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Most stupid thing you've done to a Dollfie Dream?

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I was using super glue to make some parts of the inner joints thicker, and did not wait enough time. I ended with 2 pieces of the inner frame glued together.


I am trying to separate the pieces all the week long, with no success. And as the pieces are not glued in the right position, I cannot reassemble the doll.



Is this something that happened a while ago or did this happen recently and you still can't put the doll back together? If this is something that you have going on right now, they *DO* make a liquid that will break loose the super glue. I used to use it when I did car stereo work. We used to glue bits of plastic and wood together and I was forever getting it on my hands. The company that made the super glue also made a liquid that "unglued" the super glue. It worked really well for us on plastics and wood. So you should check around and see if you can find some of that at a hardware store or car parts place.


If you can't find any, maybe I can check around and see if I can find some here in the US.



I hope this helps!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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It's called Cyanoacrylate / CA Debonder and is available (at least here) in model hobby shops, for example.

But before trying, You have to check if this liquid won't harm the ABS.

Because acetone also dissolves CA - and melts many types of plastic, too.

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Yeah.... it is harms ABS.


To make things worse, I tried to remove with acetone. As soon as I damped the piece I remembered that acetone melts abs....REALLY STUPID.


Now I am using vibrations, and thermal shock to try to weaken it. In this moment, the piece is in my freezer.


If it really does not work, I will use my dremmel to cut it open, and after will use plastic welder to reconstruct it. I am not very enthusiastic about it, but at least it is not Beato body, is an old body that I bough as broken.


It is sad that it wasn't really broken before I did this....

Summon ritual is over. And finally complete.

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It's called Cyanoacrylate / CA Debonder and is available (at least here) in model hobby shops, for example.

But before trying, You have to check if this liquid won't harm the ABS.

Because acetone also dissolves CA - and melts many types of plastic, too.



That's the name exactly! Thanks Kumi!


We used to use it on black ABS plastic panels all the time with out it actually melting anything badly. I think the super glue did more damage to the ABS than the release agent did personally..... all that white hazing it caused along with the odd surface textures. But if it's dangerous to use on the DD plastic, I don't know and would guess to test it on a small place where it won't be seen or do any real damage.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Something ridiculous and stupid happened at work today, and I just had to revive this topic to share it with everyone.

A coworker of mine brought in a whole bag of these little "rubber snowballs". They are sticky rubber balls, full of blue glittery water, that stick to things with a "splat". Well, in our infinite maturity and wisdom, we decided to throw them at each other. Throughout this battle, Akira was sitting innocently on my desk reading the 9style magazine. Well, the battle apparently weakened the ball, because I was playing with it afterword and it suddenly exploded. Violently exploded, that is, and it covered EVERYTHING in water and blue glitter. Needless to say, Akira wasn't very happy with that. I had to give her an immediate sponge bath when I got home, as well as wash all of her clothes, and the towel that she likes to rest on in my backpack.


Can you hear me facepalming right now? I'm doing it as loud as I can.

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Something ridiculous and stupid happened at work today, and I just had to revive this topic to share it with everyone.

A coworker of mine brought in a whole bag of these little "rubber snowballs". They are sticky rubber balls, full of blue glittery water, that stick to things with a "splat". Well, in our infinite maturity and wisdom, we decided to throw them at each other. Throughout this battle, Akira was sitting innocently on my desk reading the 9style magazine. Well, the battle apparently weakened the ball, because I was playing with it afterword and it suddenly exploded. Violently exploded, that is, and it covered EVERYTHING in water and blue glitter. Needless to say, Akira wasn't very happy with that. I had to give her an immediate sponge bath when I got home, as well as wash all of her clothes, and the towel that she likes to rest on in my backpack.


Can you hear me facepalming right now? I'm doing it as loud as I can.



YIKES. I hope that liquid cleaned off easily enuff! Poor girl, I can see why she'd be a little irate with you!


At least you had a little fun before the incident.... maybe next time she notices you being silly, she'll duck and cover more quickly.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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It seems like we've all done some pretty stupid things with our dolls! XD Personally, I end up doing stupid things all the time for shoots (which sadly SirNarwhal and I haven't had much time for anymore ;~;). "Oh, it's a great idea to stick Mari in this tree! Let's have Marisa roll around with my crazy cat! Saber Lily totally should jump on my guinea pig that likes to eat things!" So far no bad accidents have happened, but we've certainly had to get a lot of dirt and grass stains out of clothing!


Also one time my mom dropped Mari and cracked her glasses. ^^;

DD Family: Mari, Saber Lily, Marisa, Soniko, Noumi, Kirino, Kuroneko, Sakura (DD Sakuno), Aerie, Akira, Kiki, Koko, Rose (DDS Mariko), Kureha, Ryoko, Lucy, Haruka, Rise, Extra & Alter!

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Saber Alter falling off a hill onto some sharp rocks during a photoshoot:




Luckily I grabbed her about 1/10 of a second after I took this, check out the motion blur lol. So lucky.


