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I am new here, and ask that you all be patient with me as I learn how this works. I am here to learn more about making clothes for others, and eventually I think thanks to MikoAkiko23 that I am going to make my character Kiyoko into one. Hehehehehehehehehehehehe any tips and suggestions that you may offer, or cheap clothing for me to get a idea of measurements, let me know!

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Hi Mags! lol Glad to see you on the forum and also glad I converted you into a DD lover. I don't know much myself but since I joined I've learned alot. Everyone here is nice so you can't ask anyone about anything that confuses you about DD's. I myself can tell you a few things except about face-ups XDD

Check out my Flickr account for pics of my random artwork: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikoakiko23/sets/72157627987461066/


Hopefully I should have pics of a first daughter by next year ^^

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Yes we have that about us and influence the other to like and want to do things that they never thought about before don't we. And yes, the more I think about it, the more I think I am going to get me one and model it after Kiyoko.

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What would you want to make Kiyoko? A regular DD or a DDdy? there is a new base body coming out for hte regular DD called the DDIII its way more posable than the other body types and I believe it might be here in the US by December or January. By that time the DDIII should be the new defualt body for the regular DD

Check out my Flickr account for pics of my random artwork: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikoakiko23/sets/72157627987461066/


Hopefully I should have pics of a first daughter by next year ^^

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I am just going to get the regular body for her. She is not as endouded as Akiko is lol.

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probably the M

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Here are the busts for the regular DD:


S Bust-



M Bust-



L Bust-



Now you have a couple of options for head molds either from these or buying a limited edition head from a character like let's say Yuki Morikawa or something.


01 Head-



02 Head-



03 Head-



04 Head-



There is also a 06 head....it hasn't come out yet. Here are some examples of DDs with the 06 head:





And since you are getting a regular DD you have the option of getting the DDII body or the DDIII body. Here are pics of the DDII body:


This is one of the standard DD models Yukino



And this is Aoi:



For wigs you don't have to buy from volks. There are third party sites like Leekworld where you can get wigs for a cheaper pirce. As for clothing try Alice's Collection or Dollmore or CoolCats. I forgot the name of this cool site I was on last night but had some pretty cool accessories like DD sized eye glasses, cameras, even a laptop...though most of their stuff is sold out right now.

Check out my Flickr account for pics of my random artwork: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikoakiko23/sets/72157627987461066/


Hopefully I should have pics of a first daughter by next year ^^

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fenrir z78

Welcome to the group LadyKiyoko. Feel free to ask anything you want.

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Well, technically the 06 has been released in Japan; the first stock just sold out crazy quick. They'll restock eventually though, and the first US shipment should hit the Volks USA branch in two to three months, so if you like that head just have some patience.


Alternately, there's SQ Labs: http://www.sqlabdolls.com/ These heads are resin rather than vinyl but are made to match the DD normal skintone. Yes, they're more expensive than the blank DD heads, but this opens your options up a bit without having to get into tracking down older limiteds. (Their price by the way is partially because the SQ Labs heads are made in smaller numbers by one or two people, rather than an entire factory like Volks.)


At any rate, welcome, LadyKiyoko! Just ask whenever you've got a question.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Welcome aboard! Glad to have another Inuyasha fan here!


That's great that you want to do a custom Kikyo DD! I think an M-bust would work well for her and possibly the 01 head since she's never one to be smiling much in the show. The 02 head is a bit more angry but could probably be made to look more sad or wistful like Kikyo is. Whatever you choose I hope it works well for you!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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lol she's making her characer Kiyoko not Kikyo xDD


Although.....we are both Inuyasha fans I am in fact a HUUUUUGGGEEEE Kikyo fan XDD I have two figirnes of her. One I got from an anime convention Oni-con in Houston,TX in 2010 and the other TheLadyKiyoko nearly made me faint because she bought the Toyami version of Kikyo shooting her arrow. But now that you've given me ideas I guess making a Kikyo Dollfie Dream wouldn't be a bad idea XDD Thanks Billy ^^

Edited by Guest

Check out my Flickr account for pics of my random artwork: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikoakiko23/sets/72157627987461066/


Hopefully I should have pics of a first daughter by next year ^^

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Hi and welcome to the forum!!!!

