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Incoming Anime Heads and 40cm boy body from Parabox (update)

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Update~~~ The 40cm boy body is now available!


I just noticed this tonight while checking Parabox's Japanese site, though I guess they announced this back in May ^^"" Parabox will be revamping their Alice head, originally a more realistic looking head intended for younger-looking bodies that was discontinued a while back, to have a more anime appearance. The head would use 8inch wigs, take 16mm eyes, and only come in (Obitsu) white skin color.


They will also be releasing a 40cm boy body as well. If the new boy body will be like Parabox's 45cm and 50cm boy bodies it'll likely be the regular 40cm body with a different bust and abdomen.


And here are some pictures from Parabox's page on them: http://www.parabox.jp/paradoll/animealice.html




The girl is 45cm, and the boy is 40cm


It definitely seems to be a smaller head, and Parabox only mentions and has examples of it on 40 & 45cm dolls. I wonder how it'll look on 47-50cms. I find it pretty cute personally, especially with the faceup they did on the boy.


One thing to note though is that this head and body were planned to be sold starting in June. Obviously that passed lol but it'll probably be ready sooner or later. What do you all think?


Mid-October Update: Parabox announced two more anime-style heads and the animetic Alice head is now available. The 40cm boy body still needs a bit more time though, unfortunately.


Parabox's preview image of the new(est) 1/3 heads next to their P-chan and Hime-Ane heads:


Edited by Guest

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Oh that's pretty exciting! I actually have plans for an MDD sized boy but I was waffling over them because I don't really want a Volks body since it's still definitely female, but I didn't want him taller than my other MDDs by using a 45cm Obitsu since boys aren't taller than girls at that age. Coming out with a 40cm body will save me a lot of modding work.


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Now this is good news for me too! I currently have a 40cm girl and was toying around with the idea of giving her a twin brother to play with and now the 40cm is available in boys, that's even more likely to happen now. My original plan was to get a 40cm girl and a 45cm boy bust and modify it to suit, now the work has all been done for me.


I just hope they put out a good selection of 40cm boy's clothing, although I guess MSD boy stuff would likely fit for the most part?

Kagura (Obitsu 50) | Nadeshiko (Parabox 47) | Ohime (Azone 48) | Mei & Makoto (Parabox 40 F/M)

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Hm, curious to know how it looks with a DDH01 head on it. Parabox/obitsu 1/4 heads are smaller than DDh01 arent they? An OC I've really been wanting to make needs the big-headedness that MDDs have, but he's a boy. tumblr_oa35pj9S091qgz6f6o1_400.png

Granted he's such a feminine boy that putting him on a s-chest MDD would be fine too but this is definitely worth keeping in mind as the 45cm was always too tall to me personally.

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Hm, curious to know how it looks with a DDH01 head on it. Parabox/obitsu 1/4 heads are smaller than DDh01 arent they? An OC I've really been wanting to make needs the big-headedness that MDDs have, but he's a boy. tumblr_oa35pj9S091qgz6f6o1_400.png

Granted he's such a feminine boy that putting him on a s-chest MDD would be fine too but this is definitely worth keeping in mind as the 45cm was always too tall to me personally.

Torino, your OC looks adorable! I hope this helps you decide whether a 40cm or MDD would be a better fit.


This blog has some pictures of a DDH-01 on a 40cm, although as a girl. I think it'll work quite well. ^^ It is true that Parabox's heads are quite small compared to DD heads, even smaller ones like DDH-01.


Here's DDH-01 next to a Parabox P-chan head.


Image from this blog


Other Parabox anime heads are either around that size or smaller. The only big anime-style Obitsu head that is easily available is the 50-04 Mafuyu head. There is also the Obitsu designer head that is meant for 60cms, but that head is sadly being discontinued.


Here's how Mafuyu looks next to an 07 head.


from this tweet


Finally, this blog shows examples of several heads on a 40cm. No DD heads unfortunately but hopefully the Mafuyu example helps some.

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Finally, this blog shows examples of several heads on a 40cm. No DD heads unfortunately but hopefully the Mafuyu example helps some.


Thanks for that link, it seems no matter what head you put on a Parabox 40 it will always look sweet and adorable! Even Madoka makes an appearance! Mine lost her body to cannibals not too long ago and I've yet to replace it, maybe a 40 is the way to go.

Kagura (Obitsu 50) | Nadeshiko (Parabox 47) | Ohime (Azone 48) | Mei & Makoto (Parabox 40 F/M)

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i was confused for a second thinking that said madoka's body was lost to cannabis


Given how broke Kagamine Rin is gonna leave me this year this is still very much a 'future project', so luckily I'm content to just wait for the body to come out and see examples of what others are doing with it.

But since I'll have access to a lot of doll cons in Japan I'll constantly be on the lookout for suitable custom DDH01 heads; some really adorable ones sometimes turn up for pretty affordable (comparatively for DDH01) prices at Doll Shows and I-Dolls.

Don't suppose they said anywhere when the body is out? The linked page only says it'll be out at the same time the new head is out, but not when that is.