Dolls: Saber, Saber Alter, Saber Lily, Saber Extra, Saber Alter 2nd,

Aozaki Aoko, Alice Kuonji, Haruhi Suzumiya, Yuki Nagato

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I would say the dumbest thing I ever did with Sasara would have to be when I tried to line the inside of her default outfit with skotch tape... Her blouse wouldn't close anymore with the extra bulk, and I spent so much time trying to wriggle it onto her and it rubbed so much, it stained THROUGH THE TAPE! And I popped a few stitches in the process too. And pulled some threads loose when taking off the tape. Epic Failure!


Yeah, after that I just bought a full-body bodysuit.

♥ My baby girl: Sasara Kusugawa ♥

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Hmm, a few months ago I wanted to see if my DD would fit in this old doll stand I had. Well she did fit, but I put her in the stand without shoes on and her feet got stained by the stand's bottom. That was dumb of me...

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My MDD, Hanako, has had loose joints ever since I got her. So one day I decided to be brave and take her apart to tighten her screws and add some kips. Well, not thinking, I took her apart completely... and then couldn't get her lower legs attached to her thighs again. I even had a few friends take a look at her and unsuccessfully attempt to put her back together. After trying for several weeks, I was just about to give up, when I finally thought to look at the instructions that came with her and saw 1) not to take the legs out of the thighs unless "absolutely necessary" x.x and 2) to use a hairdryer to soften the leg and to take the skin off the skeleton to put it back together. My friend and I had a "duh! why didn't we think of that" moment, and were finally able to get her legs re-attached.

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Dumbest mistake I've made was at a con, in which I had a dark blue wig on that I dyed and repeatedly rinsed for ages, but the dye still wouldn't all come out. I had my mom bring latex gloves to the hotel to minimize touching the wig, but I forgot to grab them from her, so I was careful in putting it on. I carried Hime with me and didn't realize that she'd kept coming in contact with my wig and my hands which were somewhat blue (but washed), so Friday, like not even two hours into the con, I'm like...holy crap she's stained all over.


Hands, arms, thighs all stained, BUT luckily I talked to some Dollfie Dream owners who recommended Twin Pines' products for vinyl dolls .


I don't mind that she's stained because it's her body and not her head XP and hands are easily replaceable. But I need to order this product and test it out as well as figure out how to take her apart (aside from hands because those are simple).


I'm annoyed that I was reckless and stained her XP But her cute head is safe

Rise - Rise // Rise #2 - Rise // Ritsuko - 2B // Momo - M.O.M.O. // Nayuki -Mikuru // Romi - 09 // Makoto - Sailor Jupiter // Mikasa - DD07 (WIP) // Akechi - DDH-25 

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I am usually very, very careful because I am paranoid, but once I was cleaning my desk and I moved Asuna (without a stand) to my bookshelf. I wound up bumping my bookshelf and she took a nosedive RIGHT to the floor. My heart was pounding so fast and I was certain her face would have been scratched, but miraculously she got away unscathed. Her sword, on the other hand, broke, but it broke in a way that was easy for me to fix it with a dab of glue. Now all of my girls have stands. XD;

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It's a toss up.


One time I tried to photography my Makoto without a stand and she took a 4 foot fall onto my floor. She looked like she'd been hit by a crosstown bus, and I was sure something would be broken, but she walked away from it completely unscathed.


The other possibility is when I left my Mio's wig on for 6 months and assumed the wig cap would prevent stains. The wig dye bled through the cap and stained her pretty badly. Dream Rescue cleaned it off, but those are the worst head stains any doll has gotten since I had her. Mio's wig is a bit hard to style because the longer hair in the back tends to mix in with the twintails in the front. I had her perfect and didn't want to mess it up. Lesson learned: check the protective wig caps for any sign of dye transfer and wash them every few months.

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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I once forgot that brush cleaner is basically better quality nail polish remover and tried to clean up a face up with my nails painted bright red.

I got nail polish ALL OVER my girl's face.

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The worst I've ever done was try a new LeekeWorld wig w/ a black cap on my brand new, unpainted, WS DDH07 without a wig cap. The wig was on for no more than 2 minutes, tops, but stained a big black ring around her head


She still uses the wig but I've given her a protective wig cap. That wig still actually stained a little through the wig cap, but I don't mind too much as it'll always be covered.

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My stupidest thing I've done to my Dollfie Dream was when I was doing my second attempt at Autumn's faceup. For some dumb reason I decided to do it in pen (to my defense, I was a dumb 16 year old) Of course I didn't do it properly, so I tried to wash her face and the pen got everywhere. I had to do a zit remover treatment for a few weeks, but I was really upset and thought it wouldn't come out. Thankfully it did and she looks good as new now, and I've learned much about doing faceups since then.

Currently at home: Autumn (DD2 DDH-01), Sakura (MDD3 DDH-08), Haku (Mio Akiyama), Mashiro (Mashiro Mito), Kaito (Vocaloid KAITO)

Mashiro Mito is my wife and I love her!