Daughters~Mai,Ryomou,Kanu,Moe2,Yukino,HH02,Yoko,Marisa,Escalayer,Ms. Mariko,Lucy,Saber Xtra,Saber Alter,Rise,Sasara,Alna,Akira,H05,Mayu



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fenrir z78: Thanks! Any measurements that you can get me for the dolls, would be awesome! I am working on doing a red and white hand crocheted kimono for MikoAkiko23. I am going to take wip pics and post them here too. But I eventually want to get past just doing a one size fits all style of clothing.



Poofiemus: It is going to take me some time to save for the money to do it anyway so who knows by the time that I get the money to do it, I might be able to get the exact one I want. not sure what head I really want right now though. I am litterally a newbie at the dollfie stuff. MikoAkiko23 knows more than I do.



Baldylox: Yes I am an Inuyasha fan, however like MikoAkiko23 said I am not making Kikyo. The one I am making is my own original character Kiyoko. She is a miko too with black hair and blue eyes, and her miko outfit is going to look like Kikyo's but where Kikyo's is red, Kiyoko's is a baby blue color.



carmen171: Thanks!



MikoAkiko23: What have you done to me? This time last year I would have told anyone who wanted to spend the money that these dollfie doll stuff cost, were insane. And now here I am getting excited about getting my own dollfie Kiyoko.

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  TheLadyKiyoko said:


MikoAkiko23: What have you done to me? This time last year I would have told anyone who wanted to spend the money that these dollfie doll stuff cost, were insane. And now here I am getting excited about getting my own dollfie Kiyoko.


Mags you know as well as anyone I have that effect on people XDD I mean look at what happened on DeviantART where I inspired people to become fans of Inuyasha's father or my own characters Akiko, Akihiro, and all my other OC's like Kohaku? I already have a friend on DA who has proclaimed herself Kohaku's #1 fangirl XDD

Check out my Flickr account for pics of my random artwork: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikoakiko23/sets/72157627987461066/


Hopefully I should have pics of a first daughter by next year ^^

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girl you never told me that? and yes i do know you have that effect on people. i of all people know that, before you i never looked at inuyasha's papa as being a perv untill now.

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Well I know he really isn't a prev but in my version he is and it makes stories and drawings alot funnier. I can't wait till we both have dollfies of your own and kicking it up in Huntington Beach or Austin, TX xDD


But hey I just got a brilliant beyond brilliant idea...the summer you and me meet up in Cali we should go to the Volks store in Torrance and/or meet up with a few DD owners in Southern Cali.

Edited by Guest

Check out my Flickr account for pics of my random artwork: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikoakiko23/sets/72157627987461066/


Hopefully I should have pics of a first daughter by next year ^^

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That sounds like a plan! And speaking of plans since the plans have changed a little, I am going to push back me getting a car until next fall. That way I can try to save up more money and maybe get me a better car than what I was going to do and it won't cost me as much to make sure it is road trip worthy. lol and then that gives me all winter and spring to save money for the trip to TX then Cali.

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Sounds like a plan to me. and you know, i think that this kimono is gonna make a good xmas gift for you lol.

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  TheLadyKiyoko said:
Sounds like a plan to me. and you know, i think that this kimono is gonna make a good xmas gift for you lol.


Yay ! Your making me excited XDD

Check out my Flickr account for pics of my random artwork: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikoakiko23/sets/72157627987461066/


Hopefully I should have pics of a first daughter by next year ^^

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you should be. thinking that i am going to make the sash sort of thick, and rotate the red and white.

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I gots an avie now!

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And its awesome. Kanu is very rare because she's the only tan colored dollfie so she's gonna be EXPENSIVE lol but still she makes a great avatar ^^


You should make a Flickr since Dollfie Dreams are posable most owners post all their photos on Flickr or figure.fm

Check out my Flickr account for pics of my random artwork: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikoakiko23/sets/72157627987461066/


Hopefully I should have pics of a first daughter by next year ^^

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