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DDS Boy Type

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Maybe they could make people happy and do like a snow len/rin for winter.


This is what I really hope because I would very much like to have them, but also if they were preorder then there wouldn't be the fight on the website to get the boy body parts.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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I was looking at some of the higher resolution scans, and some of the outfits state that they fit DDS (SS/S/M/L/B), including a few dresses as well as some pants/shorts outfits.

Great! At least we will have dresses for our DDS boys! I think it's amusing that Volks has advertised so many of their SD and SD13 girl outfits fitting SD boys, and vice versa with the SD13 and Graffiti boy outfits fitting SD16 girls. I do wonder how well they really fit such different bodies.


I'm gonna guess the DDS boy will be a regular item at some point. They've sculpted a lot of new pieces for him, including new hands it appears, which they haven't done for any other doll with one-off parts. Though they could take their time to keep it feeling exclusive for lottery winners. It's hard to say when he'd be available- for example Kos-Mos was the first SWS doll announced and they released SWS parts before the Xenosaga pre-orders even arrived, but one-piece bodies took at least a year before appearing as standards.

I think so too. They wouldn't bother featuring the DDS boy type body on his own page if he wasn't eventually going to be offered. As much as I like Len, I MAY consider waiting until the base body is available.


I am curious to know the DDS boy type body's actual height next to the girls I already have. I am also wondering if I will eventually get new Volks DD boy bodies for all my hybrid boys! I like the esthetics of the new body so much more than any of the alternative bodies I have. Volks has my favorite body sculpts out of any dolls I own.


Linda S.


DDH03 girl DDH07 x2 boys DDH06 girl DDH-05 x2 boys

DDH01 mod girl Saber Alter SqLab Tsubaki boy DDH-02 girl

Mio Honda Youmu Konpaku x2 boy twins

Also: DDS Lagla, Sheryl Nome, SmD Melody, SmD Eiji x2

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Ugh I really need Len but if I somehow can't get him, Volks better release the boy body as a standard.

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I have some possible bad news for everyone. Volks (in japan) just sent me back an email regarding the DDs boy type body and this is what they said


" Regarding DDS “Boy Type” Standard Model

The releases of “Boy Type” Standard Model, Base Body, and Option Parts have not been determined. We will decide considering the response of our customers. "


I'm worried they wont do it and worse, if they do its going to be a very long time before they do! Here is the email if anyone wants to see it.



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It makes sense really :/ Maybe they'll use the pre-order project to determine how much demand there is for the boy type. If they only use Len to determine that, that's dumb.

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Exactly my thought. What's worse is they think of their market before ours to see what to do.


I think it would be best if we all email or have a way to show them how much we would love to get the boy type body.

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I can't wait until they make other body types. Can you imagine folks making a Dynamite body.


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If they don't make Len's body a standard, there is going to be a complete outrage by the international collectors. Collectors were waiting for Volks to do a boy before even I was in the hobby! I think I may be known for having the most DD boys, 4 finished but all hybrids (thanks Volks) and 4 more in the works plus an Obitsu boy. Even Dolly, even though he isn't a DD was still made by Volks as well as the other 2 EB Mini boys I'm working on. But poor Tama is just one body piece shy of not being a hybrid. I didn't want him to be but Volks gave me no other choice. So I think I know a litle about the subject. Many people over the years asked me how I had boys. All the Eijis are out there because I asked Danny if he would ever make a boy. There are some who didn't want to buy him because they were waiting on Volks to make a boy.


Now Volks is being wishy-washy?? To be hinest I'm minorly hurt, insulted, and getting kinda mad. This is why my frustration with them keeps growing. They promise something and then make it impossable to get. To be perfectly honest, the way that they 'announced' Len and then 6 months later saying he's only lottery for international customers feels like a total bait and switch. I know that not all Japanese have access to the preorders but at least they remotely have the option.


