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Carrying case that fits Smart Doll?

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Hi guys! I hope it's okay to start this as a new thread - I did see this thread (viewtopic.php?f=34&t=14280&p=195521&hilit=carrying+case#p195521) on carrying cases for DD but I had some questions specific for Smart Doll:


1. Do the cases from the thread fit Smart Dolls also?


2. How much space is actually inside most cases? I'm kind of curious if there's additional room for wrapping her in a blanket or something to help protect her (I only own one Smart Doll and it will probably be a really long time before I own more than just her so I only need a case that fits one doll.)


3. Do I have to worry if I get a black bag/case versus a lighter color one? I'm a little concerned that a black bag could get really warm on a hot day but I haven't really had to travel with my doll much aside from the first local meetup I went to (which was really fun!).


4. For travelling, I'm assuming that if you're flying somewhere it's probably best to bring the doll with you in your carry-on versus trying to protect it in luggage (or worse, having the luggage get lost and losing her forever!) so is it better to put her in a carry-on that's like a rugged luggage case that meets airline requirements instead of your normal doll bag/case? Or do you just fit the bag under the seat in front of you?


5. Has anyone purchased doll bags/cases from Dollmore and if so, is it good quality? Are there any other places I should check out? Any recommendations?


Thanks in advance everyone All advice/recommendations are appreciated!

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Given SmDs are the same size as DDs, any of the standard DD carriers will fit smartdolls just fine. Coolcat has a large range of bags; http://us.sk-coolcat.com/front/bin/ptlist.phtml?Category=375035 or the Volks ones here, actually in stock amazingly; https://www.volks.co.jp/page_ex.jsp?CONTROLID=SC0030&BUSINESSID=InitDisp&category=D08&l=04&m=04&version=en


I have a Volks DD carrier bag, and it is actually quite spacious. Can easily fit two girls in it, each wrapped in a towel for padding.


Bags without white linings may stain. Wrap your girls in a white towel to protect them, both as padding and from such (above mentioned Volks bag has white padding inside it, though).


I've never travelled with my girls, but from what I've seen people take them as carry-on without issue.

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Twice I flew with my dolls in my hard sided carry on bag. They were curled in one half with white padding while my clothes and such were in the other half. But once I absolutely didn't want to end up with a checked bag and I needed the space in my carry on, so I took one doll curled up in my personal bag that went under the seat. It worked fine but I had to be aware of the dimensions so that I wasn't shoving on her.


Oh, also, although I never had it happen they'll sometimes ask you to open your bags to inspect them because of their hollow/skeleton nature. Just something to be prepared for.


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I just carry Eiji around in my normal messenger bag, which is about standard briefcase size (like 40-45cm x 35cm x 10 cm?). He kneels like in the SmD bag they come in. There's room for a wrapping/padding as well as my umbrella, Macbook, notebook, and charger stuff. I keep him in a plastic wrapper (the one he came in) to prevent color transfer when I'm just walking around; if I were going on a plane I'd use a white pillowcase or something for padding, though I haven't had to do that yet. I don't know if this would work for long term in the heat, though. A backpack would probably also work well and mess up your shoulders less and many of them do have some padding built in.

At home: Mei (DDP Lucy custom), Aku (DDB Takane custom)


En route: L. (DD Matoi)

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Thanks so much for the replies guys! Very helpful information - definitely much appreciated!

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