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Till Troll

Most stupid thing you've done to a Dollfie Dream?

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Till Troll

Your new Dollfie Dream arrives home, and she's perfect. You can't even get her out of the packaging for fear of marking that pristine skin. The first few times you hold her, your hands are gloved or wrapped in cloth, and you inspect her after every outing for miniscule stains.


A few months later you know exactly where that first mark/stain is and how well you managed to remove it. You are still so SO careful with her, but now understand that you can't be perfect all the time.


I thought this thread could be for us to admit the stupid mistakes we made with our dolls, so newer owners could a) avoid making such mistakes and b) realise that sometimes things happen no matter how careful you are, and it's not worth ruining your enjoyment of your Dollfie Dream with fear.


I wish my most stupid mistake was closer to the start of my involvement in the hobby but alas, poor Meade suffered my gross mistreatment only yesterday. I had cut up a pair of test jeans I had made for her, and left Meade wearing one leg while I turned the other into a pattern (through the original away thinking it was the first draft, oops!). I was using a black biro to makes notes for adjustments... (I am sense the audience wincing in anticipation)... and as I went to compare the fit of the test sewing remaining on Meade, I forgot I had the biro in my hand and marked her upper arm and underbust.


ARGH! I immediately used pure alcohol to correct the stain, and the two, 1cm long lines are now barely noticeable. Meade has another, extremely faint stain on the top of her bust from a previous oops, so it wasn't my first time. I was able to calm myself down with the knowledge that both parts are replaceable and that a zit cream treatment should clear up any remainder.


The first time I marked her, I actually cried! This time, I remembered that being afraid to hold her would make me unfamiliar with holding her carefully enough to avoid this type of mistake, so I chalked it up to experience and told myself off. My stupid mistake was completely avoidable: biros and DDs do not mix!

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Well, I can't say that I *haven't* done anything stupid with my girls but the one thing that sticks out most in my head is when Manami fell face first onto concrete and I wasn't fast enuff to catch her. The Volks shirt she was wearing got damaged a little and her nose got scuffed. I almost cried. I immediately rushed home and took out some super fine sandpaper and proceeded to fix her back up. It was one of the most nerve wracking things I've ever had to do. But she managed to survive and you can barely tell there was ever any damage done.


Still, a fair warning to people doing photo shoots. Make sure you use a stand whenever possible so your girls don't fall over! And if you can't use one or don't have one, lay down cloth of some type so if they DO fall, they take less of a hit.




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I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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I had a very unstable stand at first, before I bought a CoolCat stand. To give it a little more weight, I throw on a speaker magnet (that thing weighs a ton). For some reason I didn't notice that it had a blue printed label on it. I left her standing on it for 3 days.... with not shoes on! Argggg.... how stupid could I get? When I finally realized it was too late. There were some staining on her foot and ending up giving her a 2 day benzo proxide treatment.


She is fine now but god... lesson learned. Always have your girls wearing socks or shoes.

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When I first got Agatha, she had a different faceup from her previous owner, a kind of sad looking one. That didn't suit the mad scientist I knew her to be at all, so I removed it.


Now, here comes the stupid part: I used a non-acetone nail polish remover with pink dye in it. Gawd I'm a dumb***k. Granted, since the dye was pink it was a subtle color change, but it was still there. I managed to bleach most of it out using a lot of zit cream, and now you can't really tell, but it was still phenomenally stupid. Even dumber, the rubbing alcohol I had the whole time was 91% strength, strong enough to take the old faceup off--which means that not only did I have a superior solvent the whole time, I also didn't have to go get the nail polish remover in the first place. Yeah, I'm smart--S-M-R-T!


I also have had a couple small staining mishaps, but that was the big one, partially because it all could have been avoided if I'd just looked in my own freakin' cabinet. Does it still count as "did not do the research" if, despite all my reading, I didn't read that one label? XD

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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My most stupid thing happened when i put on some Black SD stockings from Dollmore. It was pretty hot and humid in my room and putting them on took a long time. I had them on only a few mins then i decided to take them off, only to find that it was completely stained from the waist down. After pulling the stockings them off i ran water over them only to find dye coming off the stockings.


Anyway, i tried Oxy10 but most of the stains were still visible after a week. Now here comes me getting desperate, I looked up on the net for getting the paint mixture for normal skin. Once i found the correct color, I took Kaori apart to get a full body spray then a clear matte coat. Then put her back together again.


All seem fine, till i started posing her several times and i noticed that the lower body and leg were rubbing against each other and the paint started to chip off the leg. About a week later it was bothering me and i decided to remove the paint, which was laborious. As i had to take her apart again and remove the paint off her lower body legs and feet. As i was doing this was wondering where her stains were. As she was stain free. Anyway all this cleaning made her skin glossy, but was easily fixed with a coat of matte clear over her skin.


