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Most stupid thing you've done to a Dollfie Dream?

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Tried to pull out the default eyes of a head by using pliers on the back part. Ended up damaging said part 😭

The eyes are fine otherwise and I don't use them but I cringe every time I look at them.

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I was dressing a doll, but partway through I got a phone call and had to write a memo. I didn't realize that my pen had deposited ink onto my hand until I went back to my doll and smeared it onto her. 🙃 Luckily I caught it right away so I was able to wipe it off before it really got into the vinyl, but you can see some bruise-like shading from very close up.


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Was wearing black nail polish, a rare thing for me since nail polish tends to make my nails weaker than they already are. Didn't think about my nail polish marking my Circle's leg. Finger skimmed her back leg and left a nice black streak from the polish. I managed to rub it off and benzol peroxide'd the rest. I haven't worn nail polish since. Wasn't thinking at all.

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 r75s0k.gifCircle (Towa) Yui (MDD) Coralie (MDD) 88 (Kizuna AI) 1rukij4.gif

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6 hours ago, Eighteafive said:

Was wearing black nail polish, a rare thing for me since nail polish tends to make my nails weaker than they already are. Didn't think about my nail polish marking my Circle's leg. Finger skimmed her back leg and left a nice black streak from the polish. I managed to rub it off and benzol peroxide'd the rest. I haven't worn nail polish since. Wasn't thinking at all.

There’s red and pink streaks all over my apartment from nail polish rubbing off randomly, so I’m really terrified of this happening to me. I’m sure one day I’m going to forget I have it on and touch my girls and something like this will happen 😰

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16 hours ago, ragnamuffin said:

There’s red and pink streaks all over my apartment from nail polish rubbing off randomly, so I’m really terrified of this happening to me. I’m sure one day I’m going to forget I have it on and touch my girls and something like this will happen 😰

I remember I used to 'write' messages on my homework from my nail polish, lol. You can buy white cotton gloves cheap off Amazon and wear them if you are a nail polish lover, though! I got some for a resin girl I'll be getting.

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 r75s0k.gifCircle (Towa) Yui (MDD) Coralie (MDD) 88 (Kizuna AI) 1rukij4.gif

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Well, as a new owner I regrettably finally have something to add to this thread. 

Leita was not only my first DD, but my first vinyl doll in general, and I've been super careful about staining her so far until her Coolcat bodystocking finally arrives. 

In my mind, I did everything right: tried not to handle her too much/washed my hands when I did, kept her out of dark clothes and off of dark textiles including my own bedspread, and gave her lots of love in hopes that the Dollfie Gods would see my dedication and spare her from a horrible fate...

And then I sat her on my dresser. My black dresser. With paint that was never properly sealed. 

After around a week I took her off the dresser to check on her (moreso for stains from her top, I wasn't even thinking about the dresser), and lo and behold, four perpendicular grey streaks on the back of her legs. 

I was able to get them completely off with a magic eraser, which I am very grateful for, but I also understand that I'm very lucky it wasn't worse and harder to get off. Needless to say, she is no longer sitting with her skin directly on that dresser. 

Is it possible I've created the first ever stain monster out of a piece of furniture? 😭


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On 3/15/2023 at 8:01 PM, Eighteafive said:

Was wearing black nail polish, a rare thing for me since nail polish tends to make my nails weaker than they already are. Didn't think about my nail polish marking my Circle's leg. Finger skimmed her back leg and left a nice black streak from the polish. I managed to rub it off and benzol peroxide'd the rest. I haven't worn nail polish since. Wasn't thinking at all.

OMG, thanks for posting this! 

Will gel nail polish be okay around dolls? I can't even wear normal polish because it never stays longer than a few days before smearing or chipping. 

Honestly I'm learning so much from everyone!Tysm! 

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12 hours ago, flora said:

OMG, thanks for posting this! 

Will gel nail polish be okay around dolls? I can't even wear normal polish because it never stays longer than a few days before smearing or chipping. 

Honestly I'm learning so much from everyone!Tysm! 

