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Most stupid thing you've done to a Dollfie Dream?

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My "worst" mistake till now was luckily not that bad but:

- When I got my V1 Rin Tohsaka I put her black original wig on without thinking (I knew wigs could stain ofc but didn't think that far in this case somehow) and in 3 months she had it on she stained horribly! 

Also I got her hands and feet stained black by her black stockings and by putting her into a black bag, the hands are changed now (used the stained ones for the blue gloves from another outfit which I was sure would stain too) but I didn't bother wig the feet and head yet 

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Gorgeous bright red set on bare vinyl. Staining within two hours. Luckily, I caught it before it got too bad, and the reddish pink blotchy stains weren't too ugly (they looked almost blushy?). Thankfully by nature the red pigments faded with time and now over a year later it's faded pretty much completely, but a terrifying experience.

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Reading these posts make me feel a bit better about what I’ve done to poor Stoli (DD Y’shtola) already, I haven’t even had her for a month. >.< 

I know staining is just a part of the vinyl doll hobby but I still feel terrible for staining her hands already. It happened when I want to try on her full-set, which is all black and covers most of her body (including thigh high black boots - they look amazing but I’m terrified of them, lol). I was so careful, make sure her body suit was on plus thigh high white socks…
But yeah, somehow I managed to rub her hands against her black outfit while posing her and the underside of her finger tips are all stained already. To make matters worse, she has DD tan skin so replacements aren’t as simple as just ordering more from the Volks store, etc (pleeeease Volks, please please please make tan replacement parts more accessible ;_;). Magic eraser did nothing so hopefully I can find the zit cream in Australia and it does the job for me! Would like to save up for a DD friend or two or ten for her ASAP but might have to put the funds into just scouring the internet for a bunch of tan parts, lol. Just a minor mishap in the grand scheme of things but I’m really disappointed in myself staining her so quickly, ehe. I’d like to mod her a bit too but now I’m scared since I messed her up already so easily, lol. 

Edited by Zai
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Vinyl/Plastic friends: Stoli (DD Y’shtola), Raili, Yuzuha and Minami-senpai (Azone PureNeemo).
Future friends: DD Alisaie, TinyFox Huifre, DD Luka (hopefully a reboot?), and a DD Icon (wishful thinking, lol).

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Letting her sit in dark clothing knowing she might stain. And she did. 

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On 3/6/2024 at 1:47 AM, Zai said:

But yeah, somehow I managed to rub her hands against her black outfit while posing her and the underside of her finger tips are all stained already. To make matters worse, she has DD tan skin so replacements aren’t as simple as just ordering more from the Volks store, etc (pleeeease Volks, please please please make tan replacement parts more accessible ;_;).

Benzoyl peroxide creme will probably work. I've never tried it on tan but then hands are more readily replaceable if it all goes wrong.

It's worth putting a request in some FB Groups or elsewhere (also on the wanted part of this forum). Tan parts do exist. I bought some tan hands last year but sadly they don't fit my girl (they're MDD hands btw).

Also if this was the most-stupid-thing-your-dollfie-dream-has done thread then it has to be Towa attempting to source weapons from Buyee.

But we live in crazy times and what would be crazier than getting sent down for 10 years for attempting to import a gun, even if it was only doll sized 😆.


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My Dollfie doll family December 2024 😊. Towa believes they are 34 in number.


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Black Rosary around the neck thinking it would be fine lol! Spoiler alert: he stained anyway! 😅

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A little ways back, I received an invite to go see a play with my friend and we thought it would be cute if we dressed up one of my dolls to take with us. I only had two pairs of socks at the time that were both in use and I really didn't want to take them off my other dolls for some dumb reason. So I ended up deciding that my doll would just go without socks! 😅

I swore that I would immediately take the shoes off when I eventually got home, but I got home late and really wanted to go to bed. When I did get home, I put her on my shelf without any second thoughts and finally went to bed. The next day, I remembered the whole 'shoes with no socks' and rushed to take them off of her. Her poor feet were stained and it luckily wasn't too bad, but it was a lesson well learned!

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On 4/2/2024 at 12:49 PM, Xiongmao said:


That's brilliant. 

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The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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Welcome to my Instagram


Lunami Faceup for DD X3

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I haven't done anything myself personally, the worst I've probably done is break something, as I try not to be too adventurous. But @rudebuster once tried to mod a head, and read a tutorial said that melting vinyl and some kind of solution worked well as an alternate putty. Well, when she tried it, instead of modding the head, she just ended up melting part of the head and the "putty" didn't even stick anyway.

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Sometimes you're Godzilla and sometimes you're Tokyo.

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I'm really stupid and naive because my first dollfie dream was 2B, whom I immediately dressed in her default, very black, outfit.

Not a care in the world, had no idea what was going to happen to her. Despite the body-stocking she comes with, her stockings stained right through it considerably. I have the photos somewhere, it gave people on FB nightmares.

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On 8/9/2024 at 10:35 AM, F-15alice said:



This this is beautiful!

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One time I had to take off the arms of one of my dolls, and somehow the peg got stuck and twisted clean off. Then I had to spend a good half hour fiddling with the chest piece to get that peg out, so I could replace her arm with a new one. 

Another is that since I pattern draft with draping and a pencil, graphite smudges have appeared on my dolls a non-zero amount of times. At least they come off easily. >.>

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When I got my first DD I brought her to an anime convention with me. I sharpie dyed my cosplay wig dark blue  for that con and had my DD sitting on my shoulder during the day and by the end of the day her body was stained blue and her hands blue 😬. Thankfully her face was somehow untouched and in the end I was able to get all the blue off with zit cream wrapped in plastic wrap with her body out in the sun from dawn to dusk. Lesson learned!!! 

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Rise - Rise // Rise #2 - Rise // Ritsuko - 2B // Momo - M.O.M.O. // Nayuki -Mikuru // Romi - 09 // Makoto - Sailor Jupiter // Mikasa - DD07 (WIP) // Akechi - DDH-25 

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