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Good day from London, England

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Hey there everyone!


I'm Jez, I'm 22 years and live just outside London in the UK.

I've been into BJDs since 2006-2007 I think, but I didn't actually own any, until I pounced on a Yoko DD in 2009. Since then, I've been neglecting the resin I originally loved, and adding to my DD family, although my last two arrivals were both of the resin variety.

You might have seen me on figure.fm, though I rarely post, much more of a lurker there. I've been on DoA for a couple of years, and post occasionally there, but you are much more likely to have encountered me on Twitter (if anywhere) as JezatronExtra.


Hopefully I'll be more active here than I am on some other forums, and I look forward to getting back into the loop on DDs, I've been sadly lacking in time recently T_T

Twitter: JezatronExtra Flickr: Jezatron

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Welcome to the forum I'm curious to hear more about your DD family, you seem to have been in this hobby for a long time.

My blog Pihlajakoto

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Hello there! I am going to London for a week in December. Nothing DD related though.


Do you have pictures of your DDs anywhere? I would love to see them.


Welcome to the forums!

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Proud mother of Yukino-chan, Aoi-chan, Ms. Mariko and Millhiore F. Biscotti.

Waiting for : $$$

Wishlist : Miku Hatsune costume


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Hi Jez!!


Happy to see you here too!


I'm plotting a midwinter escape to London in early Feb, plans are still forming but I'll keep you in the loop!


Archangeli.net | Twitter: @MsArchangeli | YouTube: Archangeli

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I use to live in London, haven't been back for a few years. Not sure what the state of that area is like now. You gotta post more, i want to see photos of your DD family

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Good day, Sir, it's a pleasure to meet You here


Welcome to the best forum on Earth

Have a nice time, and a lot of it.


PS. I think, Your nick sounds familiar. Maybe from DoA...

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Hey, yeah, I think Kumi's right, you are on DoA, aren't you? Welcome! It's kind of cool to see some of the DoA DD General Discussion regulars migrating over here. . . Especially seeing as it took us only about two months to fill the last DD Discussion thread. XD

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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  archangeli said:
Hi Jez!!


Happy to see you here too!


I'm plotting a midwinter escape to London in early Feb, plans are still forming but I'll keep you in the loop!

Archageli, if you don't mind, can you include me too?


If everything goes well in my visit to London in December (I am going to train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - BJJ - there), I may become a "frequent" visitor. And then, I wouldn't mind making something more, away from the mat, out of it.

Wordpress - Twitter - Facebook


Proud mother of Yukino-chan, Aoi-chan, Ms. Mariko and Millhiore F. Biscotti.

Waiting for : $$$

Wishlist : Miku Hatsune costume


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  LoveAngel said:

If everything goes well in my visit to London in December (I am going to train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - BJJ - there), I may become a "frequent" visitor. And then, I wouldn't mind making something more, away from the mat, out of it.


Of course I can!


The reason I mentioned that is cuz I've met up with Jezatron and a couple of other DD owners in London before and I miss hanging out with them.


Here's a quick pic of the DD's from a lunch outing in the summer.


That's Jezatron's Yoko and my Moe.


Archangeli.net | Twitter: @MsArchangeli | YouTube: Archangeli

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^^ Sweet!

I have to say that I am really anxious about this trip of mine to London. I am so accustomed to travel alone, but for a reason I can't explain the idea of going to England overwhelms me.


If I survive December though, I am pretty sure I can cross the channel many more times.

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Proud mother of Yukino-chan, Aoi-chan, Ms. Mariko and Millhiore F. Biscotti.

Waiting for : $$$

Wishlist : Miku Hatsune costume


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Thanks for the warm welcome everyone ^^


My family isn't huge, though they have outgrown the amount of space I have >.>

Pics of them are on my flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/jezatron/


Good to see you on here too P, do keep me up to date with your plans to visit london, will be awesome to catch up again. And of course anyone else heading to London, do get in touch and we can rustle up a mini meet, can get me and a couple of other FD owners on short notice ^^


Poofemius and Kumi, I've been around in the DD discussion threads on DoA since the very first one I believe, though I don't post regularly, only if I feel I have info to add, I don't get on and chat as often as I should!


Here is my most recent family photo (excluding my resin) although one of my Mashiro trio is out for maintenance at the moment, and might be finding a new home, and I have also acquired Neris since then, and have Saber Extra on order.



Not quite sure why I can't get the picture to display in the post >.< I'll figure it out when I have more time!

Twitter: JezatronExtra Flickr: Jezatron

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Hi, Jezatron! Welcome~!

DD 娘 - Dollfie Dream® Daughters

{1} : DDS [ユ-ピィ] - Euphie

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Hi Jezatron!!! Welcome I recognize the name from DoA as well. I look forward to seeing pics of your family here!!!