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i was confused for a second thinking that said madoka's body was lost to cannabis


ahahaha. I 420'd a little bit too hard one day and when I came back her body was gone.


Currently having my beloved artist draw up a prototype boy character for me. This makes me sad because I know I'm going to love it and have to make him real thus spending a few hundred more dollars than I really should be.

Kagura (Obitsu 50) | Nadeshiko (Parabox 47) | Ohime (Azone 48) | Mei & Makoto (Parabox 40 F/M)

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Oh gosh he's really cute!! All of these boy bodies coming out is really exciting. I'm not a HUGE fan of Obitsu's heads, I was kinda hoping the Yurisa head would be released at some point, but I really do like the animetic Alice version. I have no clue what I would do with it but I want to get my hands on it and paint it lol

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Don't suppose they said anywhere when the body is out? The linked page only says it'll be out at the same time the new head is out, but not when that is.


When the new head and body were announced, Parabox mentioned that it was planned for a June release, but they haven't said anything about either since. Some of Parabox's other new head releases were delayed a month or more and I assume that's the case here as well unfortunately, but it should be released "eventually"...


I was kinda hoping the Yurisa head would be released at some point, but I really do like the animetic Alice version. I have no clue what I would do with it but I want to get my hands on it and paint it lol


Same here about the Yurisa head! The detailed pouty lips on an anime head make it really unique. The other Obitsu original heads like Kanna and Mafuyu were released as standard a while after their full sets were sold, so hopefully Yurisa(and Rosalie) follow suit. I have two characters that would look perfect with a Yurisa and Anime Alice head, though making them a reality would be pretty far off in the future... ^^;;;

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Mid-October Update:


Parabox announced two more anime-style heads and the animetic Alice head is now available. The 40cm boy body still needs a bit more time though, unfortunately. I asked English Parabox about stocking the 40cm boy as well as their Parabox 45/47/50cm bodies the other day through their facebook, and apparently their vinyl provider/Obitsu was waaay behind schedule (Maybe this is why Azone Mirei's release was delayed as well......). They did get word from the Japanese side that the 40cm boy/45/50cms should come back in stock by the end of this month or early next month, and that the 47cm bodies will be restocked sometime afterwards.


Anyway, here's Parabox's preview image of the new(est) 1/3 heads next to their P-chan and Hime-Ane heads:



About time they made another head that's larger! Apparently it's 9". It's really flat, but there's a lot of custom potential here, since they made it have a removable headcap and the eyes can be opened. They don't have a set release date yet though. I think I found the heads for my two parabox preteens.. but realistically speaking I'm not sure I'll have them in doll form anytime soon..

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Well I'll be keeping a close eye on Parabox for that 40cm boy body to pop up, that's for sure.

I was actually considering giving up and buying a 40cm girl body and trying to frankenstein a 45cm boy bust on, hopefully I won't need to do that now.


My little Makoto needs to leave his pen-and-paper bindings and finally join his sisters in the corporeal realm:


30215546652_609c82b300.jpgMei and Makoto by Fluffy Tank Fairy, on Flickr


I'm having a hard time choosing a head though; I'm thinking of getting a Hime-Ane head and having it customised. Makoto is a rather androgynous kid at best and since I am absolutely insistent on staying inside the Obitsu/Parabox family my choices are somewhat restricted. Juvenile, gender-neutral to vaguely-feminine heads are few on this side of the fence, unless I'm missing something.

Kagura (Obitsu 50) | Nadeshiko (Parabox 47) | Ohime (Azone 48) | Mei & Makoto (Parabox 40 F/M)

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Little Makoto looks just as adorable as his twin sis! :3 I actually think that Parabox heads are pretty good for androgynous younger characters, especially since their niche are 40-50cm dolls. I've been hoping for them to make more new mature heads, but it just isn't happening. xD Their anime-style heads are pretty same-y in my opinion but versatile. I think Sleeping Princess or Hime Ane would work well for him, depending on which head is closest to Mei's head size. Probably Hime Ane since Mei's head doesn't look super small..?? There's also Ai-chan too if you want his eyes to be especially droopy which would be cute next to Mei's more serious slanted eyes....



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Little Makoto looks just as adorable as his twin sis! :3 I actually think that Parabox heads are pretty good for androgynous younger characters, especially since their niche are 40-50cm dolls. I've been hoping for them to make more new mature heads, but it just isn't happening. xD Their anime-style heads are pretty same-y in my opinion but versatile. I think Sleeping Princess or Hime Ane would work well for him, depending on which head is closest to Mei's head size. Probably Hime Ane since Mei's head doesn't look super small..?? There's also Ai-chan too if you want his eyes to be especially droopy which would be cute next to Mei's more serious slanted eyes....





Haha, thanks. I do like my pair of cuties quite a bit, but sadly Mei is looking rather lonely on her shelf, missing her beloved twin.


I have two Hime-Ane heads already and they are definitely comparable in size to Mei. They use the same size wigs hence why I'm leaning towards getting a third. But I've never seen one done as a boy before so I'm not too sure how that'd work out. I am planning on having the work done by Freya's Faceups as I've got buckley's chance of producing something I'm happy with myself, and I'm confident she can do a high quality job, but I want to give her the best possible canvas to work on.