If this is how Volks is going to play this game, I think we really should swamp them with emails to try and make them hear the voices they haven't or don't hear.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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If they don't make Len's body a standard, there is going to be a complete outrage by the international collectors. Collectors were waiting for Volks to do a boy before even I was in the hobby! I think I may be known for having the most DD boys, 4 finished but all hybrids (thanks Volks) and 4 more in the works plus an Obitsu boy. Even Dolly, even though he isn't a DD was still made by Volks as well as the other 2 EB Mini boys I'm working on. But poor Tama is just one body piece shy of not being a hybrid. I didn't want him to be but Volks gave me no other choice. So I think I know a litle about the subject. Many people over the years asked me how I had boys. All the Eijis are out there because I asked Danny if he would ever make a boy. There are some who didn't want to buy him because they were waiting on Volks to make a boy.


Now Volks is being wishy-washy?? To be hinest I'm minorly hurt, insulted, and getting kinda mad. This is why my frustration with them keeps growing. They promise something and then make it impossable to get. To be perfectly honest, the way that they 'announced' Len and then 6 months later saying he's only lottery for international customers feels like a total bait and switch. I know that not all Japanese have access to the preorders but at least they remotely have the option.


If this is how Volks is going to play this game, I think we really should swamp them with emails to try and make them hear the voices they haven't or don't hear.


~Sister Kyoya


Nice to know I'm not the only one super mad about this.


I was thinking, how about doing a Petition? it will show them how many people want the boy type body

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From the part of the post that I cut, I can understand that you hope that the boytype body becomes a standard item in the future. Which it very well might, now that the molds for it have been made! Volks won't commit publicly to anything until they're good and ready to, but that's just how many businesses work.


Most people have to deal with office politics and inter-departmental negotiating to get anything done. I'm not sure how fair it is to compare a regular business' agility to that of a small startup (Danny)'s agility, even if it's tempting to do so since they both make vinyl dolls. Now that the molds exist for DD boy, the chance of it becoming a standard item are 100% higher than last month, when we didn't know for sure if the molds would ever exist for a Len!


To be perfectly honest, the way that they 'announced' Len and then 6 months later saying he's only lottery for international customers feels like a total bait and switch.

This is the one part of your argument that I don't get. Volks announces, say Chihaya as the next Idolm@ster girl via a silhouette in Volks News, and then 4-6 months later she comes out as a lottery doll. How does the Rin/Len announcement differ from that standard way of doing things?


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Personally I think swamping them with emails would be more effective in hearing the individual oppinions and stories rather than a list of names that just reduces all of that down to a single, easily ignored number. Now to make myself clear, 'swamping them with emails' is not me saying we should spam them. That's not what I'm saying at all. Doing that would give them even more reason to ignore us. What I was intending was for every person with an oppinion on Volks being unsure if the DDS Boy body should be standard to send them an email explaining why they think it should be or what character they have or want to make that would need that body. And I don't want to sound like an old lady but be on your best maners. This has been such a rollercoaster of a topic recently with some of us hoping for so long, but sounding linsulting or angry when trying to as someone to do something for you is not how it should be done. (I'm saying this for my own benifit as well. I kinda feel like throttling Volks right now...)


This is the one part of your argument that I don't get. Volks announces, say Chihaya as the next Idolm@ster girl via a silhouette in Volks News, and then 4-6 months later she comes out as a lottery doll. How does the Rin/Len announcement differ from that standard way of doing things?


To be clear, i was only refering to Len. We've come to expect that the lottery are girls, but if Volks decided to make a DD girl between MDD & DDS size, only to find out later that she would be lottery only, there would be the same level of reactions as we've had over Len. Miku and her continual re-opening of preorders unofficially set the precident and expectation of how Volks would handle the Vocaloid DD. I didn't expect Rin & Len would have multiple preorders, but not even having one available outside of a highly restricted event, even to the Japanese as previously stated, was more than a little shock. And for a large majority of Rin & Len specific fans, it's just nealy inconcievable that the twins are lottery simply because of the fact that they are twins. Even those who enter the lottery, it seems like the numbers of collectors to end up both following the official rules seems dismal at best. I'm aware that I didn't use the term 'bait and switch' in a completely accurate way, but on an emotional level that's enirely how it feels.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Okay, I think I understand what you mean now. You're feeling that cognitive dissonance (aka "it breaks my brain") that results from when the end result (lottery) doesn't meet with the expectations that had been built up based on every reasonable piece of information available at the time (Vocaloid standard sales method). It may be a fancy phrase, but cognitive dissonance is NEVER fun. It hits worse when the target is something you were really looking forward to... like the DD boy body has been for you.