You're welcome! I cannot say for sure if it would or not. I'd try testing it against white paper. If the color streaks the white paper, I'd be very cautious. Happened so easy when I was just changing my girl's clothes. Hey, never stop learning! That's what we are here for; pleasant company and to help each other out! ♥

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 r75s0k.gifCircle (Towa) Yui (MDD) Coralie (MDD) 88 (Kizuna AI) 1rukij4.gif

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Longtime nail enthusiast here! Gel polish won't streak, and even using top coat on regular polish will prevent streaking.

I had this happen to me only once with my nail polish leaving marks on paper, and it was only because I put off applying top coat until the next day.

Plus, a top coat will even out your manicure and add extra shine and protection, so it's definitely not a step that should be left out! 

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When I first got my girl Noelle I was surprised by how big her head was, she is DDH-01, compared to Aiko who is MDD Liliru. She came with a wig cap that was pretty beat up and slightly yellow, I thought I'd use it till I got a new one but putting it on with a wig was pretty difficult because her head was big, so I decided to put on the wig without it.

I thought it would be fine since the wig came from Volks, even though the colour was dark purple. But of course, she was stained pretty bad.

I felt like an idiot as I should've just kept trying with the wig cap instead of giving up easy. I tried to tell myself it's not so bad if you can't see it with a wig on, but I couldn't help to think I ruined her forever.

After looking into stain treatment I decided to go with Dream Rescue and it worked wonderfully, I was surprised. What I got out of this is I learned to do stain treatment which is nice to know, and that I should always were a wig cap just to be safe. 

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On 3/18/2023 at 3:30 PM, flora said:

OMG, thanks for posting this! 

Will gel nail polish be okay around dolls? I can't even wear normal polish because it never stays longer than a few days before smearing or chipping. 

Honestly I'm learning so much from everyone!Tysm! 

I have had acrylics with black gel all month and it’s been fine ! 

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When I was displaying and making a pose with my DD Kirika on top of a rail by the water when it was pretty windy in a very popular theme park. It was pretty high up there and my heart was beating fast! Since I was afraid that she might fall down into the dirty murky water!!! Good thing, she didn't! It was a super risky move and I'm glad Kirika didn't fall into the water.

So, I'm unlikely to do that again. It's not worth it just for a daredevil photo like that.

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I had just brought Miki home from the US where I bought her at a con, assembled her, and proudly placed her standing in my doll cabinet. What I didn't notice at the time was her toes were slightly touching the yarn sweater of my resin penguin doll (10cm so the sweater was pretty close to ground level). A few hours later I picked her up to play with her and her toes were dark blue. 😓 Oh well! I knew there was a risk of this kind of thing happening, but it put me off vinyl dolls for a while, until my AP brought me back into it last week or so.

Funny enough, that stain actually disappeared on its own in a few months! I left it be until I could get her some cream to treat it and when I went to make her some new socks, her feet were back to normal. Go figure! Guess the vinyl gods took pity on me.

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Well, I can finally add to this topic. @onion16@


Put some cheap white sneakers on my DDS. They were a little tight to get on, but I didn't think much about it. Took them off, didn't loosen the laces enough, and now she has tiny gouges in both feet from the eyelets. Yes, they're easily sandable. Yes, I can replace them. I just feel stupid.

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3 hours ago, PolitelyNefarious said:

and now she has tiny gouges in both feet from the eyelets. Yes, they're easily sandable.

Try a hair dryer first! That might already revert the shape of the vinyl a fair bit, so you don't need as much sanding (if any at all).

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I haven't done anything too bad just yet, but I've only had dollfies for a bit over a year now so there is plenty of time. But one thing that I have done is put my first DD into an all black outfit without a bodysuit. I heard that the vinyl on the dolls would stain, I just didn't realize how quickly and easily it could happen. I figured the clothes wouldn't stain the doll or anything. Took it off to change her outfit a few days later, and noticed it as soon as it was off. It wasn't too bad, only just slightly noticeable. Bought a bodysuit immediately after this, and will get one for each doll I ever buy lol 😓😓

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Oh man, fam. I've been a part of the doll community since 2010, I THINK I should know what to do when it comes to doll care BUTTTT~

I started a new job at a Bakery/Cupcakery last year. We work with A LOT of food coloring! 