Daughters~Mai,Ryomou,Kanu,Moe2,Yukino,HH02,Yoko,Marisa,Escalayer,Ms. Mariko,Lucy,Saber Xtra,Saber Alter,Rise,Sasara,Alna,Akira,H05,Mayu



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Hi Jezatron! It is nice to have another wonderful person join us here Your DD family is wonderful! Triple threat Mashiro!!! Aww, one of them will be finding another home? Well if that happens I'm sure you'll find someone nice here to adopt her since Mashiro is such a cutie! And double Yoko, ahhhhh both Yoko and Mashiro make me smile


I also pre-ordered Saber Extra so we are in the same boat waiting for her to arrive! She'll be my first DD so I'm really very excited


Have a good time here!

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Thanks Innocent ^_^ I'm such a sucker for twins (and triplets!)


Glad to have another person to share the torturous wait for Extra with as well, everyone on here will be great support through the wait I'm sure ^^

Twitter: JezatronExtra Flickr: Jezatron

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Oh, my, what a lovely view: 3 Mashiro and 2 Yoko in only one family! I was planning to have some twins too, but that is just an idea ^^ Also your other girls are really lovely!

Why all you guys keep bubbling about London? I'm jealous (I'm joking! Please, keep talking about it XD) *sigh* I know one day I will run away from here for a week-end with a last-minute organized trip ><


Have fun in this nice place :D

enthusiast pasta girl - she/her - power bi

Mini Mode Lab

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  Jezatron said:
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone ^^


My family isn't huge, though they have outgrown the amount of space I have >.>

Pics of them are on my flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/jezatron/


Good to see you on here too P, do keep me up to date with your plans to visit london, will be awesome to catch up again. And of course anyone else heading to London, do get in touch and we can rustle up a mini meet, can get me and a couple of other FD owners on short notice ^^


Poofemius and Kumi, I've been around in the DD discussion threads on DoA since the very first one I believe, though I don't post regularly, only if I feel I have info to add, I don't get on and chat as often as I should!


Here is my most recent family photo (excluding my resin) although one of my Mashiro trio is out for maintenance at the moment, and might be finding a new home, and I have also acquired Neris since then, and have Saber Extra on order.



Not quite sure why I can't get the picture to display in the post >.< I'll figure it out when I have more time!

Your girls look lovely!

My family is not even here yet. My already-beloved Yukino-chan is sitting around in some customs office in Brussels. In the mean time, I wait (im)patiently.


If I am not mistaken, you can only display pictures after 20 posts.


I am not saying anything for December because I am afraid it is going to be hectic and I will probably spend my days at the school. Once I find my way around, I will be able to combine my passions for traveling, BJJ and dollfie for sure.

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Proud mother of Yukino-chan, Aoi-chan, Ms. Mariko and Millhiore F. Biscotti.

Waiting for : $$$

Wishlist : Miku Hatsune costume


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Ilvias, I never really planned twins, I just couldn't resist when the opportunity arose XD


If you do decide to sneak away for a weekend break to London, be sure to get in touch ^^ it is always a pleasure to meet a fellow DD lover.


Thank you LoveAngel ^^

Why do customs have to interfere! They should let your first girl through no questions asked! Fingers crossed she makes her way to you as soon as possible.


I had a look in the rules, and I do have to have 20 posts before I can display pictures, but I'm sure that won't take too long at all.


I hope that all goes well with your December trip, and then we can look forward to seeing you back and arranging a little meet up ^^

Twitter: JezatronExtra Flickr: Jezatron

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  Jezatron said:
Thank you LoveAngel ^^

Why do customs have to interfere! They should let your first girl through no questions asked! Fingers crossed she makes her way to you as soon as possible.


I had a look in the rules, and I do have to have 20 posts before I can display pictures, but I'm sure that won't take too long at all.


I hope that all goes well with your December trip, and then we can look forward to seeing you back and arranging a little meet up ^^

This wait is so hard. When I saw that she was in the country I got fired up again, but the customs office is pooping on my party.


I have already told my boyfriend that the three of us are taking a trip to London any time soon.

Wordpress - Twitter - Facebook


Proud mother of Yukino-chan, Aoi-chan, Ms. Mariko and Millhiore F. Biscotti.

Waiting for : $$$

Wishlist : Miku Hatsune costume


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Hello! Really nice family shot. I like that wig on Lily.


That's three Saber Lilies I've seen in England now,


Dolls: Saber, Saber Alter, Saber Lily, Saber Extra, Saber Alter 2nd,

Aozaki Aoko, Alice Kuonji, Haruhi Suzumiya, Yuki Nagato

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  mitsuki said:
Welcome, Jezatron! Your Yoko is so cute!


Which one mitsuki =P Yoko is an adorable sculpt ^_^


I'm glad you like the family shot Strife, I really need to do a new one though! I don't often have the chance to use a room with enough space in it though >.<

We should arrange a little UK DD owner get together, are there any other UK owners on here?

Twitter: JezatronExtra Flickr: Jezatron

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