Your suggestion about making sure the company knows there's interest via polite e-mails is a great way to address that. Not only are you "doing something" about it, you're doing something that is likely to make a difference.


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I've never heard of cognitive dissonance before but it sounds right.


For me, how they have chosen so far to treat Rin & Len is just adding insult to injury (and heartbreak) for me especially. I went out of my way to get the Snow Mikus I didn't want to have to buy because at the time I had weighed what Volks had said about not wanting to do boys, and then they were releasing Crypton Vocaloids, two of which are male. Based on the info I had I snagged the preorders after examining at length how Rin & Len look in Project Diva and discovered that Miku's head sculpt couldn't have been more ideal. I did it because I felt as if I had no choice. Then about two weeks after the last point that I could have cancled the preorder, suddenly was the pic of Rin & Len at Volks. To be perfectly honest, I felt cheated and duped.


They teased us with the knowlege that they were doing something and yet said not a single word about it. Giving hope but no knowlege. Then when the official announcement was maide, complete with the new body pics, raising the hopes of SO many, myself included. Then a few days later being slapped with the 'lottery only' unless you are one of the special (aka privlaged few) lucky enough to live near the event to get a preorder. So again, giving hope and then taking it away.


If Rin & Len were a preorder avialable to everyone, I would have stumbled over my fingers in an attempt to place an order for both, extra hands, and outfits without having to think about it. I have never wanted to throw money at a DD faster, even though I already have my Snow Miku ones for custom versions. I want Rin & Len so bad that I'm willing to spend what it takes to preorder 4 DD plus extras... and we all know that's not just pocket change. Volks gave me hope that I wouldn't have to spend weeks and months working out their clothes for the default outfits, trying to figure out shoes, and having so much work to do before I could just have them finished. And I'm aware that I'm privlaged in my own way to have the ability to do that, but it doesn't mean it's always easy or fun.


For a long time Len has been my #2 grail only falling a bit short of Kyoya Ootori. So all of this has hit me especially hard.


So many of us in the community have been waiting so long for a DD boy body for a vast array of custom characters. If the DDS Boy was standard I'd highly concider getting a new body for Lucas, even though I'd still want to use the same bust piece he currently has. I really wish there was a male DD comparable to the Dynamite because I already need one, and I doubt he would be the last.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Sister kyoya, your right. Kind emails would be best and just to highlight a part of the email it said :


" We will decide considering the response of our customers "


So for those who truly want the boy type body to happen I strongly recommend to share your voice and (kindly) explain how much we have dreamed of this moment to come.


If you want to, here is the email I used to contact them :




Good luck everyone~

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I'm pretty sure they will release boys as standard eventually. Volks will do things at their own pace, and it's clear they see a demand for boy DDs. I'm excited for more pictures from owners, but that'll be a while until the lottery and Dolpa.

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To be clear, i was only refering to Len. We've come to expect that the lottery are girls, but if Volks decided to make a DD girl between MDD & DDS size, only to find out later that she would be lottery only, there would be the same level of reactions as we've had over Len.


I don't think that's entirely true. When DDS first came out those girls were lottery only. Have some patience; now that they've made the molds they'll more than likely make it standard eventually. Getting whipped up into a froth only works on American companies.

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To be clear, i was only refering to Len. We've come to expect that the lottery are girls, but if Volks decided to make a DD girl between MDD & DDS size, only to find out later that she would be lottery only, there would be the same level of reactions as we've had over Len.


I don't think that's entirely true. When DDS first came out those girls were lottery only. Have some patience; now that they've made the molds they'll more than likely make it standard eventually. Getting whipped up into a froth only works on American companies.


No, you're wrong. The very first DDS girls were Marisa and Reimu, and they were a pre-order project announced in Sept 2010. They started delivering in late Feb 2011; we didn't see a DDS released via lotto until July 2011 (Akira).

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Were they a preorder? They were right before I entered the hobby and so hard to get your hands on I didn't think they were! I do remember them being Japan only or something like that, though.

