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Eye identification

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Would anyone know what kind of eyes are shown in this photo? I am looking for some teal colored eyes that look similar. Thanks!



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To me, those look like the volks animetic eyes in type I in the color bright green

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Hm, that shine to them looks more like White Dolly Story to me. :/ Possibly this style: - W.D.S - DD Animatiec eyes Type-E


Here's all their eye charts: DD animatic eyes


I haven't purchased from WDS, so I'm not quite sure how it works; hopefully someone here who has, or has participated in a group order for them, can speak up about that. I have seen WDS eyes in person though, and they're quite nice: they all have this kind of pearl finish to the iris.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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They look more like the Volks eyes to me. WDS eyes have a certain crispness to them that I'm not really getting from that picture. It could just be their camera though.

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Thanks for the responses!


They are definitely not the Volks I-Type though. I have the I-Type in 3 colors They look different (like the white spots locations and the iris pattern).


They look very similar to the WDS type-B, but are not as dark in the dark areas. The ones on the photo in my first post might be from a convention vendor, so I will give up on them for now! I might just get the WDS ones from their taobao site:



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They fooled me, they look so much like Volks eyes. Volks eyes have that "softness" to them, while usually custom eyes are very sharp and crisp. I think that maybe they're just from a random dealer on Y!JA? I like WDS eyes though, they're so vibrant and beautiful. I hope you can find some that you like.

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I'm not being helpful, but to be honest I'm disappointed you didn't call this post "Eyedentification"

Currently at home: Autumn (DD2 DDH-01), Sakura (MDD3 DDH-08), Haku (Mio Akiyama), Mashiro (Mashiro Mito), Kaito (Vocaloid KAITO)

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