Now, i'm very cautious with dark clothing. But i still don't use body stockings

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Mine stupid moment came not too long after getting Neris. I bought her a new wig and after taking pictures at the Volks shop I took her home but I had left the wig on. I didn't have a wig cap for her yet, and I didn't think the wig would do too much damage. Sure enough, a week later I take the wig off, and there's a small ring of stain around her skull I felt really dumb, since the other time I had taken pictures of her, I had taken the wig off right away after I was finished. That taught me my lesson and I got her a wig cap no more than a week later.


I've gotten a little paranoid about other staining, so I've ordered a body suit just to be on the safe side.


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Pulled off Saber Lily's ponytail instantly.


In all fairness, the thing is defective by design, but it was still disheartening


Dolls: Saber, Saber Alter, Saber Lily, Saber Extra, Saber Alter 2nd,

Aozaki Aoko, Alice Kuonji, Haruhi Suzumiya, Yuki Nagato

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Well, the stupidest thing I do is habitually throw curly wigs across the room while trying to style them. Those wigs infuriate me and I can never contain my rage.


Other than that, the time I stained Akira by leaving an outfit on her with a tag that I knew would stain her was pretty stupid. Then, when I went to cut the tag off after it had already stained her, I accidentally cut a hole in the back of the outfit. Genius, right here.

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When i first got Aoi, i wasn't sure of the wig postion and i ended up putting it to low on her head. Once i put it on better she got some stains on her forehead. I was upset after i noticed that, but a few Oxy 10 treatments fixed the problem. I don't use a wig cap and she does have a ring around her head, but it doesn't bother me as long as it's under the wig. That may change once i figure out how to combo the wig cap with the Pitatto wig stopper.



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Tried to straighten out the wig with hot water... while it was still on Suzuna's head. It's dark purple. She's all better now, but still - derpderp!

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Stupidest thing I ever did was shortly after Harley arrived. I had left her on my blanket box next to my bed thinking she would be okay there as I left for work in the morning. Now, I also have a small dog, who is cute, but very mischievous. She has decided that any toy of mine, is also hers. So while I was gone, she went into my room, jumped on the bed and decided to check Harley out....and then wanted to play with her wig. When I came home I found Harley face down on the ground, and her wig in the living room. Harley now has fine scratch marks across her face.

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I've barely had both my dollfie dreams for a month and already my first has taken a major fall XC. I'm so used to the tighter joints and magnet feet of my obitsu 50cm that I actually plunked down my brand new dolfie dream on my obitsu 50cm metal disc stand! Needless to say when I came home from work I found her sprawled sideways on my desk with her wig all skewed. Luckily she wasn't damaged by her fall but really it was a pretty silly mistake.

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My only heart stopping moment was after replacing my Yukino's neck joint with one from Cool Cats. I think the opening for the neck piece in Yukino's head is a tiny bit bigger than it should be and the head comes off very easily.


I picked her up once and tilted her, her head came off and went straight to the floor.


I was so happy that she hit with the back of her head and I was able to stop her with my foot so she didn't go further. No visible damage but my heart was beating pretty fast and I was apologizing to her for a while.



Otaku Depot's growing family.



Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.

― Terry Pratchett, Jingo

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  OtakuDepot said:
My only heart stopping moment was after replacing my Yukino's neck joint with one from Cool Cats. I think the opening for the neck piece in Yukino's head is a tiny bit bigger than it should be and the head comes off very easily.


I picked her up once and tilted her, her head came off and went straight to the floor.


I was so happy that she hit with the back of her head and I was able to stop her with my foot so she didn't go further. No visible damage but my heart was beating pretty fast and I was apologizing to her for a while.




No, I find the CoolCat neck joints make the heads loose too. I'm not sure if it's the threads in the joint, the fact that they don't fit the hole in the neck properly but I have the same problem with Makoto's neck. Luckily she's the only one I switched the neck joint on - I won't bother fiddling with the rest of them since the DD3 body has the improved posing ability


Archangeli.net | Twitter: @MsArchangeli | YouTube: Archangeli

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I think the most stupid thing I've done by far was leaving a black wig, without a wig cap, on one of my girls for over a month. It never even crossed my mind it might stain, despite how cautious I was with clothing.

Needless to say, she has quite the prominent ring around her head now.


A lesson learned, even it I had to do it the hard way. Now all my girls wear wig caps regardless of the colour of the wig.

Twitter: JezatronExtra Flickr: Jezatron

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Hmm. I decided to let her sky dive off my shelf. She now has a broken spine....

Parting with my lovely ladies.

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  Pacino_83 said:
Hmm. I decided to let her sky dive off my shelf. She now has a broken spine....


You can fix that tho! Grab some Permatex Plastic Weld and it will fix her up good as new as long as you have the parts that broke off.