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Were they a preorder? They were right before I entered the hobby and so hard to get your hands on I didn't think they were! I do remember them being Japan only or something like that, though.


They were a Japan-only web pre-order because of the way Touhou licensing works (doubt Volks had any say in the matter). However, Volks didn't restrict quantity for shopping services, so it was very easy to pre-order even if you were outside of Japan. I know Rinkya offered both dolls as regular items that you could just add to your cart and check out without having to do anything special, and Noppin offered them as part of their normal shopping service.


I think it's doubly shocking that Volks is making this release so "unfriendly" for international customers:

- All other Vocaloid releases (Miku & Snow Miku) were pre-orders, one would expect future Vocaloid releases to be pre-order

- The last time a new body debuted (DDS), it was a pre-order, one would expect future body releases to be pre-order (that said, the first release of DDdy (Escalayer) was lotto, but it was followed by a pre-order (Yoko) only a few months later)

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I'm pretty sure they will release boys as standard eventually. Volks will do things at their own pace, and it's clear they see a demand for boy DDs. I'm excited for more pictures from owners, but that'll be a while until the lottery and Dolpa.


^ Pretty much that's my opinion.


I think we just have to make sure we all remember Volks and logic are not two entities that co-exist on a regular basis. So give them time and they'll do what they want when they want.


Clearly, with the upcoming pre-order Volks has other things to focus on. But hey, we have a mold now. We have a possibility for of a standard release for them when they feel they can make space on their production lines to create them. I'd like to point out how long it took the DDS body to have a standard, and maybe use that as our example for time. It took....quite a long time.


Also I wonder if the buff ver. of a boy would be the DDdy Boy body? XD

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Gunter I sadly disagree about them knowing. They said :


" Regarding DDS “Boy Type” Standard Model

The releases of “Boy Type” Standard Model, Base Body, and Option Parts have not been determined. We will decide considering the response of our customers. "


It's proof that they don't know and if they don't have enough emails asking about it they wont release it.

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That's why I opened up more of a variable of "when they want." I do think they will, but when is the question that will be left undetermined.


I used the example of the DDS body because that took a really long time to see a standard release. (Feels like a year +? I can't remember, and I'm not in the mood to research, so I apologize for not supplying proper information.)


I just feel confident in the statement that they will sooner or later (Probably later mattering on project schedule) release it as a standard.


I'd like to point out the reason I feel so strongly about that is cause all the bodies (or at least particular parts) have seen some sort of release. I think only Yoko's natural bust remains singled out technically speaking. The flat bust is sort of close to that even though. I dunno, I just actually think Volks will. They seem to. Just give 'em the time. Don't expect it right away. I never expect anything right away with Volks.


Edit: Plus I remember getting a very similar answer to the Flat bust parts when I confronted Volks about it....so I fear I just wave off those vague answers. ^^;;;

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I feel very confident the boy bodies will have their own releases and standard in due time. Steel molds for vinyl casting is not cheap, and Volks is not one to keep something big like a whole new body extremely exclusive for a release or two. You just gotta be patient, guys.


Also keep in mind Volks is not just a dollmaking company, and they have many other releases to worry about, especially with WonFes coming around the corner soon.

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I feel very confident the boy bodies will have their own releases and standard in due time. Steel molds for vinyl casting is not cheap, and Volks is not one to keep something big like a whole new body extremely exclusive for a release or two.

Didn't Danny say the cost for doing a mold was $10k? He said if people wanted custom heads they could crowdfund the cost for the mold and he'll build it. And that DDS Boy type has a looot of custom parts for a limited run, plus it must have gone through some design revisions too.

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I am encouraged because it says on the English Len page, "The very first Boy type Dollfie Dream". On the English DDS body page, it says "Long awaited 'Boy type' DDS Base body is being released!"


Linda S.


DDH03 girl DDH07 x2 boys DDH06 girl DDH-05 x2 boys

DDH01 mod girl Saber Alter SqLab Tsubaki boy DDH-02 girl

Mio Honda Youmu Konpaku x2 boy twins

Also: DDS Lagla, Sheryl Nome, SmD Melody, SmD Eiji x2

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