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After 11 years or so in the hobby i think I've managed to take care of my girls very well without major incidents, only these two come to mind: 

I bought this low end limited DD for just the outfit and wig and didn’t had an immediate use for her head/body so i just went ahead and got her all dressed up right out of the box even though i knew in advance it would totally stain the body heavily which it did, and while i felt bad for just squandering a body like that i never tried to de-stain it and ended up selling her like that almost retail price. (Feeling the shame here)

Then this other time i wanted to tighten Extra's foot screws for her to stand properly so i needed to remove the vinyl from the foot frame but didn’t have experience with either the hair-blower  nor the hot water, so the genius inside of me just figured out that microwaving it for a few seconds would do the trick. Needless to say, the metal parts inside the foot made a great show inside the microwave, with lights and sparks and all kinds of bright stuff (it was a great view believe me). At this time i immediately opened the microwave fearing the light show could have damaged the device which thankfully didn’t. What i never could have anticipated in this whole ordeal was that the vinyl from the foot itself could actually melt. Can't say if it was due to the metal reaction or by the high temperature itself but remember Chucky from childs play getting burned and melted alive? Exact same thing happened here... melted, charred and on fire in so little time, completely ruined.  To this day can't tell what was I "thinking" so please don't ask lol. 

Turns out these seemingly isolated events are actually connected: Extra was the absolute favorite at the time and suddenly "out of no where" she's already living with disability so didn’t think twice and grabbed a foot from the stained body and she got to live a long and happy life with a borrowed one @onion24@(the other not so lucky girl went to her new home foot-less but made a full recovery some time after that 😄)

Edited by puxlavoix
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Early on, Mai broke her glasses.

I let Mai stand alone on the floor, out of my sight for about 10 seconds while I grabbed some of her clothes. Even though she was propped against a wall, she tumbled over onto the carpet and broke her glasses. To this day, the glasses are still broken and superglued back together.

And to this day, she's no longer allowed to stand on her own unsupervised.

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When I got my MDD Maria, the bangs on her default wig were way too long, I thought. I decided that I needed to trim them, but my lack of experience trimming and styling doll wigs at the time resulted in extremely blunt bangs that were not flattering at all. It nearly made me fall out of love with her entirely, and I couldn't find a replacement I was satisfied with. After some more practice, I was luckily able to get it looking alright again, but for a couple of months I didn't even like looking at her because my horrible haircut job was all I could see

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I accidentally put the torso part of my first MDD in backwards while I was switching out the default torso for a kakuso boy torso. 🤣 Thankfully a very easy mistake to fix, but I was convinced I'd broken him for the first month (??) or so that I had him. His hips were simultaneously too loose and really difficult to move, so he was difficult to sit AND difficult to stand. His arms didn't want to work right either.

Thankfully I finally thought to take him apart and put him together again, and now he's totally fine. But I felt like such an idiot, there's a little icon on the skeleton to indicate the front and everything. 🤦‍♀️

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Pixel art by @PlasticJester !

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I had a new head for all of 16 hours once.  Thank god she was cheap, but I was trying to remove her eyebrows as I didn't like the ones the artist had put on her.  I started the wipe over the sink as I wanted running water just in case the acetone started going the wrong way somehow.  Water backed up, so I turned on the disposal and whoops.  Never again.  I mean, I did end up getting the head for my Katie instead, and I'm much happier.  But still. 

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4 hours ago, Phaio said:

When I got my MDD Maria, the bangs on her default wig were way too long, I thought. I decided that I needed to trim them, but my lack of experience trimming and styling doll wigs at the time resulted in extremely blunt bangs that were not flattering at all. It nearly made me fall out of love with her entirely, and I couldn't find a replacement I was satisfied with. After some more practice, I was luckily able to get it looking alright again, but for a couple of months I didn't even like looking at her because my horrible haircut job was all I could see

My mother did something similar to me in elementary school. Thankfully human hair grows back. Glad you were able to get it to your liking in the end.

2 hours ago, DesertPhantom51 said:

I had a new head for all of 16 hours once.  Thank god she was cheap, but I was trying to remove her eyebrows as I didn't like the ones the artist had put on her.  I started the wipe over the sink as I wanted running water just in case the acetone started going the wrong way somehow.  Water backed up, so I turned on the disposal and whoops.  Never again.  I mean, I did end up getting the head for my Katie instead, and I'm much happier.  But still. 

What a horrific way to go! A horror story truly fitting for Halloween!

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A while after I got my Miku, I took her hands off at one point and noticed there were little notches on the pegs. Thinking back to my time with GunPla, I thought they were just excess plastic from the mold so I carefully shaved them off... only to realize when I placed the pegs back in the wrists that they did not want to stay. Turns out the notches were actually functional and created the friction to keep her hand pegs in. I was able to fix it pretty much good-as-new with a makeshift notch of DD tape, but I still felt a little stupid for doing that. ^^"

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