Can you take some pics of the damaged area to share? I had this same exact thing happen to my Manami and I have her all fixed up. If I can see what you have and where it's broken, I can help show you how to repair her.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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When I first got Morgan, I didn't know that her skin could stain so easily. I had bought some cute but cheap clothes for her off of ebay, and one was a dark blue dress. Not knowing any better, I put it on her and left her on display wearing it.


A few days later, much to my horror, I discovered several tiny blue spots on her chest and thighs, her nipples were blue, and she has a horrible dark blue mark in her buttcrack =3


I was able to fade them a little with rubbing alcohol, but I now make my own clothes for her or put storebought ones on only after she's wearing her bodystocking I bought for her. I've actually got some Removezit I am going to use to take the last of the stains out, but boy did I learn my lesson!

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  baldylox said:
  Pacino_83 said:
Hmm. I decided to let her sky dive off my shelf. She now has a broken spine....


You can fix that tho! Grab some Permatex Plastic Weld and it will fix her up good as new as long as you have the parts that broke off.


Can you take some pics of the damaged area to share? I had this same exact thing happen to my Manami and I have her all fixed up. If I can see what you have and where it's broken, I can help show you how to repair her.





Ouch.. I can feel your pain. I agree with Billy, its totally fixable. I would "sew" the parts toghether with some kind of wire (i.e. jewelry wire) and reinforce it with permatex.


Share some pics please, we want to help you and your daughter



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The most stupid thing I've done to one of my girls is actually allowing my Mio to hold her nendoroid and figma counterparts for a photoshoot that I later scrapped due to poor lighting. I left them in her hands over night forgetting to remove them to later find her hands were stained navy blue. They stains are now but miniscule faded marks, however now I know not to leave them holding objects for too long.

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I've done a number of stupid things with my girls but i think the one that really stick in my mind is that I had recently decided to treat Mizutana's black wig while she was wearing it.


This went fine, but when i came to put her in her new skirt and t-shirt from Alice collections I started to find black marks on her arms where i think her long black hair must had been next to her arms while wet and the colour had bled.


Out came the stain remover and 3 days later she's good as new.


If anyone is wondering who Mizutana is, she is my Obitsu 50 girl that came back with Aoi & Sae while i was in Japan this year


Will she appear here? - I don't know as she is not a DD and i'm not sure if she will fit in here like she does with Aoi & Sae here at home.

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I would have to say what I did to Sakura's headcap. T_T


When she arrived her eye was messed up and needed fixed. So I removed her headcap, which it came off kinda easy, but when I went to put it back on I couldn't get it go back on for some reason. I pushed and struggled, after a few minutes had passed I was starting to freak out worried that where my fingers were slipping onto her face that I was going to mess up her face up. So I thought well I will do the notch thing, maybe that will help. Even after doing that I still couldn't get the back part to snap down. So I ended up instead of just leaving it as a small notch I had to cut out almost half of the back of the head cap off where it snaps in to get the dumb thing to go back on.


It's not something you can see or know about unless you popped her head cap off. But I know about it and it does bother me some knowing she isn't 100% perfect now. Although it did help greatly in the ease of popping her head cap on and off. Plus wigs still fit her just fine, so I guess it really isn't that bad of a thing. I guess it might only be a big deal if I would decide to sale her. Whoever would get her and pop that head cap off would be like 'what in the world?' o.0


Other than that I really haven't done anything else stupid to my girls. I try to be super protective and overly cautious with them. I think after what happened to one of my PVC figures I learned my lesson to be extra careful with these items. I definitely wouldn't want one of my girls to do like Sen-hime and try base jumping from my deck rail. Man, that was a photoshoot gone wrong. x.X I had her up on the rail to get better pics of the snowy background and in a split second my hand barely touched her and down she went. T_T So yeah I learned to try and not get to daring with my pictures anymore.

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Feena has a bit of a light blue stain on her upper leg where I had the SUPER SMART thought to make her a Jean skirt with no underlining. Also, I forget how I did it now, but Feena has a tiny scratch on her foot. Other than that, nothing worse than Feena falling off my desk because she didn't move her legs out of the way of my chair armrest :S


Kud tips over backwards a bit, but thats just probably getting dust in her hair more than anything else.

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Nightmare Tea

Haha, within the first hour I had Suzie after she arrived, I managed to tumble down the stairs like I do every week. But I was holding onto her so tightly that the only thing that happened was her wig flew off.


But now I'm practicing going down the stairs slower so I don't kill anything I bring down.

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I was using super glue to make some parts of the inner joints thicker, and did not wait enough time. I ended with 2 pieces of the inner frame glued together.


I am trying to separate the pieces all the week long, with no success. And as the pieces are not glued in the right position, I cannot reassemble the doll.

Summon ritual is over. And finally complete.

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