I bought a doll secondhand with some staining a few weeks ago. I was so excited to get her and tighten up her joints and make her shiny and new! She arrived to me in a few pieces and while I was putting her together I noticed that things started to slowly get pinker... I finally take her into the bathroom to asses her original staining and I see that MY HANDS have transferred SEVERAL deep magenta rings all over her! Neck, waist, thighs, everywhere.   I had to run to Target in my jammies to get some more BP cream, I did not have enough for this level of tragedy! 

I totally forgot that we had made 4 dozen Kirby Cupcakes 2 days prior, I didn't think the color would last that long, invisibly, on my hands. 

It took me a week but I eventually got her stain free. I felt like an incredible dunce. My partner even offered me gloves before I opened her! 😅😭

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didnt change out the outfit for a few years ended up seriously stained.

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This picture - you can't see it but the raging river was like that 8 inches away. If Alsty fell I would've to taken a dip in the water. She's free standing at the moment too...


Now that I think about it. I've put Alsty in an abundance of critically life threatening danger >×<

Edited by mayaiincho
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looking for - , Marisa Short Wig, full set Beatrice or default face + eyes & Sasara Fullset or default face + eyes.

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Alsty is not the only doll laughing in the face of danger. This week Towa braved both the tomato sauce and the potential of a Rena toppling over event to star in our girls' latest movie production.

They're engaged in an intensive battle to overtake my own YouTube channel's subscriber count (they're on 226, I'm on 830). I told Towa all she had to do was to wear her micro bikini again, but since I bought her this gothic outfit she's been into all kinds of dark stuff...


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My Dollfie doll family December 2024 😊. Towa believes they are 34 in number.


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15 hours ago, Xiongmao said:

Alsty is not the only doll laughing in the face of danger. This week Towa braved both the tomato sauce and the potential of a Rena toppling over event to star in our girls' latest movie production.

They're engaged in an intensive battle to overtake my own YouTube channel's subscriber count (they're on 226, I'm on 830). I told Towa all she had to do was to wear her micro bikini again, but since I bought her this gothic outfit she's been into all kinds of dark stuff...


I like to take outtakes at time. Essentially failed photos. It breaks the magic of a photo :)

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looking for - , Marisa Short Wig, full set Beatrice or default face + eyes & Sasara Fullset or default face + eyes.

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The night that my Miko arrived, I didn't have anywhere to put her for the night, so I put a blanket over the back of my black computer chair and put a pillow on the seat for her to sit on. However, she didn't have any shoes/socks yet and I didn't notice that her toes were touching the seat of the chair past the pillow...when I woke up she had some blue-ish stains on her toes. (They're mostly faded now, but I felt so stupid back then for getting her stained almost immediately 🤦‍♀️)

Also about a year ago I wanted to try giving her some falsies since I saw them on other DDs and thought they looked good. However, I didn't want to glue them on the inside of the eye socket like you're supposed to, since her default eyes were glued in and I didn't have putty or something to put them back in with. Instead I glued them to the top of her eye makeup...with tacky glue. I didn't think normal school glue would hold...I later came across a post warning people to NEVER use tacky glue because it's extremely hard to get off and I went to remove them immediately, but this was after like months after initially gluing them. Thankfully, the dolly gods spared me and the tacky glue all came off in a chunk with the lashes and left no residue behind, but it could have gone sooooo much worse!

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On 10/30/2011 at 2:43 PM, Poofiemus said:

When I first got Agatha, she had a different faceup from her previous owner, a kind of sad looking one. That didn't suit the mad scientist I knew her to be at all, so I removed it.


