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Blending Skin Tones?

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So I bought a new head and I'm starting another hybrid boy. After digging around, I saw a lot of people say that they really liked the color match between Obitsu white and Volks Normal, so this time I did buy the head in Normal...but it is SO peach and dark! It looks fine in photos and in certain lighting, but the contrast in person seems night and day for the most part!


I'm really not feeling it compared to my current combo. Kaito is a Volks SWS + Obitsu White hybrid and I feel the color matches a lot better...Though, that brings me to the blushing. When Kaito was a blank head for a bit, that's when I felt the color match wasn't too good, but his faceup is comprised of light orange and peach, with his faceup, I feel the skin color change looks gradual and not very noticeable in most cases(Unless you put his hand up to his face.)


So has anyone seen any good examples of maybe blushing the neck of the body to blend the color to match with Normal skin? Because this contrast is going to drive me nuts. It's going to look like my character got a light suntan, but only on his face lol.


I just want to know if there are ways to blend them a bit. And I'm hoping maybe the body I get later will perhaps be a bit darker than Kaito's, since I know vinyl batches vary slightly. But...I guess worst case, I add a high collar of some sort to my character design and try to hide it that way. But I don't really want it to come to that.

Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Kagamine Rin, Kaito V3, 9S, Ruby(Arle), Devola(2B), Anya Forger

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Hello. : )


Okay, so what I would say about your situation is get some MSC or any type of sealant that will be safe to use with vinyl and experiment. Try using different colors and see what fits best. If none works out, he could always wear clothes that doesn't show his body. As an example, turtle necks, scarfs, jackets, etc. If you don't want to do that, maybe you should sell or trade the head for a lighter tone.


Oh and there's also, dyeing of the body. I don't really know much about that, so you'd have to do some research on it.

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