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Choosing between Smart Doll and Dollfie?

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(Hope I posted this in the right topic!) So I'm having some trouble deciding to either get a DD Miku or a Smart Doll Chitose to turn into Miku. I'm new to dolls in general and would really love to have a bit of advice!


It's maybe just a tiny bit the price difference, that and I already have Miku's outfit and wig. I mostly just really prefer the Smart Doll body sculpt. I think the Chitose face is pretty comparable to Miku's (in shape, not the make-up). I'm a bit worried I wouldn't be able to do the face make-up as well as the official Miku DD, but I would like a bit of customization and would be much more worried to ruin a DD Miku face by altering it. I'd like her to be a little bit more cute, similar to the blushing face the newer miku figma has.


I'm also wondering if dollfies are generally more high quality than the smart dolls? I've read that dollfies are a softer vinyl, and the smart dolls feel more along the lines of a barbie doll, but are supposed to be more durable.

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One thing to keep in mind is that the small bust on a Smart Doll is equal to the DD medium bust. The only possible way to get the outfit to fit on a Smart Doll is if you purchase the super-small bust. Maybe someone who has the super-small bust can chime in with their opinion.

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If you want to be able to use all the Volks outfits, I'd say go with the Dollfie Dream, it will make life much simpler. In addition to a different standard chest size, smart dolls have larger waists and larger hip & thigh cirbleepferences.

Dollfie Dream Cheryl || Smart Doll Ebony Futaba

Order a doll… empty the bank account… feel like so.

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  iluvgirlswithglasses said:
One thing to keep in mind is that the small bust on a Smart Doll is equal to the DD medium bust. The only possible way to get the outfit to fit on a Smart Doll is if you purchase the super-small bust. Maybe someone who has the super-small bust can chime in with their opinion.


Actually, I *just* purchased a default Miku Hatsune outfit and was totally surprised that it fits a Volks M-bust just fine! I was worried I'd have to downsize a girl in order to get it on her but it easily has room for the M-bust to fit. In saying that, I've yet to try it on my Mirai but I'm confident it will fit with no hassles.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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  baldylox said:
  iluvgirlswithglasses said:
One thing to keep in mind is that the small bust on a Smart Doll is equal to the DD medium bust. The only possible way to get the outfit to fit on a Smart Doll is if you purchase the super-small bust. Maybe someone who has the super-small bust can chime in with their opinion.


Actually, I *just* purchased a default Miku Hatsune outfit and was totally surprised that it fits a Volks M-bust just fine! I was worried I'd have to downsize a girl in order to get it on her but it easily has room for the M-bust to fit. In saying that, I've yet to try it on my Mirai but I'm confident it will fit with no hassles.


Oh wow, I'm surprised! Going by measurements it looks like the Smart Doll S bust is still just a bit larger than the Dollfie M, but that would actually be really nice if it would fit. I was already planning to get the XS smart doll bust if I went that route, but I'd actually prefer to still with the S bust if it'll actually fit fine.


I measured the skirt on the Miku outfit and it looks like its a tiny bit over 160mm, so that will probably actually fit too.

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Made a quick mock-up of Miku with Chitose's face (I can't post it though since my account is still new ack)... I'm not sure what it is, but there's something about the smart doll faces that is really cute and lively. I'm wondering if it's just the eye shape? Or maybe just the make-up or eye size.

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The thing with the Smart Doll girls, though, is that they're VERY flat in profile, especially in the cheeks--almost concave. If that's fine for you, and you REALLY like the Chitose head, go for it! But if that flat face thing would bother you like it does me, then it's better to save up more and get DD Miku. Because when push comes to shove, outfits can be swapped out, but if you don't like a head, well, it's a much more expensive thing to deal with.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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  Poofiemus said:
The thing with the Smart Doll girls, though, is that they're VERY flat in profile, especially in the cheeks--almost concave. If that's fine for you, and you REALLY like the Chitose head, go for it! But if that flat face thing would bother you like it does me, then it's better to save up more and get DD Miku. Because when push comes to shove, outfits can be swapped out, but if you don't like a head, well, it's a much more expensive thing to deal with.


I actually haven't seen any profile images I think.... could you post one of Chitose's face maybe? Mirari's looks pretty flat even front on, lol but I was thinking that might have been fixed with Chitose's. Since it seems the DD head will fit on the smart doll body, maybe I could get another body later if I want, maybe if a lighter skin tone actually gets released.

