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I'm charlotte, and I live in the United States, I play guitar, and my favorite things to do are go to concerts and watch anime. I've been into anime and have been collecting figures since around 2009.

I've actually been lurking on this forum since like 2013 and have been wanting a dollfie dream for 3-4 years now! Well, 2 days ago, I finally mustered up the nerve and the funds to order my first girl, who is Lucy Maria Misora (version 1) She should be here by next Tuesday but I'm hoping she comes earlier


I hope to see you guys around and possibly be some help at times!

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Hi! Welcome to the forums! Lucy is so cute, I love her. I have a thing for shy characters, so she is one that I really enjoy looking at. I hope that she arrives sooner than Tuesday, I know how hard the wait can be! What kind of concerts do you like going to?

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Hello charlotte, Lots of us started with an interest in Anime & figure collecting, me included. You're among like-minded people here, so you can relax and enjoy yourself. I'm sure you have some interesting plans for Lucy when she arrives & a little happy dance is probably not totally out of the question! (.....and many of us would fully understand having sucbleepbed to such Dollfie Dream influences ourselves.) Hopefully we'll be able to ease your wait by spending some time with us. Welcome to the forum!

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Hi! Welcome to the forums! Lucy is so cute, I love her. I have a thing for shy characters, so she is one that I really enjoy looking at. I hope that she arrives sooner than Tuesday, I know how hard the wait can be! What kind of concerts do you like going to?


Yes! I'm so anxious that she might get damaged in transit

I mostly go to pop punk and metal type concerts, but I like the more "underground" ones because they feel very intimate and people can actually stage dive lol. Let's just say I've had quite a few minor concert-related injuries.

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I prefer smaller venues as well. Before they got really popular I would go see Good Charlotte, Fall Out Boy, bands like that... In smaller venues. It was a lot more intimate and a better time. I hate going to concerts in the big arenas. You have to pay a fortune to be close, and it just doesn't have the same feel to it.


I've been hurt at concerts too! I'd always come home with a bunch of bruises, haha.

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Hi charlotte, congrats on bringing your 1st DD home.


I noticed Volks's DD line soon after starting to buy figures, so only a few figures came under my collection (Primarily Megaman series). Now I almost pay no glance to anything that's has nothing to do with DD (Well, Medicom's Link (RAH 622) is the only exception in these years).

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