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Eiji customization

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I have a Eiji smart doll. I dont like his movement. Is there a way to change parts with obitsu or whatever to make him more moveable? Like the legs and pelvis.


Also questions about him:

- which hands could I buy for him? Danny Choo has no hands and does not know when he will have some

- Why is Eiji showed in the official picture with a jacket which is not sold anywhere either? Danny is not answering that.

- Which wig size is the size for him?

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I can't answer about customising his body as I wouldn't know how, but as for the other things:


-Eiji is getting a hand set sometime in the near future. When I asked Danny about it he told me he was developing it in tandem with a lot of other things. I feel like he's kind of snowed himself under with product development right now, which is unfortunate but hopefully we'll see them along with more wigs and eyes before the years end. I have no idea if the girls hands would work on him, might have to ask someone who has both. Theyd certainly fit because they use the same Mirai frame and that's what the hands go over, but I'm not sure how they'd actually look.


-I thought that grey hoodie actually was sold before but is sold out? Or maybe that was something else. The thing is, it's really common for Danny to show photos of the dolls wearing clothing that aren't released yet. There's stuff the girls are always in that we still don't know the release of. He only just releases those bikinis he'd always been showing them in, too. CultureJapan is still a pretty small company and so these kinds of things do take time. It's getting better now that he's getting more and more employees, factories and whatnot but unfortunately with smartdoll there's a lot of waiting involved. Then again, I guess there isn't really as much waiting as with Volks, and it just feels that way because we see all the stuff so early. A cream coloured hoodie actually just got released that also fits Eiji if you're interested.


-When I asked in store Danny told me the wig size was 8. I really wish he said this in the site on the dolls and on the wigs because plenty of people want to buy alternate wigs and also buy the smartdoll wigs for DDs. Since the wigs between DDs and smartdolls seem to be cross compatible, 8-9 should also be fine as a wig size, but 7-8 would be too small. Eijis head is slightly smaller than the girls but can still wear all their wigs (and they his) and any potential bagginess can easily be avoided with a wig cap. The blue wig I bought mine was either 8 or 8-9.


Lastly, when you say Danny isn't answering you, where are you asking him? He usually responds to tweets and emails but he doesn't typically respond to comments on blog/facebook/Instagram posts (I don't really blame him because some of the comments he gets are pretty annoying and given how busy he is all the time I can't imagine wading through dumb comments asking how much the dolls cost in USD or why they aren't only $50 just to see if anyone has something worthwhile to ask is high on his list of priorities lol)

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I can't answer about customising his body as I wouldn't know how, but as for the other things:


-I thought that grey hoodie actually was sold before but is sold out? Or maybe that was something else.


IIRC, it was on the site for awhile with "Back soon" written on it, but much like the "Hijab and Turtleneck" set it's now disappeared. It could be a fabric sourcing issue. There is a similar "cream" hoodie available at the moment: https://shop.smartdoll.jp/products/hooded-zip-cardigan-cream

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I have a Eiji smart doll. I dont like his movement. Is there a way to change parts with obitsu or whatever to make him more moveable? Like the legs and pelvis.


The problem with Obitsu males is you basically have three choices. One is to make him short- 55 cm, which is significantly shorter than the 60 cm girl dolls. That 55 cm male body is a nice body and nothing wrong with it except it is shorter than the 60 cm girls (including the Smart Doll girl). You get a little less range of motion due to the shoulder/arm sculpt. It looks nice with the 50 cm Obitsu girl bodies, though.


Second choice would be to use the 65 Obitsu male body which is problematic due to design issues. I have one and the arm broke about the third time I posed it. I have had Obitsus (the big ones) for almost ten years and never had anything like this happen. The Eiji head might also be a little small on that body. It LOOKS nice, but doesn't pose as well as the smaller Obitsu sizes (40 -60 cm) and having broken one time, I just don't trust mine anymore.


I don't know that switching out the legs and pelvis would help any and don't even know if it would be possible. The person to ask on here would be K2! - he is the biggest expert on the planet with All Things Obitsu and has made many, many a frankendolly.


Third choice would be a 60 cm Obitsu male, but that is basically a frankendolly using the 60 cm female parts and gives you a super skinny, super leggy male. Fine if that is the look you are going for but it has never aesthetically appealed to me. I had an Elfdoll head on an Obitsu male body and ended up just putting it back on the original resin body because it bugged me so much.

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