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  Yukamina said:
Let's see your mock-up, I'm curious how Chitose would look as Miku~


I PMd you the pic! Feel free to post it in the thread, I still don't have link posting permissions aha

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  buttercupbabyppg said:
  Yukamina said:
Let's see your mock-up, I'm curious how Chitose would look as Miku~


I PMd you the pic! Feel free to post it in the thread, I still don't have link posting permissions aha


Thanks! I'll post for you GeODLpo.png


She's real cute, and a very different vibe/expression. I have to second what Poofiemus said, though, Smart Doll faces are kinda flat/lacking dimension. I don't have one to show, though.

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I don't have a Chitose, but do I have a Mirai, and honestly Chitose looks more flat than Mirai, not less.


I found this photo on flickr:

Smart Doll Chitose on MDD body


Here's another one from Danny:


Chitose actually really bothers me, it looks like the skull inside her head isn't human (or is human but is really deformed) because her facial proportions are so off and her face is so flat. She's basically the first doll that actually falls into the "creepy uncanny valley" for me.


Personally, here's my thought: I also prefer the Smart Doll body sculpt -- I find it much more elegant than the DD body sculpt -- but I probably will never buy another Smart Doll again because, honestly, once you put clothes on the body it looks basically the same as a DD body. Unless you plan on having your girl wear a lot of bikinis / lingerie / revealing outfits, the body makes very little difference.


The parts that do show when dressed -- the hands and the head -- are Smart Dolls weakest features imho. Mirai's extra-long palms remind me of little monkey paws, especially when compared to the far more balanced and elegant sculpt of the DD hands. And the face is super-flat, which no face-up is ever going to fix.


So basically, get the head you like the most, because the other differences are neutralized by clothes for the most part.

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There's a very long, detailed thread comparing the differences between DD and smart doll. It might help you make the decision that's right for you, since it all comes down to your personal preference.



At home:

DDH-05: Kimiko

DD Snow Miku: Miss Yum Yum

Smart Doll Ivory: Yuki

Smart Doll Chitose

Smart Doll Eiji: Hotohori

DD Saber Extra

DDH-07/SmD Hybrid: Maki

Smart Doll Harmony

Smart Doll Twilight

DDH-10 MDD: Anzu Futaba

Smart Doll Crimson Kai: Takeshi

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  Cauldroness said:
I don't have a Chitose, but do I have a Mirai, and honestly Chitose looks more flat than Mirai, not less.


I found this photo on flickr:



Here's another one from Danny:



Chitose actually really bothers me, it looks like the skull inside her head isn't human (or is human but is really deformed) because her facial proportions are so off and her face is so flat. She's basically the first doll that actually falls into the "creepy uncanny valley" for me.


Personally, here's my thought: I also prefer the Smart Doll body sculpt -- I find it much more elegant than the DD body sculpt -- but I probably will never buy another Smart Doll again because, honestly, once you put clothes on the body it looks basically the same as a DD body. Unless you plan on having your girl wear a lot of bikinis / lingerie / revealing outfits, the body makes very little difference.


The parts that do show when dressed -- the hands and the head -- are Smart Dolls weakest features imho. Mirai's extra-long palms remind me of little monkey paws, especially when compared to the far more balanced and elegant sculpt of the DD hands. And the face is super-flat, which no face-up is ever going to fix.


So basically, get the head you like the most, because the other differences are neutralized by clothes for the most part.


Ahhh yea I see what you mean now, they are just kind of feature-less aha. Maybe I'll wait until they release a skin tone to match Miku's head and get a smart doll body then. (TBH it would be cute for her to wear some nighties and a swimsuit haha) But I'd MUCH rather have a cute face.


I did a wee more photoshoping and I think with just a tiny few make-up adjustments Miku would be just perfect FH6T4yo.jpg I mostly just adjusted the eye brow angle and added some blush, and messed with the eye ball placement a bit. Hopefully that wouldn't be too hard to accomplish though.


Thank you all for the input! DD Miku it is!

Edited by Guest

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  Nozomi02 said:
There's a very long, detailed thread comparing the differences between DD and smart doll. It might help you make the decision that's right for you, since it all comes down to your personal preference.



I've been staring at those for ages, I think I'm just horribly indecisive. The smart dolls just have such a cute little tush and don't look so skinny, lol. It's kind of nice the dollfies are more poseable though.

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