out a wig that I thought would not look good on her at all. It stayed on. It also looks amazing on her.


She is now giving off a completely different feel. She doesn't feel "shy" anymore and wants more bold clothes than what she has worn in the past. This wig is giving her a complete personality change. This girl knows what she wants!


And 100% agree about the first one always being the troublemaker! That is true here too. There's a small chunk of vinyl missing from Mint's wrist that she somehow lost while wearing a bracelet. No idea how she managed to do it.

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All the stories of the dolls - especially the Vocaloid dolls it seems- misbehaving makes me glad that my Kaito seems to be a complete angel.

The worst he's done so far is have his arms fall off a lot when I try to pose him - although that's more my fault as I'm still getting used to posing him. I'm a lot better at it now and I think the main problem was I kept subconconciously trying to move his arms the same way I'd move a hinge-jointed Pure Neemo as that's what I'm used to - and even though his joints have a much greater range of movemen than a PN his arm would come out of its socket instead of just being met with resistance to being moved wrong like a PN would.


It was incredibly frustrating at first and I almost, almost got annoyed at him until I look at him and see he's making a face like this.


(ignore the power cord, he seems to like holding them, must be a robot thing)

I'm glad he's a good kid because he'd be able to get away with so much with a face like that. He's still innocent enough to not realise this power.


Some of my neemos are little brats, though, especially Aika, who is incredibly spoiled. When I came back from Japan yesterday I felt like she was glaring at me because I took a whole week longer than I was meant to due to being sick, so I picked her up to put her back on my desk (she had been safely in my high bookshelf while I was gone so that my cat wouldnt chew on her) and she fell out of my grip straight down onto my suitcase, like she was demanding her presents. (which of course she got the most out of of anyone...)

I know once Kagamine Rin comes out she'll most likely end up like mimiyo's Miku if not worse.

Edited by Guest

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Once again Torino he's too cute! Let's hope he doesn't get any ideas.


Oh gosh. I'm planning on getting the twins as well and if even one of them is as crazy as Miku is I'm definitely going to be in for something interesting. I'll probably have to beg for mercy and buy whatever their hearts desire. Lol


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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Huh. I didn't know he made a video on obitsus. I'm curious about it as the only experience I have is from a couple friends who regularly have to deal with feet popping off.


The video is up on Crunchyroll if anyone gets curious. I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't need an account to watch it. But huh. That's interesting. I hadn't heard of that being a thing. I haven't run into any problems with his feet yet, thankfully!


He and Miku are definitely going to be partners in crime at this rate. This should be interesting. He sounds like he's gonna look very unique! I can't wait to see him.


That sounds like a perfect storm right there! Hopefully I can get him finished soon!


Plot twist, you've jinxed yourself by saying he'll behave. He'll start emulating Aki!


Aveline came in earlier today and she surprised me by making a hole shirt even more revealing by folding it in under itself and turning it into a crop-top and considering a garter belt with sheer thigh highs to be sufficient lower wear. I was expecting lingerie, and a certain amount of skimpiness but I didn't think she'd get so creative with it. She also made a pair of cat ears her own and seems to love taking selfies. She definitely has confidence!


Oh please, no! Not my cinnamon roll! I think it's highly likely that Aki will just annoy the crap out of Kaito. And me. Constantly. But in the most lovable of ways, so no one can be mad at him for more than a few minutes.


Nice to see that Aveline asserted her tastes right away then! Confidence is good!


This girl knows what she wants!


And 100% agree about the first one always being the troublemaker! That is true here too. There's a small chunk of vinyl missing from Mint's wrist that she somehow lost while wearing a bracelet. No idea how she managed to do it.


I think a girl who knows what she wants makes life a lot easier sometimes!


And aw, poor Mint. I wonder how that happened too! I wouldn't think a bracelet could chip vinyl! But maybe that's just "the curse of the first"!


It was incredibly frustrating at first and I almost, almost got annoyed at him until I look at him and see he's making a face like this.

(ignore the power cord, he seems to like holding them, must be a robot thing)

I'm glad he's a good kid because he'd be able to get away with so much with a face like that. He's still innocent enough to not realise this power.


Some of my neemos are little brats, though, especially Aika, who is incredibly spoiled. When I came back from Japan yesterday I felt like she was glaring at me because I took a whole week longer than I was meant to due to being sick, so I picked her up to put her back on my desk (she had been safely in my high bookshelf while I was gone so that my cat wouldnt chew on her) and she fell out of my grip straight down onto my suitcase, like she was demanding her presents. (which of course she got the most out of of anyone...)


Awww, I get why you can't be mad! Like I said, the face is how they get you!


I hope Aika cheered up after getting her gifts, at least! She sounds really cute too. Girls with some sass in them are adorable.

Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Miles(DDH06), Lyca(DDH-10), Hotaru(DDH09), Kagamine Rin, Maron(DDH01), Mikuo(Snow Miku), Nagisa(DDH01)

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I have something of a funny story now, complete with accidental perfectly timed photo.


So Kaito usually lives in my room, but today I thought it might be cute if I took some photos of him exploring the house a bit and getting into things he shouldnt. None of these photos were good so I kind of scrapped the idea (may redo it later though). Anyway, one of the ideas I had was for him to crawl inside the cat tunnel (our cats' fave toy) wondering what it was. My 7 month old Casper watched me setting up this shot and then, right when Im taking the photo...

...he runs up, bops Kaito on the butt, and runs off again.

So here's the photo I got!



he just had to get the booty

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...I had to.


But that's really cute! I love good timing photos like that! They just really capture the moment in a way that staging just can't. I hope you'll go back to that idea though. those are always fun to read. I actually really like seeing pets with dolls too.

Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Miles(DDH06), Lyca(DDH-10), Hotaru(DDH09), Kagamine Rin, Maron(DDH01), Mikuo(Snow Miku), Nagisa(DDH01)

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