Now, here comes the stupid part: I used a non-acetone nail polish remover with pink dye in it. Gawd I'm a dumb***k. Granted, since the dye was pink it was a subtle color change, but it was still there. I managed to bleach most of it out using a lot of zit cream, and now you can't really tell, but it was still phenomenally stupid. Even dumber, the rubbing alcohol I had the whole time was 91% strength, strong enough to take the old faceup off--which means that not only did I have a superior solvent the whole time, I also didn't have to go get the nail polish remover in the first place. Yeah, I'm smart--S-M-R-T!


I also have had a couple small staining mishaps, but that was the big one, partially because it all could have been avoided if I'd just looked in my own freakin' cabinet. Does it still count as "did not do the research" if, despite all my reading, I didn't read that one label? XD

So it's been more than 10 years since this post, and not only have I done stupider, I've done more absurd lmao. @onion9@

First, maybe about 6 or 7 months after this post, I decided to do Agatha's faceup again. Her original faceup stained her, so I slathered her in zit cream, like you do. But I got impatient, and knew that heat can open their pores in the vinyl and help the stain treatment go faster, so I stuck her head under this gooseneck halogen lamp i had at the time.

Now, in theory, this wouldn't be a bad idea. . .but apparently I put that lamp WAY too close and scalded dark spots into her head! I wound up tediously covering up the "injury" with acrylic. Kind of looked like she had heavy foundation on, but only if you looked closely. When that faceup got worn, I simply replaced the head entirely lol. 

And just in case you think I only did stupid things in my early days, let me tell you about what I did earlier this year (March 2023).

I've been gradually customizing my MDD Mochi Ashi Asphodel into a dragon girl. I made her magnetic horns early on but always wanted her to also have pointed ears. I know from other mods i've seen and from My Little Pony customs that vinyl can be baked at the curing temp for most polymer clays. There's also a newer polymer clay brand called Cosclay that cured kinda flexible, which would be perfect for the job.

I had an extra head floating around, decided to use it as a guinea pig. Ears did turn out cute, so I went ahead and baked it.

Except I completely spaced it, and set the oven for ONE HUNDRED DEGREES FAHRENEHIT TOO HIGH.

Which means I opened the oven 30 minutes later to find Forbidden Caramel:


Honestly, I burst out laughing because it was just so ridiculous. Even now this picture gives me the giggles.

I'm stubborn though, and knew exactly what I did wrong, so I tried again on Asphodel herself, and it actually turned out great.


Honestly, I'm happy enough with the end result that the sacrifice was worth it to me. She's my most heavily customized doll and I'm pretty proud of her. . .even if it took some sheer stupidity to get there lol

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In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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I actually put my biggest mistake in a thread

Basically, I spread Miku's legs too wide and broke her hip while trying to have her sit crosslegged.  Being used to how flexible resin BJDs are, it never occured to me that vinyl dolls wasn't as flexible.  Oops. @onion16@

I managed to fix her hip by replacing it with another hip part and then super gluing a aluminum reinforcing sheath over it.  I did the same to her other hip and to her shoulders.  She will now sit sidesaddle in the cat backpack I got for her from now on!@onion22@



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The dumbest thing I’ve done unfortunately affected multiple of my Dollfies. 

three out of five of my Dollfies have stains on their face. 

1. Sailor Mercury- she was my first Dollfie. I had no idea the crown would stain her for head. There’s now three big gold blotches on there that I don’t think will ever come off. I was only able to hide it by changing her wig. 
2. Emilia - once again I was uninformed. I didn’t realize how badly the saber alter maid dress stained. I had her in a body suit but a small piece of the black fabric touched her nose and she insta-stained. I took the dress off her immediately. I’ve gotten most of it off but I can still see it. 
3 Snow Miku - this one is the one that hurts the most and I’ve been complaining about on here lol. I just got her and was having trouble getting her wig on. I ended up accidentally rubbing her against my black shirt and her nose and head are completely stained. Nothing has worked to remove it completely. (Alcohol, DD rescue cream, magic eraser, zit cream, etc). I’m afraid to keep putting things on her nose for fear of ruining the face up. :’( 

Edited by lunarlemons
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