Kagura (Obitsu 50) | Nadeshiko (Parabox 47) | Ohime (Azone 48) | Mei & Makoto (Parabox 40 F/M)

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So the new boy body should be out in a few days.. Interesting how he ended up a little bit taller than the girl body. I wonder if it's really like that or they just didn't push in the inner frame parts all the way. xD


Parabox Male 45cm and 50cm bodies are now back in stock btw!

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Haha, awesome. That 40cm boy is so many different kinds of bought you can't even.


My artist that I want to have bring Mako-kun to life is booked out until next year though...


edit: I do wonder how long it will be until some 40cm boy's clothing will be available...

Kagura (Obitsu 50) | Nadeshiko (Parabox 47) | Ohime (Azone 48) | Mei & Makoto (Parabox 40 F/M)

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Cool l like the idea that obitus has a 40cm boy. I love there body's in the 40/45 size.

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That 40 cm boy body is definitely going on my Christmas list! He's so cute! My gosh, my 48 cm Obitsu girl hasn't even gotten home yet and I'm already planning on getting her a little brother! So many dolls, so little funds...

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Ushi de Bray

Yes! A 40cm boy!

I just want the body to exchange the body girl of my Kalan!

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So Parabox has the 40cm boy in stock as of now. Little Makoto-kun is finally able to happen. I've already gone and spent about 45,000jpy on a body, a head (decided to go with a Hime-Ane prepainted D model), two pairs of eyes (one red, one green, to match his sister) and a bunch of other stuff to go with him and my other girls.


I was disappointed to see that I couldn't find wrist parts anywhere on the site, I'm not sure if they've stopped selling them themselves, if they're unavailable, or if they've made an error when updating their site... I've sent them a message about it, but in the mean time does anyone know where I can find 40-50cm wrists?

Kagura (Obitsu 50) | Nadeshiko (Parabox 47) | Ohime (Azone 48) | Mei & Makoto (Parabox 40 F/M)

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Sweet! I'm really glad that the 40cm boy body is finally here! Too bad I'm broke right now.

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So Parabox has the 40cm boy in stock as of now. Little Makoto-kun is finally able to happen. I've already gone and spent about 45,000jpy on a body, a head (decided to go with a Hime-Ane prepainted D model), two pairs of eyes (one red, one green, to match his sister) and a bunch of other stuff to go with him and my other girls.

Yay! I can't wait to see Makoto-kun together with his sisters! It'll be ADORABLE, I'm sure.


I was disappointed to see that I couldn't find wrist parts anywhere on the site, I'm not sure if they've stopped selling them themselves, if they're unavailable, or if they've made an error when updating their site... I've sent them a message about it, but in the mean time does anyone know where I can find 40-50cm wrists?

I've been wondering about this too! I did some stuff to the wrist parts of my girl so I was thinking about getting her replacement parts but they're not availabile at Parabox or HLJ. Obitsu does have it in stock on their website but I think you might need to use a proxy for that..

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HobbySearch seems to have a listing for them as backorder items, so perhaps if Obitsu themselves still have them it's possible to get them that way... very strange that Parabox, whom I believe to be the biggest supplier of Obitsu parts, and my first stop for anything, don't sell such a basic item. I would like to think the listing got oops!'d when they recently updated the site and nobody's noticed...

Kagura (Obitsu 50) | Nadeshiko (Parabox 47) | Ohime (Azone 48) | Mei & Makoto (Parabox 40 F/M)

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HobbySearch seems to have a listing for them as backorder items, so perhaps if Obitsu themselves still have them it's possible to get them that way... very strange that Parabox, whom I believe to be the biggest supplier of Obitsu parts, and my first stop for anything, don't sell such a basic item. I would like to think the listing got oops!'d when they recently updated the site and nobody's noticed...

I agree, probably accidentally omitted in the recent site re-do, maybe because they were out of stock. Maybe someone bought a bunch all at once. I bought 6 pair once (one for each part of option hands and some spares). A couple of purchases like that could clean them out fast. They are still listed at the Obitsu online shop, but yes you need a proxy to shop there.


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So I just got word back from Parabox and as suspected it was an error when updating the site and nobody had let the company know about it.


You are right, we forgot to put the wrist joint parts on the page! The parts for the 40/45cm body are out of stock now and the ones for 47/48/50cm body are available to purchase. I will put both of them up on the page by tomorrow. Thank you for letting us know about it.


My goal is to have 2-3 of each hand type already attached to wrists, as we all know it's a thousand times easier to change wrists than hands. I have four girls and a boy fighting over the same hands so I figured it worth doubling and tripling up hahaha.


There's also the issue that one of my girls is a 40 while the rest are 47+ so she'll need essentially a full set of her very own to make life easier for me... getting the heat gun out of my truck every time I play with her is tedious. The gun, being a work tool, is filthy, so I prefer keeping it away from my ladies as much as possible.

Kagura (Obitsu 50) | Nadeshiko (Parabox 47) | Ohime (Azone 48) | Mei & Makoto (Parabox 40 F/M)

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